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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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It doesn't impact me much granted as a law abiding resident of Melbourne.

But then virtually no criminal act affects me directly so that is a spurious argument. Drink drivers don't impact me if the kill someone else either.


But we must uphold the rule of Australian law, and as pointed out probably several hundred or tens of asylum seekers are still alive, we have saved millions by not processing these illegal arrives etc.

There are lots of positives.


And as pointed out it allows people who have been in the system properly to be accepted into Australia in lieu of these illegal boat people.

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Thanks but as one of Abbott's biggest critics I would have to decline.


However I'm not as blinkered in my view as some and am able to see the bigger picture and will give credit where it is due, I see it as a politician who has actually listened and acted to what the majority want for which he should be applauded, he has stopped illegal immigrants entering Australia by boats well done Tony.


No doubt similar support would result in the restoration of a White Australia, if given a populist focus. Slogans expressing African crime and delinquent rates, Chinese out pricing white Australians from ever getting a look in on the housing ladder due to scams buying for overseas residents, Islamic threat to the secular state, Indian invasion and takeover of increasing number of suburbs due to weight of numbers, no end to the possibilities.


It does not make Abbott in any sense or form a politician of and statue by demonising a soft target like asylum seekers. Rather the reverse. He is hardly alone. Howard became "The Man" to the speach his script wrote on who comes to Australia, although got burned when found out lying about the kids overboard scam. Ruud and Gillard used then as political pawns.


Although the best of the possible solutions on offer, the Malaysia Solution was knocked back as being too cruel by Abbott's mob. Policy remains to this day in disarray.

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It doesn't impact me much granted as a law abiding resident of Melbourne.

But then virtually no criminal act affects me directly so that is a spurious argument. Drink drivers don't impact me if the kill someone else either.


But we must uphold the rule of Australian law, and as pointed out probably several hundred or tens of asylum seekers are still alive, we have saved millions by not processing these illegal arrives etc.

There are lots of positives.


And as pointed out it allows people who have been in the system properly to be accepted into Australia in lieu of these illegal boat people.


Question if you as you claim are really a law abiding resident of Melbourne, why do you support a government that breaks the law? Odd that but hardly surprising.

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Did somebody ask what impact no boats means on the lives of ordinary Australians? Well, for one thing, the RAN will no longer be risking the lives of its sailors on an almost daily basis. I guess they qualify as 'ordinary Australians?' And of course, the RAN can be diverted to other, more useful tasks. Then there is the costs of running Christmas Island, Manus Island, Nauru, again resources that could be diverted to other, more useful activities.


And as someone else mentioned above, most Aussies were sick of seeing pictures of yet another sinking boat and its passengers and crew, rescued by the RAN, all sitting in their lifejackets on a Naval vessel, before being taken to Christmas Island, bursting at the seams.


We were all sick of seeing people drowning too, whilst Rudd and Gillard seemed unable to do something about it. So, the Australian people voted them out, and voted Tony Abbott in because he said he would stop it, and so he has.


End of.


Costs have blown out of proportions considering the numbers involved. A very expensive procedure in order to make a point regardless if its dubious legality.


Ordinary Aussies taken in by the slogans and fear of foreigners. Of course the effect could have ben nullified if the ALP leaders had gone under radar like the present Abbott clique and in the process saved themselves a lot of scrutiny and coverage that worked against them. So much for open government.

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If they were breaking the law the Greens would take them to the High Court.


The matter has been discussed in legal terms and indeed the UNHCR has critiqued the legality of aspects of government policy. I am sadly not privy to what deals are cut behind closed doors. I live in hope it will be challenged but by UNHCR. But deals are cut

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Did somebody ask what impact no boats means on the lives of ordinary Australians? Well, for one thing, the RAN will no longer be risking the lives of its sailors on an almost daily basis. I guess they qualify as 'ordinary Australians?' And of course, the RAN can be diverted to other, more useful tasks. Then there is the costs of running Christmas Island, Manus Island, Nauru, again resources that could be diverted to other, more useful activities.


And as someone else mentioned above, most Aussies were sick of seeing pictures of yet another sinking boat and its passengers and crew, rescued by the RAN, all sitting in their lifejackets on a Naval vessel, before being taken to Christmas Island, bursting at the seams.


We were all sick of seeing people drowning too, whilst Rudd and Gillard seemed unable to do something about it. So, the Australian people voted them out, and voted Tony Abbott in because he said he would stop it, and so he has.


