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Business degree and working holiday visaW


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I am here on a working holiday visa from the UK and have a business management degree. I would love to find work in a business environment or even in recruitment. However, I don't know what restrictions I have on my visa apart from the 6 month work limit for one company. I would like to gain a sponsorship and am looking for permanent residency. I don't know where to go to gain the information I need, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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First off have a look on the sol and csol to see if you can find your job title. If it is there it will have a code. Google that code and it will list minimum requirements for someone to sponsor you. To get an independent visa often takes more than is listed there to pass the skills assessment.

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You can apply for what ever jobs you want and do them for 6 months, but the chances of getting a grad role are very slim unless you have experience. It is not just a case of a company wanting to sponsor you - and you have to ask yourself why would they when there are plenty of Australian grads looking for work - but for most jobs the employer now needs to show the only reason they are sponsoring is because they can not fill the vacancy with a local. Do you think you have skills that are likely to be in that catergory?

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