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confused what to do??


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So ive started this long expensive prosses they call the 189 visa. But im confused about the move? I have been reading that there is no jobs,unemployment is high a ressesion is on the cards and 2014 is looking bleek. On the other hand uk is picking itself up. Am i mad to sell up and move and use savings to fund this. Im a carpenter looking to head to QLD.

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The visa you are talking about is a permanent visa, so you are presumably thinking of migrating.


Migrating is a long term thing, so I would not necessarily base my decision on the latest economic indicators of either country. Both countries will experience economic downturns and we have to ride them out. Of course the precise timing of a move, could be impacted by latest economic environment as we all want the move to be successful, but I would first of all establish do you want to move at all, and then think about timing.

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I imagine it must be a dilemma a lot of folk are in at the moment, really feel for you.


how far along are you with the process? For what it's worth if it was me in this position and I was already quite far down the line with it all and did think that at some point I would like to come to Oz then I would carry on, get the visa, validate it but then maybe sit tight for a bit just to see how it all pans out in Oz and the UK .


The reason for saying this is the cost of a visa is only ever going to go up and you also don't know if they are going to change the entry requirements. So you are eligible for a visa now, but would you be if the goal posts were to change. How would you feel if you withdrew now but in a couple of years time wanted to come but were unable.


Validating the visa would also let you suss out the work situation in QLD for yourself and not hearsay.


Whatever your decision as long as your happy with it, it's the right one for you.

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Thanks for the reply. Yes we (me wife and 2 small children) Are willing to make the move and hope to better our lifes down under. But all the talk of lack of work scares me silly. I have never been out of work in all my 17 years and i worry that i could balls this up.

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Hello. Thankyou for the advise. I have passed my ielts got all my docs sorted and first part of vetasses has been sent off and should have a test date next week. after test i will then send my EOI. As a family we came bk from qld in may after a month long reccy.half the people were saying its slowed down and the other half were saying (quote) theres a ton of work youll do good as a traidie plenty of work. ??

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Hi, I'm currently in the same boat as you. Just a little bit further down the line. I just had my invite to apply for a 189 visa. I was thinking of going to perth because that's where I thought all the work is. After spending the last couple of weeks reading through these forums, it's put serious doubts in my mind whether I'm doing the right thing. I'm an electrician and I know I have to do quite allot of re training when I get out to oz. I would hate to go out there, spend all my savings, not find any work and end up coming back. Does anyone know if the work situation is like this all over oz?

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Hi, I'm currently in the same boat as you. Just a little bit further down the line. I just had my invite to apply for a 189 visa. I was thinking of going to perth because that's where I thought all the work is. After spending the last couple of weeks reading through these forums, it's put serious doubts in my mind whether I'm doing the right thing. I'm an electrician and I know I have to do quite allot of re training when I get out to oz. I would hate to go out there, spend all my savings, not find any work and end up coming back. Does anyone know if the work situation is like this all over oz?


I had a look on http://www.seek.com.au. There were 178 electrician jobs being advertised in Sydney, about 100 in each of Perth and Brisbane, 94 in Melbourne and fewer everywhere else.

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  • 3 months later...
Hello. Thankyou for the advise. I have passed my ielts got all my docs sorted and first part of vetasses has been sent off and should have a test date next week. after test i will then send my EOI. As a family we came bk from qld in may after a month long reccy.half the people were saying its slowed down and the other half were saying (quote) theres a ton of work youll do good as a traidie plenty of work. ??


i would be thinking very hard about migrating at this time due to the reduction in the work areas there shall be very little work about in 2014 in almost every state, we are now seeing the decline in the mining areas & thats had a knock on effect in most states, for work in the electrical field it may be a nightmare for people in the near future & the last thing people want is unemployment after all people just want a better life for the family & to be able to support them.

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I had a look on www.seek.com.au. There were 178 electrician jobs being advertised in Sydney, about 100 in each of Perth and Brisbane, 94 in Melbourne and fewer everywhere else.


I wouldn't base my decision on this though cause if you have to retrain they are more likely to hire someone who already has local skills and experience, my opinion for what its worth don't sell up totally in the uk then at least you have something to return to if for WHATEVER reason you want to.

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I had a look on www.seek.com.au. There were 178 electrician jobs being advertised in Sydney, about 100 in each of Perth and Brisbane, 94 in Melbourne and fewer everywhere else.
Depends on what the OP does, a domestic electrician is different from a commercial electrician, or an Auto Electrician or an HV Electrician, need different tickets for different jobs.
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