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wow see that's interesting. I was thinking that you know how epilepsy can present itself in different ways and although a migraine is not a seizure it seems like there are a few neurological similarities. obviously just my entirely uneducated observation


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mine are photosensitive. i get them in poor light or bright light. computers set them off so i got a special screen to help. also checking screen refresh rate can help. i dd a summer school residential with OU last year, spentwhole firstday feeling horrendous. dizzy, sick and auras abound. plus i get stomach miugraines so it was bliating and churning away. put it down to stress of situation. 2nd day i was rather hung over and i had to keep leaving room feelijng unwell. thoughtit was self inflcted until i realised evertime i left the room i felt better and ill when i returned. after that asked each teacher just to dim te fluorescent lights or turn them off and i was fine. knowing my physical triggers aswell as my dietry triggers helps a lot

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Guest littlesarah
wow see that's interesting. I was thinking that you know how epilepsy can present itself in different ways and although a migraine is not a seizure it seems like there are a few neurological similarities. obviously just my entirely uneducated observation


That's what researchers and neurologists are thinking, from what I gather. After all, epilepsy drugs are effective in reducing migraine frequency for some sufferers, which certainly suggests some common physiology.


http://consults.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/are-migraines-related-to-epilepsy/?_r=0 Not peer-reviewed, I know, but interesting nonetheless.


And for a more detailed explanation: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK98193/

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Interesting observation whichway1 - my husband had a couple of seizures in his youth and although he's been fine for forty years, neither of us can cope with strobe lighting :biggrin:


I had a strobe light induced seizure at 14. Can't handle strobe lights or when tellie shows weird trance inducing stuff. Just shows you, so much more than a headache eh?

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mine are photosensitive. i get them in poor light or bright light. computers set them off so i got a special screen to help. also checking screen refresh rate can help. i dd a summer school residential with OU last year, spentwhole firstday feeling horrendous. dizzy, sick and auras abound. plus i get stomach miugraines so it was bliating and churning away. put it down to stress of situation. 2nd day i was rather hung over and i had to keep leaving room feelijng unwell. thoughtit was self inflcted until i realised evertime i left the room i felt better and ill when i returned. after that asked each teacher just to dim te fluorescent lights or turn them off and i was fine. knowing my physical triggers aswell as my dietry triggers helps a lot


It's early days since diagnosis, I totally can't find a dietary trigger, I know that stress and lack of sleep are triggers but I am stressed 80% of my life and have terrible trouble sleeping and really only get a few hours. I've heard of stomach migraines, I'll have to google it. Thanks

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Interesting whichway - we think the two seizures my oH had were caused by lack of sleep and stress. In the absence of any indication of epiliepsy they put it down to a recent cancer diagnosis, or possibly the first dose of chemotherapy - I believe in those far off days it was one step up from rat poison! Either way, I think there are similarities between epilepsy and migraine and have done for some time. Interesting isnt it? Except when you're in the throws of one or the other of course.

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wow see that's interesting. I was thinking that you know how epilepsy can present itself in different ways and although a migraine is not a seizure it seems like there are a few neurological similarities. obviously just my entirely uneducated observation


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Before I was diagnosed with epilepsy doctors said it was migraine for several years.

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Started with Migraines when I was just 5, now in my 60s and still get them, daughter has them and grandson 7 has now started with them. Cant stand light, noise, or movement. Cant go near theme park rides, or anything that spins around. Have tried "everything" have now been put onto a blood pressure medication Indaral which has lessend them slightly but the best thing so far is a new medication called Maxalt (rizatriptan) melts. If I take is as soon as I have triggers (normal blured vision) it does help. I get the vomiting and feeling like I have been hit by a truck for at least 3 days after the migraine goes.

Hate them as they can hit any time so planning to go somewhere or do something special is very difficult.

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I once read somewhere that people tested the day after a full blown migraine displayed similar symptoms to people suffering from mild concussion! (Then you have to go into work and deal with people who think you've been malingering with a bit of a headache.)

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I once read somewhere that people tested the day after a full blown migraine displayed similar symptoms to people suffering from mild concussion! (Then you have to go into work and deal with people who think you've been malingering with a bit of a headache.)

Gee that is actually really interesting as yes when you think about it that is exactly what it is like, you feel sick, dizzy, the top of my head feels like I have been hit with a frying pan LOL I feel like I am walking around in a fog and all I want to do is go back to lie down in a dark quite place.

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I saw the neurologist yesterday and she says I've to try all 6 triptans and then if they are not effective or the frequency reamins as high as it is currently I've to go on sodium valproate or amitriptyline. so apart from the permanent brain damage prospects it's all good. so interesting though this thread.


Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 4

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The longest migraine I've had is 12 days. I don't have an aura, but I'm photophobic and nauseous and when it's over I feel totally wasted! I took Migril for years, it didn't always work. My triggers are too much alcohol, insomnia, stress, jetlag and sun! Needless to say since I moved to Perth I've had some stonkers!! I went to the GP for a script only to be told Migril wasn't available on the PBS and as it didn't always work I needed a triptan and was prescribed Maxalt. It hasn't worked every time and when I had a jet lag induced one a couple of weeks ago I went to Boots in desperation and asked the pharmacist if I could get anything OTC that would give me some relief, he said no and if triptans didn't work, doctors often prescribed Beta-blockers, usually Propanolol!

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Funnily enough I had a threat of one yesterday - sun shining through venetian blinds while I was working on my laptop... I've noticed since I passed the menopause I don't really get them any more - I get that tunnel vision/sparkly lights feeling coming on, and if I stop whatever I'm doing immediately it doesn't develop. Is it a hormone thing, I wonder, or do they get better when you get old? Small compensation for the poor eyesight and having people treating you like a three year old and calling you sweetheart.

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I saw the neurologist yesterday and she says I've to try all 6 triptans and then if they are not effective or the frequency reamins as high as it is currently I've to go on sodium valproate or amitriptyline. so apart from the permanent brain damage prospects it's all good. so interesting though this thread.


Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk 4


I am due to see another neurologist on the 24th so will report back. After 20 yrs migraines my poor brain......

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Funnily enough I had a threat of one yesterday - sun shining through venetian blinds while I was working on my laptop... I've noticed since I passed the menopause I don't really get them any more - I get that tunnel vision/sparkly lights feeling coming on, and if I stop whatever I'm doing immediately it doesn't develop. Is it a hormone thing, I wonder, or do they get better when you get old? Small compensation for the poor eyesight and having people treating you like a three year old and calling you sweetheart.

I have found they do decrease somewhat after menopause in frequency but not severity and I agree it can be hormone related. The sun activated migraine is a new one for me, this has only started recently, I wear glasses for driving and the worse thing is when I am getting, got , or getting over a migraine the glasses are useless nothing will clear the blurred vision so they effect my ability to drive before and after. During I am just a wipe out cant get off the bed.

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Funnily enough I had a threat of one yesterday - sun shining through venetian blinds while I was working on my laptop... I've noticed since I passed the menopause I don't really get them any more - I get that tunnel vision/sparkly lights feeling coming on, and if I stop whatever I'm doing immediately it doesn't develop. Is it a hormone thing, I wonder, or do they get better when you get old? Small compensation for the poor eyesight and having people treating you like a three year old and calling you sweetheart.



My Mam more or less stopped getting them post menopause! Something to look forward to I suppose.....

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