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Applying For Tourist Visa While waiting For 190 PR Visa.

John S

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Hi, hope somebody can help here.


We are currently waiting for our 190 PR visa to come through. We were assigned our CO in July but because of my extensive travel and working in foreign countries the 190 visa is taking a painstakingly long time. Apparently this is for security checks, all other paperwork has been completed and handed in months ago.


We are planning to take a short trip to Perth from April 5th - 11th, only for a week, as we will be holidaying in Thailand at that time. We just want to go and have a look around the area as we have not been before. We will not be there any longer than the week we have in mind as we have other travel plans after that.


If we have still not had PR approved I would like to apply for tourist visas for myself and family. We are from the UK so we can get the electronic tourist visa. Does anybody know which is the best one to suit our needs?


My agent says we should be careful if applying for a tourist visa as the CO would have to be informed. Obviously I do not want the application for a tourist vias to have any effect on our PR visa. Does anybody have any advice on this?


We just want to go ahead and have a look around Perth to give us a head start for the future. Hopefully we will have PR visa by then but if not I would like to apply for a TV sometime in March.





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The reason you need to be careful about applying for a visitors visa with a PR application in the pipeline is because if your PR has been granted and you apply for the visitors visa, the last visa granted will over ride the previous one - effectively killing your PR.


If you are planning on doing this - you should contact your CO and let them know of your travel plans.

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The reason you need to be careful about applying for a visitors visa with a PR application in the pipeline is because if your PR has been granted and you apply for the visitors visa, the last visa granted will over ride the previous one - effectively killing your PR.


If you are planning on doing this - you should contact your CO and let them know of your travel plans.


Hi, Lebourvellec. That is what I feared may happen after reading stuff on the forum about other scenrio's. It seems, like you say, if you have one visa and obtain another it cancels out the one you already have.


I've still got a couple of months before I was hoping to visit so hopefully the PR visa will come through in that time. I've been waiting almost 6 months already. If not I'll have to reconsider coming over for a holiday as I do not want to risk losing the PR visa.


Thanks for your help.



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As long as you carefully coordinate the Tourist Visa with your case officer / Agent, no reason you can't apply and the great news is that if you have once of the electronic tourist visas with no restrictions, once onshore you can send a Form 1005 for each of you to the Case Officer and ask for your Bridging Visa with work rights to be attached to you. If the 190 isn't granted before your 3 month tourist visa ends, then your Bridging Visa will kick in with work rights for you both.



Good luck!


Bonnie Durmic

Managing Director - iVisas

(MARN 0531273)

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As long as you carefully coordinate the Tourist Visa with your case officer / Agent, no reason you can't apply and the great news is that if you have once of the electronic tourist visas with no restrictions, once onshore you can send a Form 1005 for each of you to the Case Officer and ask for your Bridging Visa with work rights to be attached to you. If the 190 isn't granted before your 3 month tourist visa ends, then your Bridging Visa will kick in with work rights for you both.



Good luck!


Bonnie Durmic

Managing Director - iVisas

(MARN 0531273)


Wow, thanks Bonnie.


We are only planning to visit for a short trip but that information could be very useful. I am an electrician and would like to get started on my license paperwork ASAP. If I could get a bridging visa then I should be able to do this. The contract I am currently on ends in July so I would like to get things moving before then if possible. That way I could start looking for work pretty much as soon as I finish here.


Can you tell me what tourist visa I should apply for that would give me no restrictions and allow me to apply for a Bridging Visa with Form 1005?


Thanks again for your help and any other you can provide.



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As long as you carefully coordinate the Tourist Visa with your case officer / Agent, no reason you can't apply and the great news is that if you have once of the electronic tourist visas with no restrictions, once onshore you can send a Form 1005 for each of you to the Case Officer and ask for your Bridging Visa with work rights to be attached to you. If the 190 isn't granted before your 3 month tourist visa ends, then your Bridging Visa will kick in with work rights for you both.



Good luck!


Bonnie Durmic

Managing Director - iVisas

(MARN 0531273)[/quote


I checked out form 1005 and it seems this is only if you already had a bridging visa. If applied offshore for PR can you get a bridging visa. I thought not.

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Ahah, and that is the gem of using an Agent.


The Department advised agents when implementing the 189 and 190 visas that applicants who had lodged applications we eligible for a Bridging Visa. If you want to test the theory, email your case officer directly now and propose this.


Our visas have all come through so quickly we haven't had to, to date.


RE which type of visa, either through your travel agent or online through the DIBP website will do.


Good luck!

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Hello Bonnie,


I tried to explore your proposed pathway to a bridging visa when a person has applied for 189/190 offshore. This looks feasible to me only, and only if an applicant already held a tourist visa at the time of applying for 189/190. Please see Schedule 2 010.211(2)©. I might be wrong but I have gone through a stressful process of a visa application and I have found out that the best approach is to check directly legislation.


Good luck to everyone.

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Hi John,


I was in the same situation as you are now ( our security checks were taking forever and we had to go to Australia to validate nursing license). We got electronic tourist visa ( we informed our CO first). As far as you let him/her know, there won`t be any trouble. And if you`re granted PR after you got your tourist visa, it cancels your tourist visa and you will be validating your PR visa on your trip.

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