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Brisbane vs Sydney


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Heey, Im currently waiting on my PMV and looking at moving over to Oz to be with my boyfriend. I recently lived in Perth with him and hated it (no offence Perth) but it just felt so isolated and boring (again no offence Perth).

I have been doing some research and Brisbane and Sydney seem to stand out abit and look like they would be a nice place to move to, but now i cant decide on which one?

I will eventually visit both places before i make the boyfriend move but just wanted to know a bit about the places, anyone else opinion.

Also Im a 26 year old female from the outskirts of London, England if that helps :)

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If you enjoy London and like going out, theatre, clubs etc then I would look at Sydney first. I did most of my WHV there at 21 and absolutely loved it.


Live in Brisbane now and it's fantastic to live with a young family but not sure about whether I would've loved it so much before.

What are your mid-term plans?

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I'm 28 and love living in Brisbane. Plenty of live music and nightlife although if you need something to rival London, Sydney is a better bet! Brisbane rents way more affordable to live central. Brisbane is river city so it takes an hour to get to a good beach. So if you are planning on living on a beach Sydney is better

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hhhmmm all sounds good, thanks. I think i will need to visit them both to make up my mind and also depends on where my boyfriend can transfer but i dont think he will have a problem with either of them places.

I love London but it dont have to be as busy or crazy as London, i just like having stuff to do but i do also enjoy the chilled out aussi lifestyle.

My plans at the moment are not really family related, just plan to have fun with my boyfriend and enjoy life. Family is a option but that is in the future and im not thinking of that any time soon :)

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We moved from Sydney to Brisbane (we live on the Gold Coast but work in Brisbane).


Sydney is a fab city but it is very expensive and pretty busy. I prefer Brisbane overall but they both have amazing plus points, best to visit both before you commit!

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