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Does it get better?

captain maracas

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We moved here in December 2013, we have 2 boys with ASD, my wife works full-time as a midwife which is why we got a 457 visa, it is proving very difficult/impossible to find appropriate schooling for our kids and we are struggling on one salary.

We will never get residency because of the autism, should we battle on or cut our losses and go home?

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Guest Guest40285

I have to agree with AJ, surely that was an issue before you came ? December 2013 was the other day, did you come here expecting to get residency ? Surely you cant be thinking of giving up already ?

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Guest guest30085

Hi Captain


Sorry you are having a rough time. Hopefully things will pick up on the job front for you. Have you confirmed that you wouldn't be able to get PR, have you tried a MARA registered migration agent for an assessment? Try George Lombard if not, I believe he is the best one for advice on medical conditions.

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On a more practical level, where do you live? There are a lot of people on here with children with ASD or other additional needs.


It is hard to be thrown into a completely different support environment. If you give a bit more information people may be able to assist you with the process. Certainly it takes a while to have your children assessed and granted additional assistance (as it would in the UK) and the time of your arrival was less than ideal given schools have been closed over summer. Also you may not have settled in an ideal area for resources so things may seem worse than they are.


It's a bit soon to cut your losses. Perhaps let people know how far you have got and go from there.

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Honestly, I'd cut my losses and return. Services for kids with autism are much better in UK and there is that nasty little catch 22 that if you are high enough needs for education support then you are too high needs for a visa.


I see you are in NSW - ouch, on one salary the $10k school fees plus additional support fees would be untenable I should think!

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We moved here in December 2013, we have 2 boys with ASD, my wife works full-time as a midwife which is why we got a 457 visa, it is proving very difficult/impossible to find appropriate schooling for our kids and we are struggling on one salary.

We will never get residency because of the autism, should we battle on or cut our losses and go home?


You only just arrived and probably still jet lagged. If it's 'home' then yes you should be there but really what were you doing here in the first place?

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Arrrgggghhh.......Dont pay school fees....this is the first time iv'e been on here in ages and i'm still seeing people talking about paying fees, I've copied a post below I put on a while ago...!




Go into the link above, you only need to pay the $110 per child application fee & a copy of your employment contract if you don't have 3 months wage slips which most new migrants won't have...we got a decision in less than a week...hope this helps..!


We did Sydney for a year...wife a Nurse on 457....got a to transfer Sunshine Coast before christmas....Loving it this is what we came for...!

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Hi, it's difficult but it's early days. I too am a midwife, I moved with my family to Sydney in Jan 2014, so barely here a month and one thing I've realised so far is that it ain't going to be easy, it's going to take time to settle and along the way there are going to be many obstacles thrown in the way. But I think the key is to remember why you came in the first place?


With regards to PR visa, I'm sure there will be a way and a good agent will definitely help, will your wife's employer sponsor her for PR?

Where abouts in Sydney do you live, maybe other forum users may know of appropriate schooling for your boys, I know finding the right school is such a worry and the fees don't help on a 457!

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I agree with Quoll care for children with any kind of disability in Australia is only as good as the parents pockets and their determination. So many wanting help and am ashamed to say not much is given.


If children are high functioning then not much at all, if they are not high functioning then no visa I guess.

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