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Everything posted by Julietta

  1. I don’t see any problems there... We once were living in Germany. As we were about to move to Canada, we packed all our stuff in one huge container and shipped it right ahead. Back then we got an offer from a company a good friend worked for. They provided the container and the transport from our home to harbor or wherever they took him threw. But we of cause needed to close the container ourselves. A few days before they were supposed to pick him up, we realized, that anybody could open the container, because it was closed but not locked! Huge drama, but finally, we organized a container seal. It’s a special locking system. We were told not to use a regular shackle lock. I don’t know why, but this is what they told us. Germans are very accurate at those things. Finally we found container seals on seals-germany.com. Maybe this isn’t necessary for you at all, but this is what these forums are about right? Hopefully you’ll ha a wonderful move with no problems and no delays.
  2. seems nice, haven't been there but nice... except for the flooding some time ago.
  3. One Day they'll all understand. You'll see it's probably the greatest adventure of your life.
  4. Julietta


    My dentist told me, that it could be caused by a malposition of teeth! Actually you don't need to feel pain. It's caused by minor pressure resulting your Migraines. Maybe you can come up with it during your next appointment.
  5. Julietta

    The doggy thread

    Ive never heard of a dog that died during the flight!
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