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HELP BRITISH SPARKY LICENSE ISSUES.... working holiday visa. Sponsorship

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Im 22 and a qualified electrician from the UK. I went to college on a 1 day at college 4 days at work course.. which i started when I was 16 back in september 2007. and got an apprenticeship with a company. I carried on my course and once i finished my apprenticeship 2 weeks later the company I was working for went into liquidation June 2010. So as soon as i found out i spent Hours calling and going round to various companies asking if they had any work. after a lot of hard work i got an interview with a company which i went to and they offered me the job on the spot. and i started the following day after a week I got a brand new work van and phone! i had landed a good one here!


anyway i worked for this company for just over 2 years until 4 days before I came to Australia. i gained alot over the 2 years working in places most electricians would love to work in Harrods, Selfridges, various multi-million pound houses, hospitals all over Essex and London.


carrying on... I got to Australia on my working holiday visa (subclass 417) and travelled for a while then ended up in Brisbane. i started looking for work. and within a week i found a job as a trades assistant just outside of the city. so i started working and have been working for this guy for 8 months now on and off. as well as with another company for the past 4 months on and off. my issue is i can only work for one employer for a maximum of 6months at anyone time. i have done my Rural work and been granted a 2nd year visa.


the Guy i have been working for on and off for 8months has offered to sponsor me if i get my electrical license. so since then i have been looking into it no end! I recently found out about Skills Shortage Solutions in perth and gave them an Email and sent Jason copies of my certificates he said he can get me a licence with my qualifications but i need either 7 years experience from the UK or a Formal completion of apprenticeship certificate. which i don't have either as I started the course myself and then got an apprenticeship afterwards.


and i have only 6 years experience from the UK although i have gained a lot of experience in them 6 years... more than some do in there whole electrical career.


basically i need advice! what can i do to be able to stay in Australia and get my license without having to go back and do another year or so in the UK! then having to apply to come back on a different visa!? i love Australia and and don't want to go back to the UK to live.!!


any help would be great!!

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Have a read through this link, it will answer a lot of your questions. Even if you have done the job years you still have to jump through hoops to get a full licence,,This info is for QLD , be aware one state doesn't always recognise another states licence, so always research carefully for the State your thinking of working in.




Hope this helps a bit

Cal x

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