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visa advice needed - 18 year old dependant child who is in full time education but works part t


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I have an 18 year old dependant child who is in full time education but works part time :/ Is this going to cause an issue adding her as a dependant ? she is contracted for 16 hours per week at weekends and is at college full time during the week. I still buy all her food, pay the bills, pay for her driving lessons, clothes etc. the money she earns is just her going out and buying herself extras... She definitely could not live independently on her wage but I keep reading that a dependant having a job of any sort may cause issue... Does anyone have any experience or knowledge of this situation???



Any advice would be fab





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Are you applying for PR or a temp visa? Are you still in the UK ?


Sorry I'm not sure about all the ins and outs but can give info on our own situation..


We came with a 18 year old, who was doing what yours is...ie. full time college, with part time job, still lived at home etc etc. That was on a 457 visa.


We were granted PR when she was 19 and in a full time job but still living at home.


We did have to give details about her job and pay.



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Hi gayle

This shouldnt be an issue on applying for a visa for your daughter. As long as you can prove she is in full time education she is classed as a dependant. A part time job is just classed as pocket money for her really.

We have applied for a 190 visa. My son is 18 years old at college with a part time job and this hasn't affected the application process.

The only problem we have is when our visas eventually get granted he will be due to go to uni. Going to uni in oz we would have to pay his fees up front because he wouldn't be eligible for a student loan. So he is better off going to uni in the uk then coming out to oz when he finishes uni. At least then he already has a visa. I dont know if your daughter plans on uni but I hope this advise is of some help to you.


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And remember, she still needs to be in full time education right up until the visa is granted. This can be longer with some visas than others.


To be included as a dependent family member an (adult) child, or any other adult family member. does not have to be a student.


See regulation 1.05


The OP would be well advised to consult a registered migration agent about the regulations and policy relating to dependency.

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Hi @fifi69, my boyfriend already has a PR visa. We are all still in the UK and I'm applying for a de facto partner visa for myself and including my 18 year old daughter and my boyfriend and I's baby in the application.


thanks for all the comments... X

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Hey wrussell,


thanks for for the comments although now you have me worried :-/ I looked at the regulation you mentioned, think I need it translated into English though lol. Do you think her earning £100 per week will jeopardise her being accepted on the visa???


Probably, but there are steps you can take.


May I suggest that you run your case past a registered migration agent who has experience with this issue?

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