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New to forums and moving to oz bin redirected here for advice

Matty Carman

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Hello everyone, I am after some advice about a visa application, I will be applying for a subclass 190 visa for Perth if possible, do I need to get my skills assessed before I lodge an expression of interest, also does the ilets test require completing before I do this? Any advice would be great

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It would be wise to as you need positives in both before you can apply for the visa. This can take some time. Many people have to take the IELTS more than once, and there can be long waits at some places for test dates. Skills assessments can take a months to put together and get back.

If you haven't got these back and you are invited to apply you are a bit stuffed as the invitation doesn't last forever.

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Check your points first, if you are eligible for 190 could you also be eligible for 189 with 5 more points (which gives you the option to move anywhere)??



I suggest getting your skills assessment first to make sure you meet the same criteria required in oz.


Use this forum regularly, it has really helped us.

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Hi Matty.


Yes, you should have your skills assessed - once you are happy you can secure the points for a general skilled visa.


I think you are a trained motor mechanic? If so - and assuming you are in the UK - you are looking at a migration skills assessment from VETASSESS:



Best regards.

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Hi Matty.


Yes, you should have your skills assessed - once you are happy you can secure the points for a general skilled visa.


I think you are a trained motor mechanic? If so - and assuming you are in the UK - you are looking at a migration skills assessment from VETASSESS:



Best regards.



Hi im in the first list on the vetassess list motor mechanic (general) 321211, do you how much this cost's, I am wanting to continue working for the Volkswagen group if possible, so I am also looking at trying to get a sponsored visa if anyone will offer one, I've seen loads of adverts for vague techs just hope one comes back to me , I did a quick assessment with a migration agent who scored me at 65 points:


I have calculated that you could score the following number of points:


Age - 30

Proficient English - 10

5 years in the last 10 years work experience - 10

Qualifications - 10

Sponsorship by a State or Territory government - 5


Total points - 65


everywhere I have read says I need 60 for my 190 as a mechanic, it was the MA that suggested applying for a 190,

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Hi, Alan are you an MA? I was hoping to do it all myself to try and save some money but I don't know which parts of the vetassess I need to do, I have completed stage one already the self assessment, but I'm unsure if I need to complete stage 2&3 or just one of them? Thanks matty

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Hi, Alan are you an MA? I was hoping to do it all myself to try and save some money but I don't know which parts of the vetassess I need to do, I have completed stage one already the self assessment, but I'm unsure if I need to complete stage 2&3 or just one of them? Thanks matty


Hi again Matty.


Yes, I am a registered migration agent, and we are in business as Go Matilda Visas: http://www.gmvisas.com/


Feel able to telephone our office to discuss your situation and plans.


Best regards.

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Hi, Alan are you an MA? I was hoping to do it all myself to try and save some money but I don't know which parts of the vetassess I need to do, I have completed stage one already the self assessment, but I'm unsure if I need to complete stage 2&3 or just one of them? Thanks matty


The think is, you can't really expect Alan to necessarily tell you these things for free... this is exactly the kinds of details that people do need agents for, and the agents take time to learn their stuff about... what usually happens on here when someone asks one question like this is (where more info is generally needed too) that as soon as someone like Alan provides an answer another question comes along shortly after - its a bit of a snowball effect.

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I see you've awarded yourself 10 points for proficient English. I hope you realise to get the 10 points you need to score 7's in each of the 4 bands in an IELTS test. This isn't necessarily the hardest thing under the sun but at the same time it's not a walk in the park, turn up and prove you speak English type scenario either. It's a good idea to get some practice tests beforehand to get a feel for the tests. They are widely available online, EBay, Amazon or from the IELTS body themselves.

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Thanks for info Alan, might be getting in touch with you company in near future, tickled pink, I totally agree with what you mean, I was never going to ask Alan to many questions without giving his company something, an I imagine he wouldn't give too much away free, haha Gareth 666 a uk MA gave me them score from a phone assessment I want too impressed by him he just seemed to want my money more than help me out,



On another note though I have had a promising email from an employer basically offerings 6 months work if I get a holiday visa, Then going to a 457 anyone done it this way?

