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mechanical or electrical engineering

stevie ellis

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Whatever he does, ensure the course is accredited by Engineers Australia - Without this he will struggle to find a job at many companies. As an employer I've looked at many CVs and interviewed many graduates and would say the following:


University of Western Australia (UWA) = They appear to focus on their students helping them into the "top 100 universities" list. This means they teach a lot of theoretical maths and physics etc. to a broad base of students before they specialise in anything. For example, a Mech Eng student will spend many of his first year lectures with Chemisty or Physics students. At the end of it the graduates are clearly well versed and capable of theoretical stuff but lack any practical experience.


Curtin University = When employing I always see a Curtin Engineering Degree as a good thing. The students we've taken on always do very well, have a good practical understaning of stuff and are also good at theoretical calculations etc. A Mech Eng student will spend the whole time at uni learning about that subject.


Edith Cowan University (UCU) = Previously only offered a BSc in Engineering which is useless, now they offer a BEng. However, many people I meet through work make jokes about the uni and say that they only take students who were unable to get into Curtin or UWA.

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Has he thought about mining Engineering too Stevie? Those guys seem to do well here. Mind you, might be a bit specialised.


Interesting thoughts from Goochie. UWA looks and feels like a proper University should. Older campus, great facilities, lovely grounds, nice buildings. A lot of Asians go there, probably more than the average Aussie. Has a good reputation and my company employs a lot of graduates from there. We have graduates from the other 2 Unis he mentions too and they have mostly been very good. ECU has only been around since 1991 so the campuses and facilities are relatively new and it's taken a while for the courses to get established. They have a great campus with impressive buildings in Joondalup. It's getting better all the time. Would be a good option if you lived in the Northern Suburbs.


My sons best friend did his degree at ECU and they have invested heavily in new technology which meant a lot of the course work could be done at home on the computer. Lectures were recorded if you didn't fancy going in or couldn't make it or something.

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Has he thought about mining Engineering too Stevie? Those guys seem to do well here. Mind you, might be a bit specialised.


Interesting thoughts from Goochie. UWA looks and feels like a proper University should. Older campus, great facilities, lovely grounds, nice buildings. A lot of Asians go there, probably more than the average Aussie. Has a good reputation and my company employs a lot of graduates from there. We have graduates from the other 2 Unis he mentions too and they have mostly been very good. ECU has only been around since 1991 so the campuses and facilities are relatively new and it's taken a while for the courses to get established. They have a great campus with impressive buildings in Joondalup. It's getting better all the time. Would be a good option if you lived in the Northern Suburbs.


My sons best friend did his degree at ECU and they have invested heavily in new technology which meant a lot of the course work could be done at home on the computer. Lectures were recorded if you didn't fancy going in or couldn't make it or something.

thanks Paul, TBH this ini thing is away oor ma head, food for thought though, al run this by the lad and see what he thinks . I just hope he gets the grades that will allow him in uni. cheers
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May be you can help me with an advise. My daughter is 3rd year electrical engineering in Canada but she is taking reduced course load and the way I see it, she will study at least 3 more years. We are wondering, if it is better for her to transfer her studies to Australia or to finish university in Canada.

Do you think that her chances to find a job as a new grad will be better if she graduates in Australia?

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May be you can help me with an advise. My daughter is 3rd year electrical engineering in Canada but she is taking reduced course load and the way I see it, she will study at least 3 more years. We are wondering, if it is better for her to transfer her studies to Australia or to finish university in Canada.

Do you think that her chances to find a job as a new grad will be better if she graduates in Australia?



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May be you can help me with an advise. My daughter is 3rd year electrical engineering in Canada but she is taking reduced course load and the way I see it, she will study at least 3 more years. We are wondering, if it is better for her to transfer her studies to Australia or to finish university in Canada.

Do you think that her chances to find a job as a new grad will be better if she graduates in Australia?


Diana is she intending to come and work in Australia?


My thoughts/view are finish what you start and reduce the transfers during a course. By all means take additional work to cross over, but do at end.


Logic is the completion of course is as much worth as the content. She would then be employable in both Canada and Australia with perhaps a small stint of practical work experience in Canada before coming over?


I don't want all staff from same university (even if best in Australia) I would prefer some diversity, with different approaches to mix it up when problem solving is required.

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Thank you both for the replies.


She will be moving with us as a permanent resident and she will be staying for the long run, I hope...:)


We have to research, if professional year or similar option after her 4th year is available for engineering students. Most of the courses are the same (we checked University of Sydney) but we have to call and talk to them as her program is hard as is right now and if she has to take additional 2 semestres worth of courses, may be it will not be the most efficient way for her to complete the degree.


We are in Calgary and a lot of the enginnering students have a good chance to secure summer student positions with big oil & gas companies. She worked for 4 months this year in an electricity distribution company, which was very closely related to her studies and she really liked it.

Is summer student experience taken into consideration when a new grad applies for a job in Australia?


I really appreciate your input as we are trying to be as preperaed as we can be. Having said that, for us it will be a second immigration (starting from scratch) and we realize that there is always something else that we have never thought about .:rolleyes:

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Stevie, do you mean how long is her university program or you are as

king about how long is each of her courses? Uni Program is 4 years, each course is 3 months, they have 5 courses per semestre. University of Sydney electrical is exactly the same in regards to duration of program and course load - just there are courses which might be a bit different but it depends how the university will assess the content.

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Stevie, do you mean how long is her university program or you are as

king about how long is each of her courses? Uni Program is 4 years, each course is 3 months, they have 5 courses per semestre. University of Sydney electrical is exactly the same in regards to duration of program and course load - just there are courses which might be a bit different but it depends how the university will assess the content.

thanks for at Diana, a better get working some overtime then tae pay for ma son uni, aw the Diana.
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So far, she is very happy with her choice of faculty - in Canada all engineering students go through a common foundation program in year 1 and they get to choose their faculty at the beginning of year 2. She was hesitant in the beginning in regards to mechanical or electrical engineering and she put electrical as first option, which turned out to be something that she is happy with (except the programming courses).

Here, the best option for the new grads are the oil and gas companies, as they offer employment for all type of engineers. Naturally, her preference would have been in this sector.This was before we decided to move to Australia. I do not think that today, she will be able to say what she is looking to move into.

We are heading to Sydney as my husband is working in the Finance sector and I am working with the financial modules of ERP systems. Most of our experience is in the oil & gas and mining and I know that WA might be a good place as well, but spending the last 10 years in Calgary, we do not want to live in a place that is so isolated. We have never got used to that here and decided not to go through the same ordeal again. On the other hand, she might be more flexible and she might be willing to move if there is a good opportunity somewhere else.

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Naturally, her preference would have been in this sector.This was before we decided to move to Australia.


We are heading to Sydney as my husband is working in the Finance sector and I am working with the financial modules of ERP systems.




What ERP systems?


There are still plenty of Gas opportunities here on east coast. Sydney included

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