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Getting a bit nervous now!


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we are leaving in October for the Gold Coast. Everyone is excited including me but I'm now starting to go through all different emotions excited/nervous/panicked by it all.


I was wondering if everyone else feels like this when it has started to get nearer.





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we are leaving in October for the Gold Coast. Everyone is excited including me but I'm now starting to go through all different emotions excited/nervous/panicked by it all.


I was wondering if everyone else feels like this when it has started to get nearer.






I think it'd be odd if you didn't feel like that. Have you got a list of stuff to do? Or accommodation booked for when you arrive?

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Thanks everyone.


Yes we are all sorted and booked everything . Got a massive list of thing to do but it is all in the last month or so to do now. I will probably be the same the scrumpy.


Wish we could go tomorrow !!!

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Even though it was a few years ago ,i remember it well. The time flew by those last few months, but i was up and down like a Yo Yo, happy one minute then wondering what the heck we were doing ,the next,lol.

To this day i say the hardest part of migrating is saying goodbye to people in those last few weeks, there is no getting around it but its really tough on the heart strings. Just keep focused on why your moving and remember you will only ever be a day away.


Cal x

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Hi Wokos, hi Calngary


We're slightly ahead of you and due to fly to the Gold Coast early September. We're packing up the house at the moment and should be booking flights today... four weeks of goodbyes to go...


The whole emotional side of the move is a kaleidoscope - thank goodness for filtering and denial!


My dominant thought at the moment is "Well, it's too late to change direction now - it's happening whether we like it or not!"


But mostly we like it...


By the way, Cal, apropos our earlier conversation, we have decided to rent for the first 6 months and are tending towards acreage rather than waterfront and thinking of Tallai/ Mudgeeraba as the first focus for looking when we get out...


Good luck all



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Wokos, I could write exactly the same. I have moments when I think of Oz and get a funny feeling in my stomach and cannot wait and then other times, I sit and think oh dear and have moments of sheer fear. We are still telling clients that we are going each time we see them and they always say, "it's brilliant, you must be so excited". I am, but I think the fear is getting the better of me at the moment.


As time ticks by, I am now getting anxious about the goodbyes. I don't get to see my goddaughter very much as she lives in the UK, but I just keep thinking of her little face when I will need to be strong for her and not get too upset when I say goodbye.


I am a bit of a demented giblet at the best of times, but my OH is a real rock and not as emotional and even he is saying he is nervous and apprehensive, so I really do think it is perfectly normal.

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You and your oh sound like me and hubby Candygirl!


i think it is the goodbyes I am anxious about not leaving the uk.


Hawthorne I should start cleaning stuff as the shippers are coming 2 weeks today but having the kids off isn't helping !!! so may have to do made cleaning next week. My thinking is once the belonging are gone there is no turning back (not that we want too)


Thanks for all your comments


wokos xx

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