End of.


Absolutely, although the RAN will need to keep a strong presence or they will just start up again.

It will be interesting to see how successful the new drones will be in patrolling. This may reduce the need of RAN to be constantly out there.

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I expect that is because this kind of policy has an impact at the macro level for residents, rather than upon individuals.


But it will have impacted the life of someone that has gone through the proper channels and has been waiting for asylum / refuge in an official queue. The reduction in queue jumpers will mean Australia taking more through the proper channels. What a great outcome.


No queue hence no impact. Government's reduction in intake is an over all negative income for all but those against any intake.

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We don't have to listen to daily reports about how many asylum seekers have made it to Christmas Island and how the government don't have a clue what to do about it for one thing. Hopefully a few lives have been saved and a few would be people smugglers have had to find something else to do to make a dollar,


Which in other words being open and with a reasonable degree of transparency gets you nowhere in government. Far better to be cunning, dubious, inhumane and the proletariat will fall over themselves in adoration.

Any lives lost tough we don't need to know about it. Yes you are on to something there I think.

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As far as I can see, nobody has called you ignorant despite not agreeing with your views. Most people, no matter how strong they might feel on a particular matter, are able to recognise that not everyone is going to agree with them. In this case, your view is the minority one, not just here, but country wide as well. It does not mean everyone else is ignorant.


I glad to would appear to have moved on from your ridiculous accusation with regards to aged folk on the matter on hand. No idea what that was about. I should think a lot of things I could be called, some of which I'd own up to, but ignorance is not and never has been one of them. So little reason to state that when it is pretty clear as arrogant as may be, I've a pretty good handle on the matter. I would suggest my view is the educated and/or aware one. There are clear divisions within society but the government as governments have in the past are milking it for all it is worth. They don't have much more to go on after all. The pain of their policies are yet in the making.



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well you obviously have your head in the sand, because...


Woo hoo...




100 days since last boat arrival.


Unreal. 100 days and not a single boat has made it here.




Really want to congratulate our Navy on a sensational achievement.


Is your quality of life in Melbourne better as a result of this?. Is your coffee better ground than it was before, is your footy team winning more often, or is your sex life improved as a result of this?

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Thanks but as one of Abbott's biggest critics I would have to decline.


However I'm not as blinkered in my view as some and am able to see the bigger picture and will give credit where it is due, I see it as a politician who has actually listened and acted to what the majority want for which he should be applauded, he has stopped illegal immigrants entering Australia by boats well done Tony.



And I thought you were a Lefty Baz.:smile: Surely you didn't think Maggie was great when she crushed the miners, or when she flogged off publicly owned utilities in the 80s?. Both actions enthusiastically supported by the masses, no matter what the outcome in the long term. Or does your version of socialism extend only to Brits waiting patiently to move from one first world country to another for the shallow virtues of sun and 'lifestyle?'

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Did somebody ask what impact no boats means on the lives of ordinary Australians? Well, for one thing, the RAN will no longer be risking the lives of its sailors on an almost daily basis. I guess they qualify as 'ordinary Australians?' And of course, the RAN can be diverted to other, more useful tasks. Then there is the costs of running Christmas Island, Manus Island, Nauru, again resources that could be diverted to other, more useful activities.


And as someone else mentioned above, most Aussies were sick of seeing pictures of yet another sinking boat and its passengers and crew, rescued by the RAN, all sitting in their lifejackets on a Naval vessel, before being taken to Christmas Island, bursting at the seams.


We were all sick of seeing people drowning too, whilst Rudd and Gillard seemed unable to do something about it. So, the Australian people voted them out, and voted Tony Abbott in because he said he would stop it, and so he has.


End of.


Surely if the RAN are diverted that will cause boats to start to arrive again,hence changing nothing. Love the simplistic view though

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Which in other words being open and with a reasonable degree of transparency gets you nowhere in government. Far better to be cunning, dubious, inhumane and the proletariat will fall over themselves in adoration.

Any lives lost tough we don't need to know about it. Yes you are on to something there I think.


Have you ever wondered why governments keep papers secret for thirty years, and more, before they are released to the public, if at all? Oh, but I forgot, there is a mysterious Utopian government that reveals everything it does, immediately?


'Protelariat?' Are you referring to the traditional Tories who voted for Tony Abbott, or the disillusioned workers who switched from Labor, by the tens of thousands, in both the Commonwealth and State elections?


