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Big Decision!

Big G

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I initially started a new thread under the Queensland section as I was initially offered a job there. Anyway, things have changed now and I have been offered a 2nd role with the same company but this time it'll involve relocating to the north of Sydney.

The office is located in the Lisarow area and i'm just looking for any advice on that area / schools / rental properties etc etc.


Many thanks



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Lisarow is certainly to the north of Sydney, but it would be considered the Central Coast not Sydney so do your research on that. Some people love it up there, nice beaches and more affordable housing. In our first year, we thought about moving up that way and even looked at some houses, but the daily commute to Sydney was to much.


Anyone preferring a metro lifestyle might find it a bit too far from Sydney and a bit colloquial perhaps. If I was working there, I would look to live right on the coast I think.

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Hi Rupert


Cheers for the reply.

Sorry, the reason I was north of Sydney was really due my potential employer referring to it as that etc.

i agree, it does look quite a nice place actually.

We wouldnt be bothered about being close to Sydney as we have young children, although one of them said tonight that she didn't want to go. :confused:


We spotted some cracking houses that everyone was happy with and from what ie gathered, the primary schools get a decent review too.

Ill keep researching


Thanks again


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Hi Rupert


Cheers for the reply.

Sorry, the reason I was north of Sydney was really due my potential employer referring to it as that etc.

i agree, it does look quite a nice place actually.

We wouldnt be bothered about being close to Sydney as we have young children, although one of them said tonight that she didn't want to go. :confused:


We spotted some cracking houses that everyone was happy with and from what ie gathered, the primary schools get a decent review too.

Ill keep researching


Thanks again



Well your employer is not wrong, it certainly is north of Sydney. :biggrin:


And I would also say Sydney is very accessible if you need to pop down (but it would be a bit too much daily). I just wanted to make the distinction between it being one of the Sydney suburbs versus the Central Coast. Personally, if I had chosen a different career path and was able to live somewhere like that, I would be very happy to give it a go.

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There's some nice places in that area.

Whether its nearer the beach or further in land so to speak.

Now trying to tie in the property with the primary schools etc.


Lisarow primary school gets a good report (as per the Government ranking).

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Central Coast is gorgeous. We live in Avoca which is a beach suburb. I don't know Lisarow it is more inland (but saying that only about a 20 minute drive for me). When I have driven through it, it appears more to be more acreage properties but as I said I don't know the area. If you are on Facebook, there's a great "Central Coast Expats" group. You may get some more info from there.

If you moved here, you would not be sorry especially if you have young children.

Sydney is an hour and half train journey away. Great on a Sunday as only costs $10 for a family of 4 ;-)

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Hi Janie


How's it going?

Thanks for the reply / post.


We've looked at Avoca and it looks great!! I'm not on Facebook but my wife is so i'll ask her to look into it - thanks for that.

Yeah, I think the Central Coast would be a fantastic place for children to grow up.


Speak to you soon


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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Janie


How's it going?

Thanks for the reply / post.


We've looked at Avoca and it looks great!! I'm not on Facebook but my wife is so i'll ask her to look into it - thanks for that.

Yeah, I think the Central Coast would be a fantastic place for children to grow up.


Speak to you soon



Hi there. We've been here nearly 2 years and it's a lovely place to live. The school is good and everyone is really friendly. There are surprisingly a lot of Brits in Avoca (good or bad, depending how you look at things). Beach is good and there's a local surf club. I suppose it depends what you want. Terrigal is also a lovely place and I would happily move there is we needed to.


Good luck


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Hi Jane


Many thanks for the reply and info.

I think we're planning on aiming for the Tuggerah area as the local school is meant to be really good, plus this is where the office will be too.


I'll keep you posted.


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