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My not an arrival report


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So here goes with a drive by update on fings


* Its windy. And it rains. But there is some sunshine also. And lo, night follows day. :yes:

* I've eaten Aussie chocolate off the supermarket shelf and lived to come back here and report on it.

* My tastebuds survived the above incident intact.

* We got a good deal on a car. No, really we did. :wideeyed:

* We got a great deal on a really well rated by CREP car seat for our son. Half price in fact. Bargain! :jiggy:

* Shopping at the supermarket with my son is ACE as he has his own mini trolley. Means I don't have to carry a basket and he loves the idea of pushing his own, so its a win win. Downside, I have to carry it all home as they don't let you take the midget trollies with you for some reason :mad:

* Central Market in Adelaide is a good as I remember, perhaps better now it has The Smelly Cheese stall and a place selling amazing fresh bagels.

* Our son likes school and has settled straight in to his new class. He is being assessed over the coming term and will go into a year R1 class next year and we'll see how he goes during that before we decide if he does year 1 again or goes into Y2, thereby skipping a year so to speak. Either way, we are relaxed about it and are happy with the choice of school.

* We have car, internet, mobiles, medicare, school, bank and more sorted. Hubby is working and I am going to explore options down the self employed route for now.

* I seem to have developed an inner ear problem since the flight and so am experiencing some bobbing sensations on and off over the day. Bit weird but hoping it will pass in time. Its one of those annoying things that can take a while to right itself :realmad::wacko: Anyone know what I am on about? If so, how long did it take to pass?

* Two words - Mint Slice.

* Two more words plus two more - Orange Tim Tams dunked

* Local swimming complex has full size pool (and loads of seating as they have competitions etc there), diving boards, kiddies areas and shedloads of waterslides. And isn't expensive price wise. Very reasonable in fact. Son can't wait to head there this weekend.

* Son is chuffed as he has collected all the Woolies Aussie Animals cards (thanks to family and friends collecting heaps for him to open on arrival and our pleas for the last few needed being answered). We have loads of spares and are busy helping others complete their collections and also collecting a set for his best mate in the UK. Lovely stuff.

* Take the mint slice pack away from me!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Sounds like you have your priorities right Hun, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.

When I flew down to Sydney for the op my ear drum burst on the plane, very painful. Took 4 weeks to get right again, so hopefully it will be ok in a week, get to the Dr if not.

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So here goes with a drive by update on fings


* Its windy. And it rains. But there is some sunshine also. And lo, night follows day. :yes:

* I've eaten Aussie chocolate off the supermarket shelf and lived to come back here and report on it.

* My tastebuds survived the above incident intact.

* We got a good deal on a car. No, really we did. :wideeyed:

* We got a great deal on a really well rated by CREP car seat for our son. Half price in fact. Bargain! :jiggy:

* Shopping at the supermarket with my son is ACE as he has his own mini trolley. Means I don't have to carry a basket and he loves the idea of pushing his own, so its a win win. Downside, I have to carry it all home as they don't let you take the midget trollies with you for some reason :mad:

* Central Market in Adelaide is a good as I remember, perhaps better now it has The Smelly Cheese stall and a place selling amazing fresh bagels.

* Our son likes school and has settled straight in to his new class. He is being assessed over the coming term and will go into a year R1 class next year and we'll see how he goes during that before we decide if he does year 1 again or goes into Y2, thereby skipping a year so to speak. Either way, we are relaxed about it and are happy with the choice of school.

* We have car, internet, mobiles, medicare, school, bank and more sorted. Hubby is working and I am going to explore options down the self employed route for now.

* I seem to have developed an inner ear problem since the flight and so am experiencing some bobbing sensations on and off over the day. Bit weird but hoping it will pass in time. Its one of those annoying things that can take a while to right itself :realmad::wacko: Anyone know what I am on about? If so, how long did it take to pass?

* Two words - Mint Slice.

* Two more words plus two more - Orange Tim Tams dunked

* Local swimming complex has full size pool (and loads of seating as they have competitions etc there), diving boards, kiddies areas and shedloads of waterslides. And isn't expensive price wise. Very reasonable in fact. Son can't wait to head there this weekend.

* Son is chuffed as he has collected all the Woolies Aussie Animals cards (thanks to family and friends collecting heaps for him to open on arrival and our pleas for the last few needed being answered). We have loads of spares and are busy helping others complete their collections and also collecting a set for his best mate in the UK. Lovely stuff.

* Take the mint slice pack away from me!


Mint Slice - how nice is it? Sounds as if you're all settling in, great to hear about school too and the completion of the Woolies vouchers - it's made me laugh the requests for number - I even got some with the shopping to try to fill friends collections.

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Doesn't taste as good either

Local tastes far better, and wife and daughter agree after buying more pommy vegolate last week, two boxes of at K Mart. Sugared fat is about all you can say for pommy 'chocolate'

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Aussie chocolate actually has chocolate as an ingredient, unlike most of the pommy stuff. Beware!


Tbh I like Belgian or Swiss chocolate over anything. Rather eat Lindt, Leonidas or Godiva over anything on the shelf anywhere, Aussie or UK included.

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Sounds like you have your priorities right Hun, chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.

When I flew down to Sydney for the op my ear drum burst on the plane, very painful. Took 4 weeks to get right again, so hopefully it will be ok in a week, get to the Dr if not.


O for sure, it's chocolate all the way ATM :D


And my ear is annoying me. The bobbing feeling comes and goes and I just want it to stay gone. Here is hoping it improves soon, if not a trip to the docs is in order.

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I get the bobbing feeling sometimes after flying. I liken it to feeling like I'm on a boat. It usually goes within a few days but sometimes I'll still be getting it a bit a couple of weeks later.


It sounds like you have settled right in and got loads sorted already.

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Tbh I like Belgian or Swiss chocolate over anything. Rather eat Lindt, Leonidas or Godiva over anything on the shelf anywhere, Aussie or UK included.

Boutique choc makers here will surprise. Forget commercial choc, even Lindt etc in most places. Try Lindsay and Edmunds organic when you have spare funds

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Well it sounds like you have settled in nicely, glad your all enjoying life.


as for the ear thingy.....I have flown quite a lot long haul but never experienced the dizzy (in a lift sensation) that I felt after flying to OZ, I took a whole week to go.....was horrid.....but I'm sure it will pass. Did u fly on an airbus? It was my first time on an airbus and I think there altitude is a little higher hence the trouble with ears. Hope you feel better soon.....keep on enjoying :wubclub:

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