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Insurance help please


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I was just wondering what insurance did everyone get or where can I get cheap insurance. Also did anyone get any jabs before going should I see my doctor before I go or is it too late. I leave in 11 days replays would be much appreciated please.

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No I have not had any jabs since I was around 14 I'm 19 now by you're reaction I should try book a appointment with my local doctor as soon . And insurance that covers me and my personal goods/my money. Any ideas what to get?

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Google backpackers insurance and you should turn up some. Or use the forum search and do the same on here.


I've always used STA but some people found them expensive. Personally I'd not scrimp on decent cover if backpacking and planning to be more adventurous.

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I dont have travel insurance, I just have medicare.


So what you're saying is that if you become seriously ill or injured (or worse) you won't want to be repatriated back to the UK? Without insurance, you'd be stuck in Australia.

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Ok thank you for you're reply I'll give my GP a ring Monday morning and see what jabs I need if any. And I'll do the insurance thing now


I was just teasing about the jabs, unless you're going to travel around Asia as well - you don't need any immunisations to come to Oz.

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You don't need any jabs, same as if you were going to USA or UK

i used 'holiday safe' insurance, medium level of cover, it covers me if working in a bar, if I've had a few drinks but aren't steaming drunk and most sports too. Look our for that, some won't cover if you've had anything to drink or sports so swimming, kick about etc wouldn't be covered. You get Medicare if you register here so you get basic healthcare but I wanted cover In Case anything serious happens to get me home there and then. My possessions I'm not so worried about as there's nothing too valuable and the excess negates a claim so as long as you're not talking anything expensive basic cover should be fine. Just check the excesses. And don't bring/carry more than a small amount of cash!!!

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How to enrol

To enrol in Medicare, you should go into a Medicare office 7 to 10 days after your arrival in Australia and bring your passport or travel documents. There are also many different private health insurance options you may wish to consider, as Medicare does not provide for all services.

Examples: Medicare does not cover dental care, most optical care or ambulance services. Off the official Australia gov website.

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