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457 Visa

Big G

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Sorry to be a wet blanket but I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned some of the drawbacks of a 457 visa for someone who has a family (which you've mentioned you have).


In NSW, if you have school age children, you will have to pay school fees of something like $5000 per year per child.

http://www.decinternational.nsw.edu.au/study/schools/temporary-residents Temporary Residents Program for students enrolling in NSW Government Schools


You also have no access to childcare benefits (which you'll probably need if your partner works) or the family tax benefits for which most families (citizens and PRs) are eligible and which can make a considerable difference to being able to make ends meet.

http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/themes/families?from=theme-bar Payments (benefits) for families


If any of the above applies to you (i.e. if you have children), a 187 would be a much better prospect for many reasons.

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Hi Kezzles / Ozmaniac


Many thanks for your posts.


Kezzles - We'd be going straight onto a 457 as it would be a new employer, we'd then have to hope for PR after the 2 years etc. My current employer has offices there, but that didn't come to anything, hence the reason I had to look elsewhere. I'd feel more comfortable if I was going out on a 457 with my current employer as you'll know the ropes, but its not going to be this for me. As you say, I know its a risk, we'll see how it goes. All the very best with your situation.


Ozmaniac - Its a fair point, however, we have that covered. My new employer is paying for the kids (x2) schooling until we get PR and we're aware that we wont get any access to benefits until then either. Thanks for highlighting this though. I'm speaking to them tonight and I will be discussing the 187 option.


Cheers for now.

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They're really up for it as its like one big adventure for them.

This is something that I've always wanted to do, and the thing that people keep reminding me is "if you don't try it - you'll always regret it".

Worst case scenario is we just return home (we're renting our house out etc).


All the best to you too.


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They're really up for it as its like one big adventure for them.

This is something that I've always wanted to do, and the thing that people keep reminding me is "if you don't try it - you'll always regret it".

Worst case scenario is we just return home (we're renting our house out etc).


All the best to you too.



so worst case is not that bad for something that may turn out to be the best thing you have done! my brother emigrated last year with his family albeit on PR visa but they love it and don't regret a thing. some things are worth risking..I have doubts all the time about things and people I will miss but if we didn't go we would always ask ourselves what if...that would bug me more than yep we tried it and it didn't work out..

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Totally agree, and that's my way of thinking about all of this.

I would rather try it and it maybe wont work out, but at least I(we) will have tried it....


Anyway, they'll be ringing in 30mins so i'll see what they have to say about everything.


Will let you know.


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Totally agree, and that's my way of thinking about all of this.

I would rather try it and it maybe wont work out, but at least I(we) will have tried it....


Anyway, they'll be ringing in 30mins so i'll see what they have to say about everything.


Will let you know.




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for what its worth


I come out on a WHV didn't want to leave


Got offered a 457 right at the last min


Two years later applied for 186 PR


It got granted last week.


It was an emotional roller coast a of a ride but worth every bit of it


PS I also have no formal recognized qualifications IE degree.

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Hi jj


Many thanks for the post.

I think we're just have to go and roll with it.

I spoke to the employer last night and they would have considered the 187 route, however, the timescales of arranging one would go against me now. So, it looks like the 457 all the way!!

Although, the employer did say that he would speak to the migration agent to pass on my comments and concerns.


I'll let you know when I hear anything.


Also, Merry Christmas everyone.................

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to ask:I'm a nurse and I lodged in my 457 visa application late last week. My 2-year hospital experience was from 4 years ago and now I'm wondering if this would be a factor if I could be granted a visa or not.

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