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Bikies to wear Pink and have fairy wings

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

... I'm sorry but this is so ridiculous, Campbell Newman is making himself look like a prat. Especially with his stance on the crocs up here as well.




Pretty bars: Why stop at pink uniforms, how about pink cells for inmates too? Buffalo police Captain Mark Antonia inside newly painted pink cell block in prison colour change result of research showing affect of colours on aggression. United States of America. Pic AP Source: CairnsPost

HASN'T our Premier heard? Pink is so hot right now, especially on men.



So when I read about how Campbell Newman together with Police and Community Safety Minister Jack Dempsey were looking at introducing pink jumpsuits as a source of embarrassment to inmate bikies, I almost choked with laughter.



The prospect of turning prison threads into a girlier shade of pale was inspired by controversial US sheriff Joe Arpaio, who makes inmates don bright pink outfits.



Campbell and his team of tough guys have been going hard on a whole lot of things since stepping into office in March last year. Bikies are the latest to come under fire.



Young offenders being sent to boot camps went under the microscope earlier this year.



Following Kuranda boot camp's failure and community outrage at its location, an announcement on the new location we hear on a cattle property somewhere between Cairns and Townsville is expected in about a week.



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Campbell has even been getting tough on crocodiles. On his visit to the Far North this week, he said his government remained committed to ridding crocs from waterways in populated areas, as he watched a saltie being removed from near the Barron River.



Despite these tough-guy tactics, the hard men of politics think a "soft" approach to bikie inmate outfits could put the fear factor into would-be offenders.



I can see their intent and the possibilities are endless.



Inmates could be forced to wear mankinis, or even some of history's biggest fashion disaster trends such as ra-ra skirts, MC Hammer pants or extreme shoulder pads.



Surely the threat of wearing a mankini would be enough to stop people from dealing in illegal substances, theft, assault and all the assorted other criminal offences those mean bikies like to carry out.



As news broke on the State Government's latest consideration, we received a leaked email from the office of Newman containing the early workings of a 10-point plan for Queensland bikie prisoners.



It's a little shocking.



The details are below:



1. Prisoners will be dressed in pink jumpsuits as primarily a source of embarrassment, because pink is a girly colour, but also for identification.



2. For the extreme offenders, instead of isolation, they will be issued with fairy wings. They will be forced to write on a blackboard "I am a fairy princess".



3. High heels, the higher and more sparkly the better, will replace prison shoes.



4. Handbags will replace sacks. Note: We may need to consider doing regular handbag searches?



5. Instruct kitchen staff to put pink food dye into breakfast muffin mix. Sprinkles could be an option?



6. Inmates will no longer be able to shave heads and will be instructed to grow out hair. Check costings on introducing a hairdresser to plait hair and do other girly styles.



7. Should we introduce bras and make them wear them?



8. Hold a concert once a week where prisoners must perform a really girly song, perhaps Wannabe by the Spice Girls?



9. Can we get mankinis made in pink?



10. Introduce pink bikes and make them ride them.



This 10-point plan has its merits.



If a prisoner did escape, the spotlight searches would pick up those sparkly heels a mile away. And let's face it, running in heels is not an easy feat, so their getaway would be delayed.



Anticipating a drop in bikie crime rates as a result of these girly measures, could backfire yet. What if, secretly, bikies all really like the colour pink?



What if beneath those dirt-crusted leathers, matted beards, skull-and-cross bone bandanas and boots they're wearing a lovely pair of pink jocks?



If my law-abiding, very sensible best mate suddenly bought a bike and starting hooning around, threatening to knife people, then I will know what's up she will kill for a decent pair of sparkly heels.



Honestly, the whole thing smacks of schoolyard tactics.



The pink jumpsuit proposal is like the big schoolyard bully pointing at the little kid and taunting with "you're a girl".



Culture and tradition have pegged pink as a feminine colour but who made that decision?



How far does it go?



Who decides how much humiliation and ridicule someone deserves?



