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New to the site! Looking for a move down under


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Hi Guys,


Just signed up today after hearing about the site from a friend.


My name is Steve, I am in digital printing/publishing with 12 years service behind me.


Currently living in Leicester, UK, but looking for a move down to Oz this year.


I've no major burning questions really, just saying hello!




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Welcome. How far are you with your plans.




Hi Travelchic,


Not all that far, I've been researching jobs, accomodation, visas, taxes etc most of today so I'm just getting the ball rolling really. It seems to take a fair bit of digging to find answers to my questions.



Counting stars: thanks for the welcome :cool:

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Have you looked to see if your occupation is on the SOL or the CSOL? that's a great place to start as will determine what visas you are able to apply for.


Thanks for the tip! I've just had a quick look and it seems Systems Analyst is a fairly close decription of what I currently do, that or Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker. Does you occupation have to be listed to be able to obtain the correct visa? I was looking earlier and I had noted a 401 or 457 visa as options. It seems a bit of a minefield really!

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Hi Steve. We lived in Leicester for a long time before we moved out to Oz.


There is a visa wizard on immi.gov.au I would avoid the 401 and 457 as it they are only a temp visas and has a numbe of restrictions.


Thanks verystormy. Whereabouts i leicester did you live?


Hi Steve, welcome to the forum. Have you looked into the Skilled Visa (189) for your occupation. I'm sure there is plenty of scope for you working here as an Analyst so good luck. Have you thought about which areas you would move to ?


Hi jasepom thanks for the welcome. I will have a look at that visa and see what it holds for me. I don't have a definite plan of where I would like to go, most probably NSW, near a large city for work would be the main thing.


I understand Perth is hugely popular with brits also?

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