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Ozzie Slang


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Not familiar with it but I take it to mean American imitates. Odd how in certain quarters it's considered cool. I can recall very vividly American travellers in Europe Displaying the Maple Leaf flag of Canada on their back packs , in order not to be taken as Americans. Funny old world.


I always thought folk said 'you can tell when there is a Canadian in the room, because they will tell you (they are not american)'. Must say all the Canadians I have met have been very friendly sorts.

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Nah, Pabs, that's not aussie slang...Sledging is, though. You should learn to play cricket and it will open all sorts of verbal delights to you.whistling.gif


Cheers, Bobj.



Nah mate,not into sports where they stop for a roast dinner an all that ,plenty of sledging in footy btw mate,just not as polite lol

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  • 8 months later...
so far I got the following:


Dunny = toilet

Smoke-o = Lunch time


please tell me more I should know about, its quite confusing.




This is a fairly old thread but I thought I'd wade in with my seafarers cap on and say that 'smoko' is an old naval term. It still has the same meaning as what we recognise it as today, but in fact was coined on ships long before Europeans settled in Oz, and is still used today (I've said the word at least 10 times in the last week)

I must say though that there are tremendous amount if words and phrases in common use today that came from seafarers in history, when I started my career at sea it was like learning a new language.

Also, slightly off topic but my crew have a superhuman ability for knowing the exact time to the millisecond (without a watch) when smoko starts, pity they don't always know when it finishes.

<I walk into the crew mess at 10:35>

Crew: "Good morning Captain"

Me: "Good Morning"

<I look up at clock>

Crew: "F**ing Hell, is that the time?"

<everyone shuffles to the door complaining that the clock is wrong again>

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