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childrens nurse


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Visa got and i now have an telephone interview for a position on the ICU at sydney children's hospital on the 05/02/2014? Just wondered if anyone had any tips/have had an interview recently and can offer me any advice. My last interview was over 6 years ago and nerves are starting to set in and advice would be greatly received


Linz :biggrin:

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Congratulations on the invite for interview! How exciting!

Im afraid I'm not that far in the process so haven't got any tips on what australian health organisations may ask you?!

All I would add to Tracey's comments are do a bit of research on the hospital itself and find out what's new and current in childrens nursing at the minute. Being a overseas nurse I would have thought they may throw in a question about how you may integrate and adapt to nursing in australia?!

Anyways best of luck, I'm sure you'll do grand!!

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They'll probably ask at least one scenario, other possibilities, clinical governance, conflict resolution, communication. My tip is not to leave out the obviously, make sure you say you would do A, B, C, D in a situation. Don't assume they'll know you'll do the basic stuff (if you don't say it, they haven't heard it).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks everyone for the advice......interview went well the questions not quite as expected and threw me a bit as they were very basic esp for a PICU nurse ( i feel). Just waiting on references now hoping to be out there in August.

Please get in touch if anyone needs any help with the ANMAC/APHRA process!!!

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