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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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Remind me again who is trying to stop any budget savings measures.


And yes stopping the boats has saved hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of lives.


Lowering spending doesn't necessarily help your budget. There are knock on effects. Would love to see the breakdown for those numbers you just put up too. Or were they just plucked from the air? You should work for Hockey.


Did you never go to university and get taught to question what you are fed?

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Lowering spending doesn't necessarily help your budget. There are knock on effects. Would love to see the breakdown for those numbers you just put up too. Or were they just plucked from the air? You should work for Hockey.


Did you never go to university and get taught to question what you are fed?

Post of the month!

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If you don't believe me listen to the head of Treasury.


Martin Parkinson, outgoing head of Treasury, said last week we risked “perhaps even falling living standards, lower wages, few opportunities for our young and, in all likelihood, declining public services and rising personal tax burdens” unless we made some big changes, not least by “reducing government spending” particularly in “health, welfare and higher education”.

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You are a labor stooge, not worthy of my time.


Anybody that doesn't follow your thinking is a 'stooge'. How original so much so Alan Jones will gift you a personal call no doubt.

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You are a labor stooge, not worthy of my time.


I have no allegiance to any party. If Labour were plucking ridiculous policies out the air because of a lie about the economy pre election then I would be panning them too. Government isn't a sports team you stick with no matter what.

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Good news he has stopped the boats, it sure makes up for stalling the economy.




Hockey suggesting we need to spend lots at christmas? We couldn't possibly spend this christmas with our household "budget emergencies". That would be like that dreadful Labour Government for spending instead of hitting a recession...


But we stopped the boats yay!


Well we wont be spending this Christmas as we have joined the ranks of the retrenched. Just shows how out of touch Hockey is.

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Well we wont be spending this Christmas as we have joined the ranks of the retrenched. Just shows how out of touch Hockey is.


No it shows the state of the economy and why action is urgently needed.


Commiserations. I too was retrenched and feel for you.

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I am not questioning that the economy needs sorting out, it is the way Hockey and Abbott have gone about it that is the issue.


What measures would you take?


It seems to me there's a philosophical divide between those that think you can spend your way out of recession and those who think you can save your way out.

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What measures would you take?


It seems to me there's a philosophical divide between those that think you can spend your way out of recession and those who think you can save your way out.



And as usual the truth is somewhere in the middle. No point cutting costs if it leads to lower revenue.

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How about the mines and banks start chipping in considering there massive profits ?


How about you scrap the paid maternity leave for those on $100,000 or more. If you want to have a child and you earn that sort of money then you pay all costs yourself.


How about starting in exactly 9 months any one who choses to have more than 2 children pays for the extra child/children themselve, no parenting payment . ( this would not effect any one who already has 3 or more children).


The budget has been about cutting help to the most venerable, and trying to create a two level society. I know you LNP supporters cant see it, but maybe thats because it does not effect you.

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How about the mines and banks start chipping in considering there massive profits ?


How about you scrap the paid maternity leave for those on $100,000 or more. If you want to have a child and you earn that sort of money then you pay all costs yourself.


How about starting in exactly 9 months any one who choses to have more than 2 children pays for the extra child/children themselve, no parenting payment . ( this would not effect any one who already has 3 or more children).


The budget has been about cutting help to the most venerable, and trying to create a two level society. I know you LNP supporters cant see it, but maybe thats because it does not effect you.


Well, what happens to the banks profits? It goes to shareholders. And who are they? You and me, either directly or indirectly through your super fund. You want your super fund to make a profit don't you?


I'm all for scrapping maternity leave, but what would it save in total? The NDIS is round the corner, and that's going to be a whopper of a bill.


Why not scrap parenting payments altogether? Why put the limit on 2 children. If we're short of numbers just open up the immigration tap til we're full.


The budget increased taxation on high earners, and increased fuel duty (which rich people use more of).

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How about not letting manufacturing die so that you can sign a FTA with China, and create lots of new jobs - for non-Australians! How about sticking to your word and building subs in Australia, not Japan? How about not slagging off workers in a Government-owned company?


The truest quote I've seen about this government is "they promised to create loads of new jobs - but they never said they'd be jobs for Australians".


How about not blaming your pre-decessors incessantly and admitting the budget blowout has got bigger and bigger whilst on your watch? Because of your actions.


How about believing in science and not just giving tax handouts to your mates?


How about looking at what an average Australian needs and wants, not what your multi-millionaire puppet-masters and mistresses want?


How about calling a Double Dissolution now like you said you would and letting the people in a democracy vote, now they know how much you lied before the last election?

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How about not letting manufacturing die so that you can sign a FTA with China, and create lots of new jobs - for non-Australians! How about sticking to your word and building subs in Australia, not Japan? How about not slagging off workers in a Government-owned company?


The truest quote I've seen about this government is "they promised to create loads of new jobs - but they never said they'd be jobs for Australians".


How about not blaming your pre-decessors incessantly and admitting the budget blowout has got bigger and bigger whilst on your watch? Because of your actions.


How about believing in science and not just giving tax handouts to your mates?


How about looking at what an average Australian needs and wants, not what your multi-millionaire puppet-masters and mistresses want?


How about calling a Double Dissolution now like you said you would and letting the people in a democracy vote, now they know how much you lied before the last election?


Well let's deal with the top one. The death of manufacturing, symbolised by the end of the car industry.