Thanks everyone I really do appreciate the advice

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Thanks for info Alan, might be getting in touch with you company in near future, tickled pink, I totally agree with what you mean, I was never going to ask Alan to many questions without giving his company something, an I imagine he wouldn't give too much away free, haha Gareth 666 a uk MA gave me them score from a phone assessment I want too impressed by him he just seemed to want my money more than help me out,



On another note though I have had a promising email from an employer basically offerings 6 months work if I get a holiday visa, Then going to a 457 anyone done it this way?

Thanks everyone I really do appreciate the advice


A 417 visa holder is allowed to work for any company for up to 6 months. Some companies have used the Working Holiday Visa as a form of probationary period where they will evaluate the employee and then decide whether to offer 457 visa sponsorship near the end. This is not the intended use of the program but I can see why it happens. It's an insecure situation to be in and I would always recommend a more secure option if it is available.

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a uk MA gave me them score from a phone assessment I want too impressed by him he just seemed to want my money more than help me


That can be a problem with some agents. Your best bet is make sure the agent is MARA registered. There's a lot of of threads on here regarding good agents. Alan's company always gets good reviews, although I ended up going it alone I had an initial consultation with one of his UK based agents who was very friendly and helpful.

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Guest Ryan the wizard of oz
Hi im in the first list on the vetassess list motor mechanic (general) 321211, do you how much this cost's, I am wanting to continue working for the Volkswagen group if possible, so I am also looking at trying to get a sponsored visa if anyone will offer one, I've seen loads of adverts for vague techs just hope one comes back to me , I did a quick assessment with a migration agent who scored me at 65 points:


I have calculated that you could score the following number of points:


Age - 30

Proficient English - 10

5 years in the last 10 years work experience - 10

Qualifications - 10

Sponsorship by a State or Territory government - 5


Total points - 65


everywhere I have read says I need 60 for my 190 as a mechanic, it was the MA that suggested applying for a 190,


You have the foundations for a really solid case. It seems you're still a little uncertain on weather or not you want to make Oz a place for your permanent future hence the suggestions for cheaper options to go over and work (417 working holidays to 457's etc.) It's very rare that such an opportunity should arise but considering your occupation and how much demand there is for it, it does make sense that if you did take that route you could ultimately end up attaining permanent residency.


One thing that is worth baring in mind (if you want to think long term) immigration laws change fairly frequently so let's say after 2-3 years down the line; you're ready to apply for PR after working in Australia on your 457. You can be sure that the requirements will have changed and the process definitely more costly.


Enjoy this time, it's an exciting prospect moving to such a beautiful country. All the best.

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Hey Ryan, it's not that I am uncertain everything is new to me I'm currently exploring all options available to us, (my partner and daughter) moving permanently is what we wish to do as my partners mother lives in Perth, the only problem being is that my parents are going to help me with funds but cannot gain these funds until their house is sold. Hence the reason for me looking at a sponsored visa for time being

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Guest Ryan the wizard of oz

No worries,


In that case what would really be worth considering is if you're able to successfully gain a 457 work permit visa from an employer; apply for your PR 189 or 190 whilst you're on your work permit. That way you can relax knowing that you won't be dependant on your employer forever, government rule changes won't effect your application (depending on when your case is submitted) and soon the power will be in your hands. Of course it goes without saying that there are numerous other benefits to being a permanent resident ie school fees, healthcare etc.


I understand the logic behind you're thinking, makes sense to me. Continue to be as proactive as you can.

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Guest Ryan the wizard of oz

Thanks Mat,


To answer your question it really depends on how you want to play it.


Option 1: You apply for PR through being on your 457 work permit visa (186 ENS) which would require you to have worked for **2years** full time with the same employer

Option 2: Say your funds were in place to apply for PR 189 or 190 you can do this at any time whilst being on your 457. (My advice is this route.)


Feel free to check this link, regarding information on the 186 visa.


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Guest Ryan the wizard of oz

Sorry for confusing you; I mean obviously with the fact that your awaiting your parents selling the property etc. So when I put "say your funds are in place." I mean this example is relevant to if you have the money to process the 189 or 190.

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