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stevie ellis

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Guest The Pom Queen

Afaik you can come over now but the rest of the family would need to be here by the expiry date, that is of course if you are the main applicant

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As your visas are validated, everyone has visa on own right doesn't matter who was main applicat. Yes you can go alone, but if their visas expire they would need to apply for RRV to get into Australia. They likely would have better chance getting RRV if you are there already. If they were not able to get RRV, you could go down the partner visa route, but this would be new application and new fees. Only issue with this would be the ages if children if no longer under 18 would have to prove dependency. If dependency could not be shown or denied they would need to qualify for their own visas.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I have before thought about going out a month or two before my family, to find a great rental in a good area, not far from the sea and city and where we would work. I have asked about a career break and it's been granted, so I thought I could secure employment and sort everything else out for when my family came out, but ...... It's not possible at present.

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Two questions


1. Stevie - is Perth ready for you? Do you need to give them some warning just to prepare themselves?


2. Hoff - I have looked at a similar thing. I can take a years career break. But also alas, not quite in a position to do so.

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