Will sparkly high heels really be next?



Forget the bikies, if you want to shame someone, target convicted paedophiles.



Moving ahead, and to prove they really do mean business, perhaps the Newman Government needs an image makeover to drive the point home that they really are tough. Business shirts with any hint of pink should be banned and the excuse that "my wife accidentally threw the red jocks in the wash" just won't cut it.



Some tough-guy haircuts just like Mr T would work. Those soft office hands must be kept hidden in pockets, which means a head butt will have to replace a handshake.



That's tough.



I'm yet to see if this latest tactic actually works. I can't say I know any outlaw bikies so I can't ask them. I do, however, know plenty of biking enthusiasts who think it's laughable.

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I personally don't think that Sheriff Arpaio should be used as a model Guvnor.


He feeds the prisoners sub standard food, keeps them in horrible conditions, inside with the roaches or outside in tent city.


I remember watching an interview with him on the Tv and was appalled at his attitude. They then interviewed one of the guards and he said that sometimes you would hear screaming in the tent compound at night, due to staff levels they cannot go inside at night easily and they wait till morning.


But unfortunately prison seems to be a revolving door and these people keep coming back to inhumane conditions.


I thought that losing your liberty was punishment enough, prison should not be a cruel punishment, it should be a place where you can be rehabilitated.

Maybe they could be taught mechanics or metalworking, let the have the choice to get an open university degree (or whatever the Australian equivalent is). Let prisoners become more educated, let them learn a trade.

Maybe they won't come back?

But lets give them the chance.

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Bikies are just middle-aged men who like drinking and riding with their mates and keeping away from their wives. The figure I heard is that only 0.6 per cent of crimes are committed by so-called "Bikies". Yet Newman has spent nearly a million dollars of taxpayers money on an advertising campaign telling us how tough he is on Bikies. Who will be next? Don't tell Newman that 3 per cent of the prison population in Australia are New Zealand born, he might get ideas.

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The Nazis did something similar. Yellow Star of David for Jews and Pink Triangles for gays and lesbians. Campbell Newman is a nasty, vindictive, spiteful, petty, spineless little toad who only serves his mates and those who want to turn Queensland back 30 years such as the fundamentalist Christians. One of the first things he did was to abolish civil partnerships To please the Christian lobby. Queensland is backward enough compared to other states without this prat making it worse.

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The whole thing is rubbish and makes us a laughing stock. Reminds me of the old days when in Q'land you couldn't have a group of more than 3 people in case you were inciting some sort of anti-government riot. Anyone remember Joe Bjelke Petersen?


Especially makes QLD a laughing stock. Such laws would put me off ever considering a move there. Benders indeed.

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The Nazis did something similar. Yellow Star of David for Jews and Pink Triangles for gays and lesbians. Campbell Newman is a nasty, vindictive, spiteful, petty, spineless little toad who only serves his mates and those who want to turn Queensland back 30 years such as the fundamentalist Christians. One of the first things he did was to abolish civil partnerships To please the Christian lobby. Queensland is backward enough compared to other states without this prat making it worse.


My thoughts exactly. Where's the anger up there? Thought Brisbane was trying to pass itself off as an increasingly worldly, growing in sophistication sort of city?

Talk about going back to the past.

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Some confusion over the wild hogs and organised criminal gangs . Seems some confusion with hitler and Jews as well . Or slightly more confused than confusion . Read some pretty dumb stuff on this . Nobodies targeting innocent bikers . The targets are the criminal bikie gangs . The ones that can get a Gold Coast Anz branch to open at 8.30 on a Friday night to lend $200,000 dollars to some one . Campbell's targeting hoons as well , confiscating cars and crushing them . I'm a law abiding motorist , should I start comparing it to a Stalinist state and fear the Gulag. ? No , that would just be silly.

