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WA- Suggestions and recommendations!!


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Hi all



we moved to canberra on a 176 visa 2 years a go from the uk and we love it here! We've since had a baby and as much as canberra is a fantastic place to live, it's 2 hrs from the nearest coast (amazing beaches but still too far!) we moved to Australia to have the coastal lifestyle and now we have completed our 2 years that we committed to we want to move. Perth was our preferred destination but we could only get sponsorship for the ACT.



In your experience where do you recommend living with a 5 month old baby? What we want is Canberra with a beach! Ideally we want to be able to walk to the beach. Hubby is a graphic designer/finished artist/art worker but doesn't want a Long stressful commute to work, he currently walks to work in 10 mins at the mo! Everything is great but we want the beach!!



We loved Perth when we were backpackers years ago but haven't been there in 8 years so lots has changed!




what areas do you recommend living with a baby and close to the beach that's not very expensive to live?!



thanks very much in advance!!!

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Perth is very expensive, especially if you want to be close to the beach. To get somewhere even remotely reasonable, within walking distance, you are looking at Yanchep, but I don't know what the job situation would be like for your husband.


Have you looked at somewhere such as Newcastle in NSW? I don't know how expensive it is but I have heard it is lovely!

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Mandurah, as mentioned is also an option. Small seaside town with nice beaches and reasonably affordable - we are in a 3 bedroom 2 story house with pool next to the beach for $325 a week - though your probably looking at between $400-450. Perth CBD is 50 mins by train

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