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Yorkshire Get Together

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Hi does any of you yorkshire folk and potential Aussie migrants fancy a bit of a get together basically just so we can bounce ideas, worries and tips from each other. We live in Leeds if anyone fancies getting in touch, we have made the move before and are about to become ping pom poms so really need to get it right this time..... plus will be great to meet potential future friends....



Steven 48 Lisa 38 Georgia 15 & Ethan 3.:chatterbox:

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Hi does any of you yorkshire folk and potential Aussie migrants fancy a bit of a get together basically just so we can bounce ideas, worries and tips from each other. We live in Leeds if anyone fancies getting in touch, we have made the move before and are about to become ping pom poms so really need to get it right this time..... plus will be great to meet potential future friends....



Steven 48 Lisa 38 Georgia 15 & Ethan 3.:chatterbox:


I got excited and then realised you were still in Leeds, I'm from Scarborough, worked for several years in Leeds, now in Sydney.

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Crikey Aymie , Im a neonatal nurse so we also see a side of what social workers have to deal with and sometimes we become involved too which i find to be one of the worst parts of the job ( think its because im a mum too) im presuming the works harder over there for you ....(and i thought the UK was bad). I watch Sydney on the tele all the time ( love bondai rescue). In all honesty i do not know where we are going to, we decided to come back to oz 2010 then received some bad news so we put it on hold, dealt with my illness and started saving to apply to return to Adelaide ( it wasnt Adelaide that made us return, it was me who just wouldnt allow myself to settle, the guilt got the better of me, i came home , had a baby lol and then had my eyes opened wide, i may feel guilt this time but i wont allow it to linger. The problem is Steven quite rightly so says we need to go where we can find jobs, last time he couldnt find work we lived off one wage but saying that it was do able. We seem to be looking a Perth mainly due to the nursing jobs available. But i have friends in Adelaide and I know what im getting myself into there. Its beautiful..... and then there is Melbourne with the opportunities for the kids, I just dont know. One thing at a time though im just sending off my docs for the skills assessment.... then we will see. ( its been lovely to type to you) . Thank you Gumster hope you love Adelaide, hope to see you over there, next year ..

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Sorry to hear you were 'poorly', whatever was wrong sounds like you are in good place right now! Did u work as a neo natal nurse in oz? The problem is I can't actually get a child protection job here as I can't drive ( have epilepsy ) and 99% of jobs require a drivers license, so I'm stuck in a crap job for the last ten months, very tempted to go back to the UK, sooner than later but it's difficult to give up on your dreams. Time will tell.

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Sorry my iPad playing up, wouldn't let me type, you should def head to where u can find work, no money, means can't pay the rent! The UK in hindsight is fab ha...I obviously know UK sw's, many of whom have returned to the UK, and know nurses all of whom are struggling with the differences in the work..presume you will know this from living in oz before.

I have a friend in Adelaide and one in Melbourne, both love each place. Decisions, decision hey!

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Sorry my iPad playing up, wouldn't let me type, you should def head to where u can find work, no money, means can't pay the rent! The UK in hindsight is fab ha...I obviously know UK sw's, many of whom have returned to the UK, and know nurses all of whom are struggling with the differences in the work..presume you will know this from living in oz before.

I have a friend in Adelaide and one in Melbourne, both love each place. Decisions, decision hey!



I did work as a neonatal nurse in Adelaide, again I loved it it was a bit daunting at first and some couldnt talk to me the day England beat Australia in the cricket ( i told them to get over it i didnt even like cricket so didnt care who won) i think because i didnt act a victim and also didnt pretend to know everything i was happy to learn their way of nursing even if it was different to mine I didnt realise until i was leaving how much i had settled in there and would really miss my colleagues it was all banter and nobody meant anything mallicious (have i spelt that right lol). I feel that i have really let myself, my family and especially my husband down for giving up on his dream- he wanted the best for me and the kids and to be honest i may (or may not) have become ill if we had had Ethan in oz (but who knows) my eldest son is returning to oz anyway 2016 with or without us and believe it or not he was the main reason for coming back. I should never have given in to him, im trying to say if its your dream give it a bit longer because if you come back here and change your mind it will cost you (unless you have PR). With first planning to go and then coming back and wanting to go again, we have not settled, had holidays or anything due to saving for the last 7 years and we are knocking on this is definitely the last move for us. ( have you thought about moving state)

