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Australia's Bikie Gangs

Guest The Pom Queen

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WTF Is the difference between a biker gang and a bikie gang? They are called biker gangs in every other country in the world.. Just bikie is Australia as they like to put an 'IE' on the end of many words!



Sorry, there is no such thing in Oz as a biker gang. There are bikie gangs ....but not biker gangs.

There are bikers who have clubs...but clubs which have nothing to do with the criminal activities often associated with bikie gangs.


At the end of the day everyone knows what they are whether we choose to call them Biker or bikie..



Had you chosen to call my dedicated biker husband a "bikie" your delicate Scottish ears would have been bleeding by the time he had finished. You would have been left in no doubt about the difference. :wink:

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So what is your great insight into the matter?


Probably the insight arising from being a police officer in Queensland and having to deal with the escalating trouble being created by the bikie turf wars there at the moment.

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I think the Aussies on the thread know a teeny bit more about what 'bikies' are in Australia than us Poms..after all they are the people who have grown up with and know the history of the various gangs in different areas...I'd say police officers have a decent insight into what being in a bikie gang is all about too....

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Anyone ever met anyone from a bikie club?

You know, in real life?


Most guys in the clubs are working class men, they go to work and they live for the club.

No they are not angels, but they are not devils either. They are not what the media portray them as.

But the media do love an easy target and hey bikies are it. Just look at their tattoo's and they wear a patch on their back, they must be bad people because the news said so.


Look they are wearing a hoody and they have shaved heads. oohhh.


Big deal.




It is just the alarmist Australian media whipping the populace up into a frenzy.

Most bikies I have met have been polite and respectful and so have I. I never tried to pick a fight with one and none have ever tried to pick a fight with me. But you know if you do want a fight I am sure they will oblige. And plenty of people want to prove themselves, to their mates or maybe have just drank too much of the stupid juice that night.


As for organised crime, grow up people, bikies are small fish compared to other groups. Triads, Chinese mafia, Albanians, Russians you name it but there are more organised and more scarey people out there than bikes. And unfortunately they don't ride loud motorcycles and have a patch on their back that says "I'm a bad guy". They more than likely drive a SUV and wear a suit.

Wasn't there a whole town in Australia owned by the Italian mafia? Didn't they grow tons and tons of weed there? Even the cops and local councillors were in on it, little old ladies too.


So yes the bikies are picked on by the media and the police, and this will only make them famous and attract more attention for them. And keep up their bad boy image. They love the attention of the media. Not so much the cops.

And what were they arrested for steroids and some smoke. Big deal, muscle man wanting to get bigger, happens in every gym and some smoke, becoming legal all over the world now isn't it?


Grow up people, look at the big picture.







Right that's it, I'm going to shave my head again and go for a ride on my bike.


Well said and yes I did know some . While not choir boys and a little rough in appearance, many hold down every day jobs. I find the poster very heavy handed, unreasonable and very right wing in his comments. He is of course entitled to his views but should restrain from suggesting he is the /well of enlightenment and all knowledge on the subject of bikies. He could be a copper or has his own reasons.


Let's allow difference in society. There's far too much conformity as it is. Banning things is usually not the way to go. What other country has gone that far? None to my knowledge. let's have more freedom not less.

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WTF Is the difference between a biker gang and a bikie gang? They are called biker gangs in every other country in the world.. Just bikie is Australia as they like to put an 'IE' on the end of many words! At the end of the day everyone knows what they are whether we choose to call them Biker or bikie..


Talk about being pedantic!!


I guess Bikie sounds meaner. Folk forget Aussie like to put an ie at the end of words. Let's ban barbie's as well......while we're at banning things. I mean folk coming together could be subversive......

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First of all you are all making a massive incorrect assumption. The two articles that you have referred to make reference to "Bikies". Bikies are Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMCG) and not Bikers who go out on a Sunday ride with their mates.




The officer has done nothing wrong by taking rego details. The final quote of the article sums it all up and shows that that the article is media hysteria at its finest: "In light of recent activities of some clubs, especially in the south-east corner, there is an increased focus on the activities and movements of criminal motorcycle gangs," he said. "As a result this group was intercepted at the service station and once it was established they did not belong to a criminal motorcycle gang, no further action was taken and police left."

The group were wearing clothing similar to OMCG clothing. The officer checked them out and was satisfied they were not OMCG and so did not take any action. I can't see a problem with that.




This article has the word "Bikies" through the whole article. Bikies as in OMCG not Bikers. Read it in that context and it makes perfect sense.


Are Australian Police targeting bikies? YES

Are Australian Police targeting bikers? Categorically NO.



Cant see a problem.


Hope that clears up a few points.


i thought you explained the difference very well, you clearly have a greater understand on this subject than most making comments!

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It's not being pedantic. In Aust the terms mean very different things.


A biker is just someone who rides for enjoyment often in the company of other like minded individuals.


