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Since being back from UK to Brisbane (approaching 3 months now) I continue to be shocked by the amount of rude behaviour I have encountered here. Organised a day out and.... circulated an email with 'let me know etc..' Most people didn't even get back to me, and I actually bumped into two of them (I know they don't dislike me) and asked them and they said 'We're busy' How hard is it to just email back saying can't make it?.....

Went to a meet up group organised by someone else - 13 people confirmed attendance. 5 showed.... what's that about? The organiser said 'well some times no one shows' There's a RSVP for a purpose!!

Applied for some voluntary work - No response to my application, not even a 'thanks but no thanks'

Applied for a number of jobs, people didn't get back to me, when they did, they didn't send me details they promised....


I know that rudeness is not confined to Australia, that job agencies are on the whole unprofessional, and I'm probably being over sensitive but why can't people show a modicum of respect?:arghh:

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That shouldn't be an excuse, however, to behave like this, isn't it? It takes less than a minute to send a reply such as 'I'm busy and won't come.' or something similar. Not to mention the mega rude recruiters and HR people...who just think of their stupid KPIs.


I made the same experience down here in Melbourne and by now gave up even to wonder why it is the way it is. I'm just so disappointed. There's a huge difference in mentality between the UK and OZ, I think, and I certainly prefer the UK mentality. Just look at the Ashes right now...says a lot about the Aussies (the fact that they behave like bogans all the time).

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IMHO rudeness like that is endemic and you sort of get used to it (and, I hate to say) even begin to behave like the natives! I notice it, too, on the roads and in queues - what us it with queuing in Aus? I have never been quite so invisible as standing in a queue there!

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Office rudeness is amazing, the amount of collegues who simply ignore emails....I have almost given up trying to get responses from some people now. When you remark on this kind of thing, they then look at you all shocked, what do you expect?! As to rude and rubbish staff in hotels or venues I meet for work, I have now taken to writing formal complaints. This annoys me so much, that I should be forced to become a Victor Meldrew type of person, when in fact I am usually quite easy going!

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This is also what my wife noticed at her job. She's a mental health nurse with 6 years experience and we came over to NSW organized by the hospital. They didn't even introduced her at work and ignored her most of the times. One of the main reasons we are going back to the UK. Well she's already back and has a nice contract in Manchester and is happy. For nice weather there is for about 3 hours flight to Spain / Portugal plenty of sun shine ;)


I'm still here organizing for our house hold to be transported back to the UK.


For my self I find that most people are low class with more tattoo paint on their body's then you can find in the B&Q. Also after every word the need to say the 'F' word bothers me. And the driving... say no more...


disclaimer; this is my personal view!

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