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461 Temporary PR? What next?


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Morning all.


I'm in aus already, have been almost 3 years now.


I'm on a 461 (partner of NZ citizen), which for those who don't know is a 5 year Temporary permanent residency.


I was told originally that if I worked for 2 years with in that 5, I could apply for a full time PR visa.


However just been told that I can't do that and that I also can't get another 461 meaning I can only go business or skilled migrant, neither of which I qualify for.


I asked about becoming a citizen, and was told that i need to be a "proper" PR for at least a year to do that even...


Anyone else had this issue??? What choices have i got?

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There's no such thing as temporary permanent residency. There's temporary resident and permanent resident. As you know the 461 is temporary residency. There's no automatic entitlement to PR after 2 years employment. You'd need to apply for a PR visa the same as anyone else outside Australia, so having an employer sponsor or marital partner, etc. You say you can't get another 461? Is there any particular reason why not? The other possibility would be if your NZ partner can qualify for a PR visa and include you in the application. I'm not aware of any other options but perhaps someone else can offer a suggestion.

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thanks for reply


Sorry i think I can get another 461, however it leaves me in the same position of not being able to get loans/mortgage meaning that me and the wife settling here (which is what we want) is virtually impossible.


I was told by immigration that I could become a full PR and now that seems to have changed, or i was misinformed. Either way it's made everything seem a lot harder than i wished.


I'm on a contract at work (exp July 31st) so this is a major issue for me now. Not happy to be honest.


would love a 2nd opinion, so might call immi back to see if the story changes (which I've had before with Aus and NZ immi)

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