A bikie on the other hand is a member of a criminal gang.


Nonsense. Bikie clubs were in operation long before a government of conservative persuasion decided to declare them all illegal......

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I think the Aussies on the thread know a teeny bit more about what 'bikies' are in Australia than us Poms..after all they are the people who have grown up with and know the history of the various gangs in different areas...I'd say police officers have a decent insight into what being in a bikie gang is all about too....


Not if their on the other side in a matter of speaking enforcing harassment rules. More a case of bikies against police. Of course they should be stepped on when commit criminal activity but a blanket ban on all patched members of registered motor clubs is an extreme act.

Bikies exist in Britain but there are so many other issues on the front line over year concerning all sorts of other gangs that I guess bikies (yes are called bikers in UK) don't rate very high in the scheme of things.

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Nonsense. Bikie clubs were in operation long before a government of conservative persuasion decided to declare them all illegal......



I realise you like a good debate but you need to pick a different topic.


Perhaps you aren't aware in the west but police on the eastern seaboard are deeply concerned at the moment that another bikie war is about to erupt. The last time this happened a 14 year old girl was shot and killed because she got caught in the crossfire of a carpark gun battle. It may have been almost 30 years ago but nobody has forgotten or wants to see it happen again.

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Guest The Pom Queen

That's it I'm off to watch Sons of Anarchy, please play nicely and don't get personal. Mr Luv Pants is a friend and I didn't take his comments personal.

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I realise you like a good debate but you need to pick a different topic.


Perhaps you aren't aware in the west but police on the eastern seaboard are deeply concerned at the moment that another bikie war is about to erupt. The last time this happened a 14 year old girl was shot and killed because she got caught in the crossfire of a carpark gun battle. It may have been almost 30 years ago but nobody has forgotten or wants to see it happen again.


30 years ago mate and still being brought up.(1984) I 'd imagine most the bikies that survived that would be drawing their pensions now. I recall the incident as it was even reported in Denmark, where I lived at the time. If you want to look at real "outlaw" bikie activity you could do worse than look at the violence over there. A bazooka was used in one attack. Some heavy stuff indeed. A compromise of sorts was reached by the powers that be.

You see far better to allow groups to function in the open unless terrorist operations than to drive them underground. Criminalising motor cycle clubs does but that.

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I realise you like a good debate but you need to pick a different topic.


Perhaps you aren't aware in the west but police on the eastern seaboard are deeply concerned at the moment that another bikie war is about to erupt. The last time this happened a 14 year old girl was shot and killed because she got caught in the crossfire of a carpark gun battle. It may have been almost 30 years ago but nobody has forgotten or wants to see it happen again.


Your right about debate. No thanks this topic is fine.

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It's not being pedantic. In Aust the terms mean very different things.


A biker is just someone who rides for enjoyment often in the company of other like minded individuals.


A bikie on the other hand is a member of a criminal gang.


I knew the difference, bikie implies a member of a gang most of which have a long history of less than proper conduct. Bikers are just a group of mates who meet up and ride their bikes


Sorry, there is no such thing in Oz as a biker gang. There are bikie gangs ....but not biker gangs.

There are bikers who have clubs...but clubs which have nothing to do with the criminal activities often associated with bikie gangs.




Had you chosen to call my dedicated biker husband a "bikie" your delicate Scottish ears would have been bleeding by the time he had finished. You would have been left in no doubt about the difference. :wink:


Alright Alright... That's me been set straight!!.. .



Still think it was a bit on the pedantic / picky side but I shall retire from this thread with my tail between my legs. :wub:

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Guest Guest66881

I was at the lights the other night, and this big hairy arsed biker type pulled up alongside my car, i looked across at the massive lump of metal under him ticking over like a bear with a cold, it looked awesome, the guy had no helmet on just shades and a big beard.

He noticed me looking at his ride and looked straight at me and shouted 'nice ain't it', i replied with a smile and a nod only, he then stamped on the gear change the bike cluncked and he shot off, the lights still on red:cool:


So cool, so illegal, no biker patches on his back either - do they wear the patches all the time those in gangs that is?

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Not if their on the other side in a matter of speaking enforcing harassment rules. More a case of bikies against police. Of course they should be stepped on when commit criminal activity but a blanket ban on all patched members of registered motor clubs is an extreme act.

Bikies exist in Britain but there are so many other issues on the front line over year concerning all sorts of other gangs that I guess bikies (yes are called bikers in UK) don't rate very high in the scheme of things.


I don't think you know what you're on about tbh.

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Guest Guest16631

........a lot of perceived.....bikie business.......is used as a front......

.......and to obtain these businesses...........

........the bona fide traders are forced out......

.........it's not just the fighting.....gang with gang.....

.........it's the little people who are hurt ........those caught in the middle through no fault of their own........

..........there are laws......rules.........that ensures our safety and right to earn a legitamet living.........

..........these gangs ........threaten that right...............ime......

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