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Hi all



just a few questions really, ive been really thinking about moving to australia recently always been my dream to live there mainly just for the lifestyle i just want to ask a few questions like........



Where would be the best part of australia to live for a young couple 24-25? i myself are a qualified sheet metal worker and also have a lot of experience in sales, my girlfriend is a teacher? what is cost of living compared to uk like? is this a good idea?


I know this all might be a bit of a broad question but i cant get it off my mind?!?


Cheers Terry

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I would start with visas. Have a look at immi.gov.au to see if you qualify fir a visa

Then you need to look at jobs. Have a look at seek.com.au you also need to be aware that there is an over supply of teaching jobs in many subjects at the moment. So I would research this.

The cost of living is high. How high is dependent on where you live at the moment. If you are in the north of England, then it will seem VERY high. If in central London then not as bad.

Is this a good idea? It depends on what you want. You need to consider very carefully what it means to move here. Are you giving up good jobs in the UK? If so, you need to come in the knowledge it is a gamble. There is no certainty you will land a job here.

You need to be clear why you want to do this. It is a very expensive and stressful thing to do. What will you do if one of you loves Oz and one hates it and wants to go back?

You have lot to think about.

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First of all, as already said by VS - look at visa options.

Then, forget where you would like to live, rather look for where you can find work, that is the next biggest key factor behind the visa.

Cost of living wise, I agree with the above, in that it depends where in the UK you are coming from. I came from one of the most expensive areas of the country to live (South), therefore we have actually found ourselves better off here. However others will report much differently, and you often see people on here saying how expensive it is...

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Thanks for the replys :) yeah like i say ive just been non stop thinking about it recently i know to many people doing it and loving it, im from the north of England Newcastle to be precise its a very cheap city to live so i can see how it might be a bit of a shock to the system in australia however i have lived in London for a year and found it fine since wages were higher ive been generally browsing jobs on seek (thanks for the advice btw great site) :) and looking at sales advisor roles and there basic wage starts at $44000 per year how realisitic does this seem? when ive been looking for propertys to rent in queensland and seem to find some decent places for around $1200 pm?


Ive just literally applied for my one year working visa and withing 10 minutes i recieved a phonecall saying it had been accepted:D


Thanks for the replys again and please someone let me know if im living in a dreamland lol

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That is pretty normal wage for a sales advisor. However, you wouldn't be able to stay for good with that job, so you would be better off concentrating on your trade and your other halfs jobs if you want to live here for good.

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That is a pretty low wage when combined with cost of living... that roughly equates to about 17,500 before tax UK wise. Certainly in Brisbane, where I live, I would think that would be a struggle... I guess if you were both earning it wouldn't be so bad.

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My suggestion would be for your girlfriend to try to find work before you set off. Teaching jobs have been tough in Melbourne . More available further out but you guys might want to have more of a city life.

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Seriously, whatever anyone says, if you're interested in a club, pub etc lifestyle you will need either higher wages or for both of you to be working... the advice already given regarding teaching is worth taking on board.


Of course living costs, and what works, is hugely variable and subjective. But crudely speaking, think London prices, and how far 17,000 would go, and you'll be in the ball park. Two people on that wage would be a squeeze, if both of you are earning, then it would be different.

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yeaaa we are both looking at working ive looked at doing my trade out there and the average wage for a sheet metal worker seems to be alot higher more around the 70,000 mark and then my girlfriend would also be looking to work out there as a primary school teacher :)

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