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Arriving back in the UK - Job seekers, housing and Baby passport help


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Hi, Has anyone gone back to the UK after it not working out and had to claim job seekers, housing benefit etc while looking for jobs? We are going back in 3 weeks as there are no permenant jobs here. We have been here for 18 months. Cant get through to citizens advice and Im seriously stressing about where we are going to live and what we will do for money.


The other question is, we have two teenagers and a baby who was born here. Will there be a problem taking the baby into the UK. We both have British Passports, he will have an Australian one as there is no time to get a British one for him

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear its not worked out for you.


I don't know you'll be able to claim job seekers or housing from the off. You most likely will have to take the HRT as you've been gone longer than a year and were living and working abroad. If you don't, then lucky you, but still not sure if you'll get JS from the off, perhaps only housing.


This link is from Citizens Advice, they will most likely tell you the same if you call them, so go out from the links given.




Click the links off of this one to read more




You should be fine entering the UK with your baby on an Aus PP, but remember this only gives him 6 months in the country as he'll be classed as a tourist iirc. You can apply for a UK one once you arrive, just ensure you have his birth certificate.

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Here is the link to a PDF about claiming Jobseekers




There is also child benefit, its not much these days once you have more than one child, but it is something at least.



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You will have to take the HRT at the job centre, advice re that. You left nothing back in OZ no bank accounts money, homes, investments, clothes ANYTHING, you have move all you belongs back to the uk you have links in the uk and you are not going back to OZ. If you have any questions re the HRT PM me. Good luck


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You will have to take the HRT at the job centre, advice re that. You left nothing back in OZ no bank accounts money, homes, investments, clothes ANYTHING, you have move all you belongs back to the uk you have links in the uk and you are not going back to OZ. If you have any questions re the HRT PM me. Good luck



What is the HRT? Sorry complete ignorance to this term. I am moving over next year and worried if I can't get a job quick enough that I might need job seekers allowance to survive. I was over there in 2011 and went unemployed for 6 months (that's a long time for me) couldn't afford to do it again.

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Hi all,


Just jumping in on this conversation, I was wondering if anybody has taken their child back into the uk on an Australian passport and stayed permanently? Was it straight forward enough to go ahead and get their British passport after you have arrived (obviously before the 6 month visa runs out)


Thanks for any advice

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I know someone close to me who went back two years ago after 20 years away no habitual residency test - is this new or are people just assuming you do it? You will get all benefits straight away - might be means tested though if you don't have enough NI for the first six months - don't stress Emily you will be fine

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Hi all,


Just jumping in on this conversation, I was wondering if anybody has taken their child back into the uk on an Australian passport and stayed permanently? Was it straight forward enough to go ahead and get their British passport after you have arrived (obviously before the 6 month visa runs out)


Thanks for any advice


You will be fine. Just ensure you have the birth certificate and so on and apply for a UK passport in the normal way asap after you arrive back (as it can take a while to get them processed depending on the time of year, don't leave it to late just in case).

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