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Some confusion over the wild hogs and organised criminal gangs . Seems some confusion with hitler and Jews as well . Or slightly more confused than confusion . Read some pretty dumb stuff on this . Nobodies targeting innocent bikers . The targets are the criminal bikie gangs . The ones that can get a Gold Coast Anz branch to open at 8.30 on a Friday night to lend $200,000 dollars to some one . Campbell's targeting hoons as well , confiscating cars and crushing them . I'm a law abiding motorist , should I start comparing it to a Stalinist state and fear the Gulag. ? No , that would just be silly.


Not silly at all if you have an understanding in QLD politics. Very glad the judiciary has made a stand. So you consider a blanket ban on all motor bike clubs ok then? Are they all criminal then, guilty without being charged just through association? A lot to fear with such a government, a return in part to the bad old days of red neck politics ....

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Not silly at all if you have an understanding in QLD politics. Very glad the judiciary has made a stand. So you consider a blanket ban on all motor bike clubs ok then? Are they all criminal then, guilty without being charged just through association? A lot to fear with such a government, a return in part to the bad old days of red neck politics ....

Very silly if you have an understanding of the word blanket . Even sillier if you have an understanding of national socialist activities before and during the 2nd world war .

26 motorcycle clubs involved in criminal activities . Serious crime . How does that constitute a blanket ban on all motorcycle clubs in your opinion ?

Its all very well opposing every thing a right of centre goverment does , but some times you need to take a step back and look at the facts .

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Very silly if you have an understanding of the word blanket . Even sillier if you have an understanding of national socialist activities before and during the 2nd world war .

26 motorcycle clubs involved in criminal activities . Serious crime . How does that constitute a blanket ban on all motorcycle clubs in your opinion ?

Its all very well opposing every thing a right of centre goverment does , but some times you need to take a step back and look at the facts .


It's been well explained the wider implications besides the abuse of the rule of law. I can assure you I have a full understanding of the political implications both of this and of what you speak about national socialism before the war.

The QLD judiciary has rightly critiqued the law passed which will be challenged and more than likely repelled. It constitutes a blanket ban on motor cycle clubs because that what it is. I refer obviously to patched up clubs. As I said earlier when we have an elected government going down the path of criminalising folk due to association we are in trouble. The law transcends the populist desire by government to win over the red neck vote.

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Very silly if you have an understanding of the word blanket . Even sillier if you have an understanding of national socialist activities before and during the 2nd world war .

26 motorcycle clubs involved in criminal activities . Serious crime . How does that constitute a blanket ban on all motorcycle clubs in your opinion ?

Its all very well opposing every thing a right of centre goverment does , but some times you need to take a step back and look at the facts .


So it's ok to ban he clubs then? 26 clubs, Some members are involved in criminal activity, not all some.

So it is ok to persecute motorcycle clubs because of some people?


Surely you should be arrested and tried for the crimes you commit, not be persecuted for the crimes that others do.

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Guest Guest16631

.......what a shame Newman has reduced this issue to childish and bigoted reaction......

.......does he think the criminals amongst the gangs are going to care what colour they wear....?

........all he is doing is givving them just another way to stand out.....

........why pink for goodness sake......

.........does wearing pink make you a criminal....or any less of a person.....?

.........something has to be done about the criminal element in any culture......

........but IMO.......this is not the way......

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.......what a shame Newman has reduced this issue to childish and bigoted reaction......

.......does he think the criminals amongst the gangs are going to care what colour they wear....?

........all he is doing is givving them just another way to stand out.....

........why pink for goodness sake......

.........does wearing pink make you a criminal....or any less of a person.....?

.........something has to be done about the criminal element in any culture......

........but IMO.......this is not the way......


The colour pink is to humiliate them, tink. The colour is associated with girls, sissy behaviour, gay and everything that goes against their raw, working class Aussie male values. For a government wanting not just to punish law breakers, but to criminalise an entire group of motor cycle clubs and then humiliate them, says some serious things about the agenda of the QLD government in place at the moment.

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So it's ok to ban he clubs then? 26 clubs, Some members are involved in criminal activity, not all some.

