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Special Educational Needs in WA


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Hi all

we are currently trying to find out if a move to Oz is possible, but really need to find out about education for out 8 year old son who has mild autism. He currently has a statement of educational needs of 20 hours per week in England to help his progress.


What kind of help is there in Western Australia?


thank you



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There is limited help. Some children do have a special needs EA that work with them in the classrooms all the time.. However, for mild autism then there may be a few hours allotted a week to the class to help him, or there may be nothing at all. In any case, the teacher will work with him and draw up an individual educational plan appropriate to his needs.


There can really be no determination how much help he will receive until you actually are here and he is assessed.


Just be aware that less help is available in Australia compared to the UK.

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You really need to talk to one of the agents who specialize in medical conditions - George Lombard and Peter Bollard are respected in this area (no personal experience with them) but, yes, 20hrs a week is a significant intervention (not likely that a child will get that in Aus) and could well be a deal breaker for a visa. If you do go ahead you will need current IQ and diagnostic assessments, updated skills assessments, adaptive behaviour assessments and predictions of/evidence for independent functioning. Worry about the visa before you worry about the education


in general, Aus services for kids with autism lags UK by quite a bit and just having the diagnosis isn't enough to access services, there has to be an assessed need putting the child in the bottom 2-5% (all states are different as to detail). There is often a sad catch 22 - if a child is deemed eligible for a visa then chances are they will not be deemed eligible for special ed support.

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Before you feel you have reached the end of the road before you have even started..... here is a site that might help you see what WA has to offer for

children with autism... http://www.autism.org.au/ If you take the next step, your support cant be transferred to Australia but the more paper work you can bring with you to support your case the quicker and the more help you will get, good luck :yes:

Hi all

we are currently trying to find out if a move to Oz is possible, but really need to find out about education for out 8 year old son who has mild autism. He currently has a statement of educational needs of 20 hours per week in England to help his progress.


What kind of help is there in Western Australia?


thank you



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The others are very right, 20 hours per week is very significant. Just be aware that this is the state of play in WA currently:




If you are one of those people thinking coming to Aus will give your child a better life come with your eyes fully open that with a special educational need this may well end up not being the case.

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The others are very right, 20 hours per week is very significant. Just be aware that this is the state of play in WA currently:




If you are one of those people thinking coming to Aus will give your child a better life come with your eyes fully open that with a special educational need this may well end up not being the case.



Unfortunately this is only the start. Many EA's have lost their positions (due to school funding cuts) and are officially to be 'redeployed' to other schools. The problem is there is nowhere for them to go as ALL of the schools in WA have lost funding and thus all have EA's to redeploy.


What this means (and we are all waiting to see), is that it is highly likely the government will make them redundant in, oh say six months...

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