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457 Headaches

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I’ve been in Australia on a 457 for the past 9 months. UnfortunatelyI’ve found myself working for the most obnoxious and arrogant person to grace these shores. To say I’ve drawn a blank would be an understatement.

Since the commencement of my employment I’ve been putting in excess of 55-60hrs (450hrs in total) a week and have not recieved a single cent in overtime for my efforts. This has amounted to quite a large sum of money. I have confronted this extraordinary specimen on numerous occasions regarding the non payment of my overtime. I have had every excuse under the sun thrown at me, from claiming I’m underperforming and not living up to expectations, the section is not paying its way due to my incompetence,and so it goes on and on. I consider myself to be highly skilled and would not have spent the past 15 years in the UK manufacturing prototype military aerospace components if I was hopeless at my job. It has even been suggested that I will be taking a pay cut if I pursue the issue any further. I could go on all day.

The issue I have is that it would appear that I’m a “ghost worker” here. I do not clock in/out, do not fill in anytime sheets, job cards etc. Again when I have raised my concerns regarding this, it’s brushed under the carpet. The only evidence of my employment is my fortnightly payslip. The reality is that it would come down to my word against his (should I choose to take someform of action against him) as I have nothing in black and white, ie timesheets,clockcards etc to back my claim up. All I have is an ovetime log which I religiously update on a daliy basis.

There is also an issue of verbal abuse, “you pommie C@@@,you came here on a 457; you going will be leaving on a 747” seems to be a hit,even in front of customers. I can deal with that; I give as good as I get within reason.

My family is still in the UK, we have delayed their arrival to Australia twice. This has put unimaginable pressure on my wife, who can blame her? I could be shown the door at any time.

If anyone out there has been in a similar predicament or any can offer some advice, I would be extremely grateful to hear from you.

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I’ve been in Australia on a 457 for the past 9 months. UnfortunatelyI’ve found myself working for the most obnoxious and arrogant person to gracethese shores. To say I’ve drawn a blankwould be an understatement.

Since the commencement of my employment I’ve been putting inexcess of 55-60hrs (450hrs in total) a week and have not recieved a single centin overtime for my efforts. This has amounted to quite a large sum of money. Ihave confronted this extraordinary specimen on numerous occasions regarding thenon payment of my overtime. I have hadevery excuse under the sun thrown at me, from claiming I’m underperforming andnot living up to expectations, the section is not paying its way due to my incompetence,and so it goes on and on. I consider myself to be highly skilled and would not havespent the past 15 years in the UK manufacturing prototype military aerospacecomponents if I was hopeless at my job. It has even been suggested that I willbe taking a pay cut if I pursue the issue any further. I could go on all day.

The issue I have isthat it would appear that I’m a “ghost worker” here. I do not clock in/out, donot fill in anytime sheets, job cards etc. Again when I have raised my concernsregarding this, it’s brushed under the carpet. The only evidence of my employment is my fortnightly payslip. The realityis that it would come down to my word against his (should I choose to take someform of action against him) as I have nothing in black and white, ie timesheets,clockcards etc to back my claim up. All I have is an ovetime log which I religiouslyupdate on a daliy basis.

There is also an issue of verbal abuse, “you pommie C@@@,you came here on a 457; you going to be leaving on a 747” seems to be a hit,even in front of customers. I can deal with that; I give as good as I getwithin reason.

My family is still in the UK, we have delayed their arrivalto Australia twice. This has put unimaginable pressure on my wife, who canblame her? I could be shown the door at any time.

If anyone out there has been in a similar predicament or anycan offer some advice, I would be extremely grateful to hear from you.


Wow all of that sounds so wrong!

I know some people on 457 do have issues similar to yours with their employer but he really seems to be claiming a gold medal for some form of incompetence!

Can you find another employer willing to sponsor you????

This one sounds dodgy beyond belief!

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You could probably file a bullying claim with Fair Work Australia but it sounds like that would unfortunately end up in further problems from your employer. I'd suggest you continue to log your extra hours for your own records, and meantime look for another sponsor. Perhaps if you are able to find another sponsor and leave this one, you could then file a claim with Fair Work for unpaid overtime. Depending on how well you can substantiate your claim (stat dec from colleagues?), will factor in on how successful that may be.

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How much do you want to be here? Any change of returning to UK and coming over on a PR visa? It sounds like a living hell, doesn't sound like it's going to get any better soon - are you sure it's worth it? I am sure you are truly competent at what you do. But don't underestimate the damage that these bullies can do to you, even though I'm sure you're toughing it out....

Good luck......

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