Ask yourself, what actually caused that. The seeds were sown long before the current govt, and to a certain degree, before the last ALP govt too. In a nutshell, the govt was subsidising private industry. Or better put, they were taxing other industries disproportionately to favour particular sections. Why did car manufacture require subsidy? Because it's "too big to fail"? Because working conditions were out of step with global trends? The govt didn't "let it die". They just had to face the facts that foreign owned companies cannot be bullied by Australian unions indefinitely. In the end they just pack up and leave. Ford were screaming for years that Australia were uncompetitive, but the unions just wrote that off as "fat cat whinging". Well, the cat's gone, as have the jobs.


And when you say "believe in science" what your really mean is "invest in science when the returns on the investment are uncertain". Well, why don't you? You could invest in a tech startup, and reap the rewards. Yet you don't do it. Why should we commit public funds where you wouldn't commit private funds?

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Any use of funds is better than Queensland Governments brainwashing campaign. We are paying to be told by adverts everywhere what a great job they are doing. It really is unbelievable.

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Well let's deal with the top one. The death of manufacturing, symbolised by the end of the car industry.


Ask yourself, what actually caused that. The seeds were sown long before the current govt, and to a certain degree, before the last ALP govt too. In a nutshell, the govt was subsidising private industry. Or better put, they were taxing other industries disproportionately to favour particular sections. Why did car manufacture require subsidy? Because it's "too big to fail"? Because working conditions were out of step with global trends? The govt didn't "let it die". They just had to face the facts that foreign owned companies cannot be bullied by Australian unions indefinitely. In the end they just pack up and leave. Ford were screaming for years that Australia were uncompetitive, but the unions just wrote that off as "fat cat whinging". Well, the cat's gone, as have the jobs.


And when you say "believe in science" what your really mean is "invest in science when the returns on the investment are uncertain". Well, why don't you? You could invest in a tech startup, and reap the rewards. Yet you don't do it. Why should we commit public funds where you wouldn't commit private funds?


The automotive manufacturing industry has struggled around the world at various times - hell, it's one of the reasons we moved out here as Australia was maybe ten years behind Europe in terms of that at the time. However, other countries have reacted in far different ways to Australia, with government subsidies and investment, and are now coming out the other side - in fact some parts of the industry in Britain and Europe are now flourishing. Australia's car manufacturing industry is NEVER going to come out the other side though, because there is nothing left to come out. And the effect of that is hundreds and thousands of job losses, with the subsequent rise in welfare and health service costs.

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I think the unions have a lot to answer for, you have to be competitive in your market place in order to succeed. If I remember correctly Germany could produce a car 50% cheaper than in Australia you will never compete if your costs are that much higher and to simply use tax payers money to prop it up is that fair ? How much profit did GM make last year (Owners of Holden ) if they make a profit they should use that to invest in the company .I believe guys were earing in excess of 120k working on the line but stand to be corrected, nurses are not earning that kind of money often working unpaid overtime so a patient can be treated .

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Well, what happens to the banks profits? It goes to shareholders. And who are they? You and me, either directly or indirectly through your super fund. You want your super fund to make a profit don't you?


I'm all for scrapping maternity leave, but what would it save in total? The NDIS is round the corner, and that's going to be a whopper of a bill.


Why not scrap parenting payments altogether? Why put the limit on 2 children. If we're short of numbers just open up the immigration tap til we're full.


The budget increased taxation on high earners, and increased fuel duty (which rich people use more of).


Why not scrap parenting payments altogether ? Simple not all people are born equal. Some are born in to families with high IQ parents often in good jobs paying good money. They have nice homes and often send kids to private school. Then you have kids born into lower economic families, who struggle to survive. You statement would imply that these parents should not even have a child if they cant afford to care for the child with out help from the government but that has always been the attitude of Abbott and Hockey and many of the LNP give to the rich because they can contribute more, and take from the poor as they are a drain on society.


As for fuel and (Rich using more ) what about country people who have to drive over 100km just to see a GP, get kids to sport or school. Country people are also often on lower wages.

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Treasury and any accountant understands that the previous and current govt have the same problem, lack of revenue. It wasn't, nor is it a spending problem, but that doesn't play well to the 'great unwashed'.

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As for fuel and (Rich using more ) what about country people who have to drive over 100km just to see a GP, get kids to sport or school. Country people are also often on lower wages.


Well, rich country people use more fuel than poor country people, so they pay more in fuel tax. Rich people consume more of everything. It's because they have more money. That's what makes them rich. So they contribute more through VAT and other duties. Now they slugged with extra income tax. Yet this isn't enough somehow. Everyone looks to their right and envies what they see, yet are oblivious to the people on their left who have so much less.

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Manufacturing could have survived if Australians bought the locally made cars in sufficient quantities.

Unfortunately they didn't.

Diane and co, if you don't drive a locally made car you lose the right to complain in my mind.


I do (mine's a crappy Holden!*) - but I think you'll find Abbott and co bought a load of overseas manufactured cars as their government vehicles. http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/pm-snubs-holden-to-buy-62m-fleet-of-bmws-that-can-withstand-terror-attacks/story-fni0cx4q-1227042363352?nk=a451b3f792217f40512bb14f1206a5a7


* by which I don't mean all Holdens are crappy - just mine is! But it's gone round the clock now and still manages to get me to and from work so I can't complain

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Government cars have generally been Australian made and that would be the preference.


It is disappointing if Holden or Ford couldn't make an armoured type car to the new requirements.

I'm sure the bulk of the government fleet will continue to be Australian made though.

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