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Child Maintenance. Advice needed.


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Hi all.


I paid child maintenance through the Uks CSA while living in the Uk. When I moved, I wrote them a letter (in duplicate) stating that I was no longer in the Uk and as I was moving into temporary accommodation out of the Uk, they could contact me using my email address stated for any additional information they needed. I advised that I would continue paying on time.


I have yet to receive any emails from the CSA. They have now acknowledged my letter by means of a notice of court proceedings for unpaid arrears sent to my parents address. I have paid maintenance to my ex wife ahead of schedule since I moved. The same letter from the CSA mentions that they're aware that I've been paying!


What have/am I being taken to court for??! (I don't know if a court date has been set or has passed). Any suggestions on what I should do from those who've had contact with the CSA?




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The trouble with the CSA is that they base their figures on what you earned in previous years, so if she has requested it it may be that they have do e a reassessment and feel you've not paid enough. This is all guess work though to be honest. I'd say ring them and find out but that's useless in my experience. Do you actually have a name on the letter you can contact? They really are a nightmare to deal with. Good luck.

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The trouble with the CSA is that they base their figures on what you earned in previous years, so if she has requested it it may be that they have do e a reassessment and feel you've not paid enough. This is all guess work though to be honest. I'd say ring them and find out but that's useless in my experience. Do you actually have a name on the letter you can contact? They really are a nightmare to deal with. Good luck.


I haven't seen the letter, so have no idea about a contact name. My mum phoned to tell me about it in panic, wondering why I hadn't paid...


I'll have a beer before I try calling them...or two. I'll have the tramadol waiting for afterwards ?



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You might also want to give the Citizens Advice Bureau a call. My Sister In Law is a lawyer and she now works for them (having been fed up of the corporate world). According to her they have a lot of solicitors working for them, and the advice is free. Google the number and if it is an 0845 number go to http://www.saynoto0870.com and it will give you a landline number to call (which you can do for about a cent a minute via skype), or ultra cheap from various mobile phones.

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