So it is ok to persecute motorcycle clubs because of some people?


Surely you should be arrested and tried for the crimes you commit, not be persecuted for the crimes that others do.


Anyone that suggests otherwise really needs to take a long hard look at their value system, along with the sort of country they wish this to become.

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Guest Guest16631
The colour pink is to humiliate them, tink. The colour is associated with girls, sissy behaviour, gay and everything that goes against their raw, working class Aussie male values. For a government wanting not just to punish law breakers, but to criminalise an entire group of motor cycle clubs and then humiliate them, says some serious things about the agenda of the QLD government in place at the moment.





........he must be very old school then...............pink is no longer a sissy girls colour.....ime....

.........how archaic......!

..........and to want to humiliate a whole group of people........says so much more about Newmans insecurities......!

...........a sad day for QLD...

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So it's ok to ban he clubs then? 26 clubs, Some members are involved in criminal activity, not all some.

So it is ok to persecute motorcycle clubs because of some people?


Surely you should be arrested and tried for the crimes you commit, not be persecuted for the crimes that others do.

yes it's ok to ban them . They're criminal gangs , not gangs with criminals in. What's the hard part for you to understand about that ? Do you and FOC think the mafia should be left in peace until they're caught in the act ? Amazes me anyone can be so naive or stupid . Do you think the bandidos are a good bunch of happy motor cyclist , working hard and cruising round on the bikes at weekends with just a couple of bad apples ? They are organised like the mafia , they join to become criminals , part of a criminal gang . They're well run with a hierarchy and code of silence .not the easiest bunch to convict especially as witness intimidation , police intimidation and the amount of money they've got for the best lawyers . Not your average working class Ausi blokes . Especially as few do work , yet seem to have an incredible lifestyle and out goings . FOC seems to think that if you oppose organised crime your a redneck that the right wing appeases . Why not stick some more phobias to those that support law and order . Homophobic if you dress them in pink , because labelling anyone who thinks outside the trendy liberal box must be a little bit mad and need some therapy .

Why not try to humiliate them and break the macho culture in prison ?

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yes it's ok to ban them . They're criminal gangs , not gangs with criminals in. What's the hard part for you to understand about that ? Do you and FOC think the mafia should be left in peace until they're caught in the act ? Amazes me anyone can be so naive or stupid . Do you think the bandidos are a good bunch of happy motor cyclist , working hard and cruising round on the bikes at weekends with just a couple of bad apples ? They are organised like the mafia , they join to become criminals , part of a criminal gang . They're well run with a hierarchy and code of silence .not the easiest bunch to convict especially as witness intimidation , police intimidation and the amount of money they've got for the best lawyers . Not your average working class Ausi blokes . Especially as few do work , yet seem to have an incredible lifestyle and out goings . FOC seems to think that if you oppose organised crime your a redneck that the right wing appeases . Why not stick some more phobias to those that support law and order . Homophobic if you dress them in pink , because labelling anyone who thinks outside the trendy liberal box must be a little bit mad and need some therapy .

Why not try to humiliate them and break the macho culture in prison ?



Have you ever met anyone in a club in your life?

Or do you just watch the news and the sons of anarchy?


They are NOT criminal gangs.

Most guys do work and work very hard they do.

Yes they live a different life to most of us, but should they be persecuted for that?

Should every person on a motorcycle be treated poorly by those who have a little bit of power.


What part do YOU not understand where people are being segregated and given harsher prison sentences and treated poorly by the law. At what point should law abiding motorcyclists have to call the police to tell them where they are riding to avoid being hassled by the man.


I always thought that people could go where ever they liked, talk to who they please, say what they want, wear what ever they want.

Apparently not.



It's not the 60's any more.

Although Peter Fonda did say it well.



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Have you ever met anyone in a club in your life?

Or do you just watch the news and the sons of anarchy?


They are NOT criminal gangs.

Most guys do work and work very hard they do.

Yes they live a different life to most of us, but should they be persecuted for that?