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I did work as a neonatal nurse in Adelaide, again I loved it it was a bit daunting at first and some couldnt talk to me the day England beat Australia in the cricket ( i told them to get over it i didnt even like cricket so didnt care who won) i think because i didnt act a victim and also didnt pretend to know everything i was happy to learn their way of nursing even if it was different to mine I didnt realise until i was leaving how much i had settled in there and would really miss my colleagues it was all banter and nobody meant anything mallicious (have i spelt that right lol). I feel that i have really let myself, my family and especially my husband down for giving up on his dream- he wanted the best for me and the kids and to be honest i may (or may not) have become ill if we had had Ethan in oz (but who knows) my eldest son is returning to oz anyway 2016 with or without us and believe it or not he was the main reason for coming back. I should never have given in to him, im trying to say if its your dream give it a bit longer because if you come back here and change your mind it will cost you (unless you have PR). With first planning to go and then coming back and wanting to go again, we have not settled, had holidays or anything due to saving for the last 7 years and we are knocking on this is definitely the last move for us. ( have you thought about moving state)


nice one. Sounds like a woman on a mission! Ha...sounds like if your eldest is coming out it will work perfectly for you. Yeh we have PR, moved 18 months ago...jeez time flies! I cant do child protection for docs etc anywhere, as all require a drivers license! Melb/Sydney I have tried to get work.

You haven't let anybody down, I'm sure you all made the decision to return as a family. Saving for seven years...wow! Definitely a woman on a mission! I remember 13 years ago, doing my whv, saving every penny I could, not buying my fav magazines was a killer ha! But seven years of that...wow..good on ya! One year was enough for me! Ha...

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Ha HA dont get me wrong we saved alright but then you spend it just seems there is no let up from saving. Im sorry to here that you cant do child protection at the moment - is it like here where you can drive after a certain amount of time or will they point blank not let you have a license. or could i be totally wrong and they wont let you you drive here either. I hope you eventually find something as rewarding . good luck

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About 6 months too late .. I was in Leeds (and offering to meet up with would be migrants) after moving back to the UK from Sydney around Chrstmas. Now we've returned from Horsforth to Turramurra after realising this is our home, where our kids have spent most of their growing up. We've done the ping pom thing and learned the hard way that Australia is the place we want to be.

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Hi Michael

I agree, it costs a fortune, it costs time. I think I knew that last time we would be ok returning, this time there is no coming back , nobody in a situation to help us get back anymore, my parents moved to coast along with stevens so we dont see them anyway and they definitely dont have any room to put us up anymore so its all or nothing this time. Even if im unhappy it will be tough but ill get over it, the thing is last time i wasnt convinced i wanted to go, this time im certain so im really looking forward to it. There will definitely be no pingponging for us next time. This is it. sick of saving, sick of no holidays, but it will be worth it. Thanks for the positive advice.

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Me & my girlfriend are originally from Barnsley (via Leeds/York/Harrogate for work purpoes!) and moved out to Sydney in October, so if anyone wants any help or assistance please feel free to give me a shout... It'd be nice to make a few more friends & hear the Yorkshire accent a little bit more too!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I joined this site yesterday as in desperation! very unsettled here...nearly 5 years. so many ups n downs. is good to read others in same situation or those who have moved back home or back to oz.

ive been home 3 times n struggled with moving in the first place.

family now settling better than me... think we came here when kids too old ...and me!

ties to own family n friends harder to do without when that bit older.

lived abroad for 6 years in 20"s. bring family all the way to oz has been extremely difficult.

the distance, the cost and the differences of life in general....education, health system, social life ( non existent ).

glad to be able to identfiy with others and put own thoughts n feelings into perspective!

don't want to make wrong decision coz of my own unsettledness.... trying to remain here for my family now!



