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Do I stay or do I go?

Katherine Wheeler

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I've only been in Oz since September 2013 but I'm already thinking about moving back to the UK once I've been here a year. But I'm not sure if I should give it more than a year? The problem is if I go back to the UK my boyfriend won't be coming with me as he loves it here :(


Nothing seems to be going right here & I'm finding it impossible to find a job & make friends! Also as I don't have a job can't go out as much as I want to.


I miss lots from the UK my friends & family mostly but also the life I had. I just don't know what to do as if I leave it will mean me & my boyfriend are no more. :/

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Hang on in there , you haven't been here long and not having a job will make it harder on you too. It is normal to miss your friends and family, i think most migrants do for quite a while after they arrive, so dont be too hard on yourself and dont put pressure on yourself to make friends straight away, friendships take time.

If your going to stay until September anyway, try not to focus on it now or you will feel down all the time, its ages away so put yourself out there and try to enjoy yourself a little,if you find a job and make a few friends your outlook may be completely different.

What line of work are you in ? Does your boyfriend have work and friends?


Cal x

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My husband and I moved out to Australia in Oct 2003 (he is Australian) - I really didn't settle for the first six months - I used to cry on the phone to my mum, and randomly burst into tears (it really surprised me too, as I had done a year in Canada, a year in Australia and six months in NZ and never felt homesick). Anyway, I used to say to if someone had offered me a plane ticket I'd have bitten their hand off and got on the first flight back home to Scotland.

Anyhow, fast forward six months, I had a permanent job (after a couple of contracts) and we bought an apartment and I fell in love with Australia. We did return to live in the UK in April 2008 (pregnant with child 2) but always wanted to return and did so 1 Jan 2014.

Do give yourself some time, sign on with some agencies, a contract role will turn permanent, you'll make friends, and then you might feel differently. If not, then yes, go home, don't be unhappy x

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My husband and I moved out to Australia in Oct 2003 (he is Australian) - I really didn't settle for the first six months - I used to cry on the phone to my mum, and randomly burst into tears (it really surprised me too, as I had done a year in Canada, a year in Australia and six months in NZ and never felt homesick). Anyway, I used to say to if someone had offered me a plane ticket I'd have bitten their hand off and got on the first flight back home to Scotland.

Anyhow, fast forward six months, I had a permanent job (after a couple of contracts) and we bought an apartment and I fell in love with Australia. We did return to live in the UK in April 2008 (pregnant with child 2) but always wanted to return and did so 1 Jan 2014.

Do give yourself some time, sign on with some agencies, a contract role will turn permanent, you'll make friends, and then you might feel differently. If not, then yes, go home, don't be unhappy x



Now I see... I was not alone... There are people who felt the same tension and insecurity after first landing in Oz

Me and my wife had our first entry in last Oct'13 and stayed for 5 days and returned to home.... We are making plan to return Aus by Dec'14 permanently.


But now I can't sleep, think how we will start our life there? I have no relatives or friends....

How will be the Aussie Buddies... Will they accept me as a friend? ....

Twice in george street people told me... "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Asian.."


I not sure what is in my fate... But Australia am fallen love with you so am coming back to you...



It's not possible to understand your reality from here.. But I can feel it a bit... I hope you have not loose you courage yet.

You should share your thoughts with your boy friend and try figure out the best for you two..

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Now I see... I was not alone... There are people who felt the same tension and insecurity after first landing in Oz

Me and my wife had our first entry in last Oct'13 and stayed for 5 days and returned to home.... We are making plan to return Aus by Dec'14 permanently.


But now I can't sleep, think how we will start our life there? I have no relatives or friends....

How will be the Aussie Buddies... Will they accept me as a friend? ....

Twice in george street people told me... "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Asian.."


I not sure what is in my fate... But Australia am fallen love with you so am coming back to you...



It's not possible to understand your reality from here.. But I can feel it a bit... I hope you have not loose you courage yet.

You should share your thoughts with your boy friend and try figure out the best for you two..


When we decided to return to Australia in Oct 2013 (with flights booked for 31 Dec 2013) I don't think I slept more than a three or four hours a night, and that continued when we got here for a good three or so weeks until we had rented a place & I began to get over the guilt leaving my mum and sister...it's tough moving (and I am not one who normally stresses, and has moved back and forth a few times)!

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Hey Katherine!


The first six months can be really harsh in a new country, especially when you don't have a job that offers you that "feel good" factor of earning money and making friends. It can also be extremely exhausting trying to settle. It normally get better as everything becomes more familiar and when you land a job.


The only advice I can offer is try not to think of anything as being final. Whether you stay in Aust or wander back to the UK, any decision can be reversed.


I don't know where you live, however in my opinion, each of the states can almost be a different country. Maybe try a different city before hauling all the way back to the UK?


Best of luck - Hope you work it out!





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People or place? If he's the one you want to grow old with then you stick it if he won't move. Being the sacrificial lamb isn't easy but it's do-able - you can't cuddle a country after all. I didn't mind it at first but always felt just that little but alien - after 20 yrs it got to be intolerable so you never can bank on it "getting better" but if you can reframe it into "not forever" it gets easier.

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You can study for 6 months on a working holiday visa. Why don't you apply for a course that might further your job prospects, like a CELTA, or something similar in a different field? You'll sure meet lots of new people at least.


You'll be fine, it takes time to get used to a new country!


Best of luck

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Yes you're probably right!If it were me,I would try and hold on there hon!What you are feeling right now is real,no doubt about that,but I feel that once you have secured work,have some money coming in,your days spent with other people,which could lead to friendships,meeting other people and so on,you might feel differently.Good luck with the job hunting,I hope you manage to find something real soon.xxx

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