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457 visa


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Yes we do, it's apparently going through but has been for over a year now!



I'm also waiting for a 457 visa but we're anticipating it being granted within 3 months of the initial application - a year seems a very long time!


Are you applying from a high risk country? Do you know if your employer is already approved to sponsor people in on a 457 visa? Those are the big things that might slow the process down, but I'm not sure it would take a year if all the paperwork has been submitted.

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Yes we do, it's apparently going through but has been for over a year now!


That doesn't sound right, 457 is really just a work permit and it's main benefit is it's easy and quick to get as it's supposed to fill gaps in skill shortages. It's usually takes a week or 2 but after July it blew out to a couple of months at most.


Just wondering if you have paid any money as there are some unscrupulous people out there?

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I think you have some serious issues.


A 457 is normally done in a matter of weeks. Also, once the nomination and things are done and you have been asked to apply, I can't see how the company could delay it as it's then with the DIAC


My advice would be firstly to call the company and ask if there is a job offer still there. I am afraid to say I would not be surprised if there isn't. Did you find the job yourself or did the company find it for you? Sadly I have heard of some companies taking money to arrange a job that never exists.


If the job does exist and they want you on board then my next call would be to a REGISTERED agent. Go Matilda are highly regarded.

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We are being told the employer is delaying it, yes we have paid money, quite a lot to be honest, being told we should have our visa by February or March so fingers crossed!! I guess we have to trust them!! Looking at other feeds on here though are getting me worried!!


Employer delaying it?


Has the application even been lodged, do you have a TRN?

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Always been told by who? if an employer wants you then they want you. Most people are in direct contact with the employer, who for this visa usually want you there ASAP to fill demand. Over a year sounds dodgy as if you ask me.... we came over initially on a 457, the whole process was quick (about a month, including Christmas and NY) and cheap (approx. £350 GBP).

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These visa's are notorious for being quick as the whole idea is to fill a job no local is qualified to do which means the job needs to be filled quick. Sorry to say I agree with the others this looks dodgy especially as you've paid $2k for it. If you've used an unregistered agent as opposed to a MARA agent you won't have a leg to stand on and sorry to say there's a shed load of unscrupulous people doing this kind of thing.


Like others have said, get in touch with the employer. If they are keen for you to start they won't mind you asking.

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My advice at this point- part with no more money. If you continue onwards with this application then get a reputable agent, many recommendations on this site.


It sounds to me like you're not as well acquainted with the employer as you should be.... contact them, not the agent. When did you interview for the position? and when did you receive confirmation in writing of your successful offer?


What is the position/ occupation? maybe one of us can shed some light as to the state of the job market in that area over here at the mo.

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I have emailed the agent we are using, he hasn't replied yet! Agent says waiting for paperwork from them, contract etc, we always seem to be waiting for something!


If the application is actually lodged and immigration require a list of further paperwork they usually want it within 28 days, I would be seeking advice from a MARA agent and confirm that the application and nomination is actually lodged.


Before July last year there was no definite line in the sand as to who pays for the costs, but after July the new rules state that there are certain costs that can't be passed on to the applicant. If the application has not been made yet and you have paid a substantial amount of money then the employers are already in breach of their conditions.

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