I know exactly what you mean - we potentially could end up feeling the same way, I do feel selfish in one way as our daughter doesnt want to go, she does want to be with us, but she 15 and in her first (what she calls) relationship that will last an eternity , if we dont go soonish she wont come, but we also have a 3 year old and compared to the life we can give him here im desparate to return to oz, it has cost me a lot of money to work this out, however it has also given me experience in parenting, my eldest sam wasnt settling, i kept thinking if i dont get him back to the Uk we could ruin everything such as his education, it wasnt until we were due to return that i thought he appeared to settling better than i thought, I think it was because it suited me that he wasnt settling as neither was I, mainly due to guilt (leaving parents) 4 years later he is completing an engineering degree and informs me that he will be going back to oz with or without me. So you see im not going to fall for teenager manipulation again. I dont know how i will feel when we go back out, if we go to Adelaide again, i have friends already, my husband thinks perth would be better for us but then it really is going back to the unknown. I do know that this time we wont be returning so like you if i dont settle i will have to grin and bear it. However i know why things didnt work out last time for me and i am in the process of making sure that they wont be an option ie getting the right visa. Unfortunatley delays are happening already due to the new charges, . I hope you do eventually settle, where abouts are you ....:cool:

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Hi everyone, We are from Skipton, & moved to the Gold Coast in Jan this year. My husband & girls settled so well (age 6 & 3) but I suffered some real down days & was so tempted to return home, its my husbands dream to come here, I left all my friends & family & a job I loved (they have kept it open for me in th hope I return) lol.


Fast forward 6 months, & im doing a lot better, still have down days, but my mum is coming out in sept for 6 weeks to see us all (excited.com) lol. And we are hoping to gp back at some point next year so I can see all my friends lol - and to clarify we have made the right decision x

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Hi everyone, We are from Skipton, & moved to the Gold Coast in Jan this year. My husband & girls settled so well (age 6 & 3) but I suffered some real down days & was so tempted to return home, its my husbands dream to come here, I left all my friends & family & a job I loved (they have kept it open for me in th hope I return) lol.


Fast forward 6 months, & im doing a lot better, still have down days, but my mum is coming out in sept for 6 weeks to see us all (excited.com) lol. And we are hoping to gp back at some point next year so I can see all my friends lol - and to clarify we have made the right decision x


HI , so glad its working out for you, apart from missing family and things go right for you on arrival such as choosing the right house, suburb, job etc then its relatively easy to settle into the warm weather, laid back lifestyle and happy people all around. I cant wait ........................... good on yer ....:cute:

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Hi guys,


Me and the gaffer are from Huddersfild originally, moved to Adelaide when we first got to oz in 2008 then after 18 months went to BrisVegas and now finally settled on the Gold Coast.


We found it very tough for the first couple of years missing family and lack of money but persistence has paid off and now we love it here.


One thing we have noticed is that we have found it difficult to get a close circle of friends like we had in the uk, not sure why, may be folk don't get mi Yorkshire talk?!


Let us know if you have any questions or want any advice or even if you decide to come to the Gold Coaast and you want to catch up.





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I'm from Leeds, only been in Melbourne 4 months. Moved with husband and two sons age 13 and 6.


Still early days for us, not got a huge amount of friends really and do miss folks at home however the kids are doing amazing and seem to have settled. So I will just be happy in the fact that they are happy.


I'm hoping that once I find work this will change.


I didn't think I would feel the need to join a Poms forum, but hey, here I am!


Good luck with everything, you will already know what a massive life event this is as you have done it before.

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Thank a lot Dave it just shows you are true yorkshire folk, you never gave up, unfortunatley for my hubby he had me to force him to give up bless him i let the yorkshire folk down lol but i have seen the error of my ways and hopefully here we go again.. Thank for your words of wisdom , my eldest son wants to live on the Gold Coast so we will pick your brains if he has any questions , thanks again



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