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Just put my ppi claim in


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I never willingly took out PPI as I was contracting at the time and it wouldn't have covered me. So I've always ignored this PPI melarchy. But I was talking to a mate who said that I wouldn't have known, so I thought I'd print off a form and send it in. Doesn't cost much.


Anybody had any luck doing this?

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I did it for a loan that I took out. I didn't realise at the time that the PPI cost was added to the loan and when I did realise (after 5 years), I complained. I got back the original cost of the PPI, the interest at a rate of 8% per year plus a bit more for good luck. It worked out that we got a cheque for £800+ and about £8k knocked off the loan amount as the loan was over 20 years, so it was a good amount that dramatically reduced the amount owing. It's definitely worth doing.

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I never willingly took out PPI as I was contracting at the time and it wouldn't have covered me. So I've always ignored this PPI melarchy. But I was talking to a mate who said that I wouldn't have known, so I thought I'd print off a form and send it in. Doesn't cost much.


Anybody had any luck doing this?


My claim is in with HSBC. I was self employed at the time and like yourself the PPI wouldn't have covered me. Put the claim in and HSBC rejected it. I wouldn't let it lie (as Vic and Bob once said ):biggrin: so its now been passed to the Ombudsman and has been for about 9 months now so Im hopeful for a good outcome. My experience with banks/insurance companies is that they always try to weedle out of their obligations on the basis most clients/punters give up at the first hurdle.


If you think you have a good case and they say no, get the Ombudsman on them. Has worked for me several times in the past, this one is dragging on so time will tell. Good luck with your case, definitely worth pursuing IMO.

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My claim is in with HSBC. I was self employed at the time and like yourself the PPI wouldn't have covered me. Put the claim in and HSBC rejected it. I wouldn't let it lie (as Vic and Bob once said ):biggrin: so its now been passed to the Ombudsman and has been for about 9 months now so Im hopeful for a good outcome. My experience with banks/insurance companies is that they always try to weedle out of their obligations on the basis most clients/punters give up at the first hurdle.


If you think you have a good case and they say no, get the Ombudsman on them. Has worked for me several times in the past, this one is dragging on so time will tell. Good luck with your case, definitely worth pursuing IMO.


I must have been lucky then as I emailed the institution concerned first, then they sent all the paperwork to me ready filled out, we signed it, sent it back and Bob's your uncle, we got the cheque and the sum reduced.

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