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Migration Agent: to use one or not to use one - that is the question!!!


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:twitcy: Okay, so many people on this site have used Migration Agents. Others haven't and swear to do the thing yourselves. So, for a newbie, it's all quite difficult to know.


Our situation: Aussie husband, Pommie Mrs, toddler with Australian citizenship by descent. Together 11 years, living together 10, married 8 this year. Have accommodation all sorted in Melbourne. UK house on the market.


So, do we use a migration agent to process our partner visa application, or have people in a similar situation done it themselves??!!


Any advice much appreciated!!

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Well, I'm not in a similar situation to yours but to be honest yours sounds like a straightforward application if I've ever come across one!


Unless there are any issues like criminal history, dependent children from previous relationships etc. and if you're willing to put the work in, I'd say go for it!


We decided to not use a migration agent as we felt that without any complicating circumstances we were perfectly capable of compiling the application ourselves. Sure, there were many hours of head scratching involved but using online resources like this forum we managed to resolve all questions.


For us it was partially also a financial decision. Saving on a migration agent on top of all the other costs that were heading our way made a real difference.


Edit: Just to give you an idea, we started planning for our application in April 2013 and applied October 2013. This is not because it took us this long to compile everything (though getting statutory declarations from other people can be a bit of a drag...) but because we were very thorough and had planned ahead to when we'd ideally like to move.

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It sounds like your circumstances are very straight forward and you could do it yourself without too much difficulty.


Mind you so was ours and we decided to use an agent anyway - our reasons were with both of us working full-time and having a child time was more an issue than money plus if there are two ways to interpret something you can guarantee we'll each see it differently.


In the end, with or without an agent it's a lot of hard work but it helped us having an agent pushing us.

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Guest Ryan the wizard of oz

I most certainly agree that your circumstances seem straight forward and it looks like a strong case. At the same time I don't think anyone would disagree that it's advantageous to use a mara agent as supposed to doing it yourself. However you need to weight up weather or not the cost is worth it next to your confidence in doing it on your own.


I know a chap who is in almost a completely identical situation to you (even has two kids with Australian citizenship) and he was more inclined to using an agent. Different strokes for different folks.


Kind regards

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Guest guest30085

In your case, I would apply myself, you should have plenty of evidence to prove your relationship, if you are ok with paperwork and form filling then file your own application.

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I think it really depends on how confident you are in your ability to put in the time and effort to do the research and complete the paperwork. I agree with the others that yours sounds like a fairly straight-forward situation so perhaps shouldn't be to difficult. In your shoes, I'm sure I'd do my own application. I'd suggest going through all the criteria, listing what steps you need to do and evidence you can provide to meet the criteria, and then putting any questions back to members here for confirmation, clarification and assistance.


You can always run your completed application past an agent for a double-check if you are unsure, and their fee wouldn't be as much then as if they'd guided you through the whole thing.

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