Interesting too, that you care nothing for the hundreds of asylum seekers who drowned, just as long as you can read about it on the news.

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Surely if the RAN are diverted that will cause boats to start to arrive again,hence changing nothing. Love the simplistic view though


Ships will remain in reserve, as will aircraft and servicemen and women. I know of no country whose armed services are all on duty at a particular time. Perhaps you do? In any case, how will the boat owners KNOW what the RAN is doing with its ships, when the Australian Government no longers tells everybody what they are doing?

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I glad to would appear to have moved on from your ridiculous accusation with regards to aged folk on the matter on hand. No idea what that was about. I should think a lot of things I could be called, some of which I'd own up to, but ignorance is not and never has been one of them. So little reason to state that when it is pretty clear as arrogant as may be, I've a pretty good handle on the matter. I would suggest my view is the educated and/or aware one. There are clear divisions within society but the government as governments have in the past are milking it for all it is worth. They don't have much more to go on after all. The pain of their policies are yet in the making.




Face it Flag, Labor stuffed up nationally and stuffed up in almost every state. If they hadn't they would still be in power. The Australian people are not quite as thick as you think they are, or wish they should be!


Face it, too, that however much you and all the others who have mocked Tony Abbott since he because Liberal leader, he is a winner.

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Guest Guest 47403
And I thought you were a Lefty Baz.:smile: Surely you didn't think Maggie was great when she crushed the miners, or when she flogged off publicly owned utilities in the 80s?. Both actions enthusiastically supported by the masses, no matter what the outcome in the long term. Or does your version of socialism extend only to Brits waiting patiently to move from one first world country to another for the shallow virtues of sun and 'lifestyle?'


I am a lefty, just not a totally blinkered one! Socialism comes in many many forms please don't try and guess my politics.


By the way Thatcher was an evil witch :wink:

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Guest Guest 47403
No doubt similar support would result in the restoration of a White Australia, if given a populist focus. Slogans expressing African crime and delinquent rates, Chinese out pricing white Australians from ever getting a look in on the housing ladder due to scams buying for overseas residents, Islamic threat to the secular state, Indian invasion and takeover of increasing number of suburbs due to weight of numbers, no end to the possibilities.


It does not make Abbott in any sense or form a politician of and statue by demonising a soft target like asylum seekers. Rather the reverse. He is hardly alone. Howard became "The Man" to the speach his script wrote on who comes to Australia, although got burned when found out lying about the kids overboard scam. Ruud and Gillard used then as political pawns.


Although the best of the possible solutions on offer, the Malaysia Solution was knocked back as being too cruel by Abbott's mob. Policy remains to this day in disarray.


My god you talk rubbish here you go again off on a tangent this has nothing to do with Muslims, Indians or Africans, no one has suggested anything regarding a return to a white Australia policy.This is about protecting a countries borders against people entering it illegally nothing else

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It seems Tony has done it.


Fantastic news to me and most Australians.



I always found the issues around boats arriving/sinking/people dying very sad indeed and found the governments policy and that of many Australian people incredibly heartless. I understand you don't have the finances to take everybody but you certainly have the space to offer asylum to the most needy. The conditions in the detention centres were horrific, I knew many hardened mental health nurses who found working in these places too disressing even for them.

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My god you talk rubbish here you go again off on a tangent this has nothing to do with Muslims, Indians or Africans, no one has suggested anything regarding a return to a white Australia policy.This is about protecting a countries borders against people entering it illegally nothing else



I'd disagree with that Baz. The treatment of asylum-seekers arriving by boat by this government taps into a widely-held fear amongst many in this country that Australia is in danger of being 'over-run.' These are the politics of fear and the LNP have very effectively played on public fears for electoral gain. But it isn't just the fear of 'the boats' specifically that they've played upon, it's a fear of danger from outside, a fear of Australia changing from what it is, as Flag puts it;


African crime and delinquent rates, Chinese out pricing white Australians from ever getting a look in on the housing ladder due to scams buying for overseas residents, Islamic threat to the secular state, Indian invasion and takeover of increasing number of suburbs due to weight of numbers.






The fear and anger directed towards asylum-seekers arriving by boats is just part of the picture in my view. It may take time for the rest of the bigger picture to emerge, but the Attorney General's assertion this week that "people have the right to be bigots" as he seeks to overturn s18C of The Racial Discrimination Act ​does give us a clue in terms of where this government is headed.

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