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Help! Working holiday visa - What travel insurance should I get?

Fi Dunphy

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Hi Poms in Oz!


I'm excited to be moving to Melbourne next week on a 12-month working holiday visa... However, I'm a bit confused as to what kind of insurance I'd need when I go out there. I've been told I'd need an annual policy, however have found that a lot of these limit trips to 31 consecutive days three times a year.


I've spoken to one person who said that she was landed in serious debt when she was living out there and broke her arm, because she didn't buy insurance before she went out.


Can anyone help? Thanks!



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Guest The Pom Queen

Hi Fi and welcome to the forum. I have moved your post in to the WHV section of the site, here you can find job vacancies etc and info about hostels, etc.

in regards to insurance there are a few companies who can help! one that springs to mind is http://www.go-walkabout.co.uk

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You want backpacker insurance not annual. Google backpacker and you'll get loads of results :)

id suggest getting one that covers some work and recreational sports (I.e swimming in a pool, beach kick about) as some don't insure you unless you're practically standing still in a Locked room when you look at the ts &cs

also check the excesses, not point paying £100 to claim for a used £120 camera and so on.

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