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Child with a heart condition


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Hi all,


As the title says our youngest child who is now 7 was born with a heart condition. I am a qualified midwife and my husband is a senior pharmacy technician, we hope to migrate to Adelaide in August. We submitted our 190 visa on 20/12/13 and have been fully aware that his condition may mean we could be refused our visa :(


Regardless we want Australia so much that we're prepared to try! He has had three heart surgeries as a baby and the last one he was 2 1/2 years old. Since then he has been extremely well and has once yearly check ups and has not needed hospitalisation since then. We are getting very nervous about how this May impact our visa. Has anyone here had or knows of others in a similar situation who have had their visa granted with no issues?


Liz and Kev

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Have you done medicals yet? If not get as much evidence and supporting letters from consultant, docs, surgeon and whoever else to support your case and show that your son is in good health and so on. Have all that ready and to hand when you attend your medical and also then for after when it may be requested or further paperwork required.


My medical notes for a condition (not heart related) were scanned into the system by my panel doc during my medical and it was referred. Ask your panel doc what rating he is giving you on your medical, A rating being the best. They may not tell you but worth an ask. My doc told me my rating, an A but said it would still get referred due to medical condition. But that given the rating it hopefully would be passed fine without any fuss. Not saying your son will get an A rating but hopefully if he is fit and well now and has no problems there may be a positive outcome for you.


What they are looking at is possible cost to the Aus taxpayer and the financial limit on it is pretty high but not hundreds of thousands high iykwim. Hopefully someone knows the costs etc and can give you more info.


Also did you apply using an agent or DIY. A good agent will be able to guide you.


Eta - we are in Adelaide, will try to follow your progress :)

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Heyy :) our son has a heart condition and had 2 open heart surgeries before we came out. The first one at 18months old and the next at 4 years old.


He was 9 when we moved out and 10 when we did our PR Medicals and they just referred us to a consultant for a additional report to be written.


It is likely he will need surgery again in his late teens and that was on the report but our visas were still granted


He still sees the consultant that wrote that report, who has years of experience both here and in the uk and even worked with my sons surgeon


Initially we had considered flying him home for his yearly check ups cause we had been so worried he wouldn't get the same level of care/monitoring. But in actual fact the consultant here is great and I am more than happy


Fingers crossed for you that it all goes through as easy :-)

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I know it's not the same but our little girl had hip dysplasia had an open reduction was in a cast for 16 weeks and has plates and pins due to be taken out later this year. She is fine now, op was successful but we had our consultant write a letter detailing all the information, explaining she will need yearly follow ups and took this to our medical. The doctor uploaded this with her medical and graded her an A. Medical was cleared without being referred so fingers crossed you will be fine!

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The limit snifter was referencing is $35,000 over five years. If they think your child will cost more than that to treat over the next five years, they can deny the visa. If the child needs no treatment, now, though, I don't see how they'd estimate it that way. Still, I agree with Verystormy - it's worth a consult with George Lombard or Peter Bollard.

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Hi all,

thank you for all your posts regarding this issue :)

We are migrating to Adelaide and are also on pomsinadelaide site too (kev'liz). We have spoken to our consultants secretary at st.thomas' and hope to hear back from them Monday. We have not done any medicals yet but we're

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  • 1 month later...

Hey poms

My daughter has hole in heart too

The question i want to ask from you is that

Should we write yes or no in form where we have to inform about question that do u have a heart related problem u r born with



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Hey poms

My daughter has hole in heart too

The question i want to ask from you is that

Should we write yes or no in form where we have to inform about question that do u have a heart related problem u r born with




I don't understand whats tripping you up there? It looks pretty clear what you should answer ..

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