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Guest Roger Thomas

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Guest Roger Thomas

This is in reply to the Real Australia thread. And that previous lengthy post already exists under Australian Unions page under FB where so many likes were given because some to most Aussies are aware of these facts. Australia's true unemployment rate is 13% given by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. More economic statistics can be found under tradingeconomics.com not just for Australia but the whole world. Global Innovation Index shows that Australia is way behind including after New Zealand and an article for that came up in Startup Smart. GE itself showed through a survey that they took of the whole world in 2012 that Australia isn't an innovative leader. Australia's automotive manufacturing is busted due to not having much innovation. Toyota is the last manufacturer standing as it may leave by 2018. There were articles on that recently including under Business Insider Australia. All other automotive manufacturers would be leaving before 2018. Retail sector just survives. David Jones, Myer and company as well as Coles and Woolworths faces challenges from international players like Zara, Costco, Aldi, etc due to not having much innovation and being behind in technology as well. Customer satisfaction survey and indices would show that also where they have all failed. And some to most Australians themselves have seen their weaknesses. All in the research and articles written here which can be seen online and which are even case studies by universities within the business schools and firms in Australia. Australia's unemployment would grow and within the automotive manufacturing sector alone, it would be 50000 or so employees losing their jobs sadly within the next 4 years.


Even in recent times, the Australian unions aren't happy with the automotive manufacturing sector as well as with Government's decision with Australia Post, Medicare, etc where they are planning to privatise Australia Post, Medicare, etc. Australia is a small business nation as the McCrindle Research would show where 90% of the businesses in Australia represent small to medium sized firms of about 1 to 15 employees generally. Most Australian top brands today are in foreign hands and that includes Vegemite, Tim Tam, etc. Most of the brands held by foreigners can be found under Dicksmith Foods or Salvos. Foreign ownership of Australia's property and lands can be found by articles written by Greens, Crikey, Daily Telegraph, ABC, etc where it is not just owned by foreigners but operated too like China and USA. Most foreign ownership of Australian resources are with US, China and UK and can read more about it under Australia's leading independent stock forum, Hotcopper. There, the Aussies themselves site such resources.


And I'm an Australian as well who works within both business and IT. I am not bothered about what's written under Real Australia thread as I put up the reality mostly with regards to the digital and database marketing side as that came up within the last 1 year. It's from resources like eMarketer, CMO.com.au, SMH, SBS, marketingmag.com.au, mumbrella, ADMA, Financial Review including BRW, B&T, etc.

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Guest Roger Thomas

As it's taken from the FB accounts that's why. Last 3 letters of Thomas spelt backwards is Sam. So 1 FB account has my last name alone while the other 1 has my full name.

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Guest The Pom Queen
As it's taken from the FB accounts that's why. Last 3 letters of Thomas spelt backwards is Sam. So 1 FB account has my last name alone while the other 1 has my full name.

But I'm presuming you read the forum rules about only being permitted one account, so would you like to choose either Sam Tom or Roger Thomas! otherwise I will choose for you and merge the accounts together.

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Guest Roger Thomas

Can merge if you like thanks. Have an awesome day to all. Also, if people think I don't have a life, good luck. Not only am I an Australian who's grown up in 5 countries, I'm also from a global family. Additionally, I enjoy mixing with a lot of people. Plus, I have the double background of IT and business both via studies and work.


Forum is one area used within content marketing, social media marketing, blogging, SEO, etc and no I didn't pass off the long message as my own. You should have seen the blog given in the message where the original content was posted. It has the hyperlinks under the blog.

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Why do they bother? Honestly?


So they can troll themself and hopefully bait some others on the way, but won't work here.


Go back to FB Sam/Roger or whoever you are or if you truly have something useful to contribute let PQ close both accounts and start off on fresh foot.


third time lucky, perhaps :wink:

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