Should every person on a motorcycle be treated poorly by those who have a little bit of power.


What part do YOU not understand where people are being segregated and given harsher prison sentences and treated poorly by the law. At what point should law abiding motorcyclists have to call the police to tell them where they are riding to avoid being hassled by the man.


I always thought that people could go where ever they liked, talk to who they please, say what they want, wear what ever they want.

Apparently not.



It's not the 60's any more.

Although Peter Fonda did say it well.



So just to be sure it's not naivety , have you met any of the Gold Coast bandidos ?

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So just to be sure it's not naivety , have you met any of the Gold Coast bandidos ?



Gold coast no. Others yes.


And admittedly there are some naughty boys, there are some good ones as well.



But my problem is not with the clubs (which mainly keep to themselves) but with how the police are allowed to act and get away with treating people.

My problem is how there are laws for differing people, not just one law for all.



It is the police's job to follow up on crimes, make investigations. They are not there to oppress and show their force, but unfortunately that is what they are doing.

They are victimizing a section out of society that they dislike.


Or do you think that is right?


If the cops get away with this who will be next I wonder.

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yes it's ok to ban them . They're criminal gangs , not gangs with criminals in. What's the hard part for you to understand about that ? Do you and FOC think the mafia should be left in peace until they're caught in the act ? Amazes me anyone can be so naive or stupid . Do you think the bandidos are a good bunch of happy motor cyclist , working hard and cruising round on the bikes at weekends with just a couple of bad apples ? They are organised like the mafia , they join to become criminals , part of a criminal gang . They're well run with a hierarchy and code of silence .not the easiest bunch to convict especially as witness intimidation , police intimidation and the amount of money they've got for the best lawyers . Not your average working class Ausi blokes . Especially as few do work , yet seem to have an incredible lifestyle and out goings . FOC seems to think that if you oppose organised crime your a redneck that the right wing appeases . Why not stick some more phobias to those that support law and order . Homophobic if you dress them in pink , because labelling anyone who thinks outside the trendy liberal box must be a little bit mad and need some therapy .

Why not try to humiliate them and break the macho culture in prison ?


They are only criminal gangs as designated by a government ruling. These clubs are world wide and though can be unruly are not illegal. do you not understand the dangers of criminalisation through association? Amazes me how somebody can be so naïve or stupid. (to return the compliment)

So what is your personal insight into patched biker culture? You know for a fact do you all clubs are criminal organisations along with all members?

Having had personal encounters with patched members of a WA club, I can inform you every person had a job. Pretty much your average Aussie working class blokes with an edge.

Indeed the QLD government laws are aimed at the narrow red neck element and worse. Such sentiment as expressed is a step away from supporting a police state and has nothing to do with so termed trendy liberal views but the rule of law and excess of government.

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Gold coast no. Others yes.


And admittedly there are some naughty boys, there are some good ones as well.



But my problem is not with the clubs (which mainly keep to themselves) but with how the police are allowed to act and get away with treating people.

My problem is how there are laws for differing people, not just one law for all.



It is the police's job to follow up on crimes, make investigations. They are not there to oppress and show their force, but unfortunately that is what they are doing.

They are victimizing a section out of society that they dislike.


Or do you think that is right?


If the cops get away with this who will be next I wonder.

its also the polices job to prevent and deter crime , I'm sure your aware .

Take random breath tests on motorists . I've had about 15 in three years . No screams of demonisation of motorists and it's the gas chambers next stop. Targeted for driving . a car and presumed guilty unless I blow and prove myself innocent . Plenty of law abiding bikers round here . Old codgers on Harley's , younger blokes on newer machines . No trouble with them at all .it would be ludicrous to label all bike riders criminals , that's probably why no one is or has . But the failure to act on the criminal gangs , which they are and to fail to take preemptive measures against them as a growing menace is building more trouble for the future . No police state and absolutely nothing to do with rednecks , a great deal of whom have Harley's in their sheds !

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