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Good Accomodation for Reasonable Prices in Sydney

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Hi, I'm moving to Sydney for 6 months in December this year. The first few weeks I will be spending with family friends in Chifley and Bondi, but after that I'll have to look for my own place. I was just wondering if anyone could recommend any suburbs that are particularly reasonable for renting? I won't be looking for a one bed place, probably more likely to be a 4 or 5 bed. I'm a 23 yr old guy, too, so I want to be in and around where it's busy or where there's stuff going on.


Obviously, I realise I'll have to pay top dollar to live near the beach or near the town centre but equally, although it would be considerably cheaper, I don't want to be living way out of the way either. So what I'm looking for is a compromise.





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