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Certifying Documents


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Newbie on here looking for some help please! We are just starting the whole VETASSESS process for my husband who is an electrician. I have got together all the docs we need to get certified and there are loads! When i have spoken to solicitors they are really expensive to use to certify docs. Has anybody used a bank to certify them? I know they can certify some things, and i dont think they charge (or not as much) but i am not sure if that is acceptable to the visa folks?


Any help greatly appreciated!!



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I emailed my local county court and a Justice of the peace certified all my documents......for FREE. He also signed my statutory declaration.

I'm not sure if they all do this but it's worth a shot. We all know this process is an expensive one so if you can get it done for free...every little helps. Good luck

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Don't think banks can. Doesn't it gave to be a magistrate, JP or solicitor?


We used a solicitor for my certified docs. £35 or so. I called a few and went with the cheapest.

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