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Heading to Oz for first time.......was excited, now starting to worry.......

Day N Nite

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So the day is finally upon me. I have to enter Australia by 1st of June, 2013, according to my Permanent resident visa and will be arriving in Sydney on May 27th. I could have traveled earlier but i wanted to come home (Guyana, South America) to spend a couple of months with my parents, after completing my Masters in London. I do not have any friends or family in Australia. I have Never traveled to Australia before and i didn't have money to do a reccie so i'm heading right into it and hoping things work out. I've sorted out accommodation and a bank account, but thas about it.


Little Background



  • Single
  • 27 years old male
  • BSc Mechanical Engineering (USA)
  • MSc Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy (UK)
  • about 1 and half years experience as an engineer




I was super excited to travel but now that its about to become a reality I am starting to worry about settling in and finding a job (biggest worry). I can probably sustain myself for about 3 months before i really have to take any job i can find. I have applied to over 50 jobs online and for about 90% of my applications i do not get any response and this is worrying. That coupled with reading other posts on pomsinoz from other engineers still looking for work isn't too promising.


My parents told me to treat it as another vacation and just take in the sights and try to make new friends, while i understand this, in reality i know its not just another vacation because i have to try and make it work (Not too keen on going back to my home country and working). I know that my fears are probably normal at this stage, but it sure doesn't feel normal......................


who knows, maybe in a month's time i maybe be writing again to say how wonderful things worked out for me...........

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It's normal to be nervous when you are about to travel across the world to live somewhere you have never been before. I was terrified when I went back to the UK for the first time a few years ago.


But really, you're 27, single, and will be in Sydney, that's perfect. You will be fine. Jobs will come once you are here, and if you get strapped for work, you can always apply for work outside of engineering. There are jobs for people who want them and aren't too fussy about what they do. But if you only want to work in Engineering, and understandably so, then you need to expect that a job won't necessarily land at your feet.


Listen to your parents, take it easy and see how you go. You have youth on your side and you will be in Australia's most diverse (and expensive) city. Melbournites like myself would argue that in the usual Melbourne vs. Sydney tug of war that has been raging on forever.


But seriously, you'll be fine mate. Especially making friends, you're young, and Sydney has a big night life scene if you are into that. But as for work, you'll probably find it easier to get interviews when you are actually in the country. If you are stretched getting engineering work, it might pay to look at other types of work.


Try and enjoy it. Your folks are right.



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Only natural to feel a bit apprehensive however take your parents' advice and treat it as a vacation while you are applying for jobs. You have nothing to lose by coming as it sounds like you were not working anyway or had a home to give up. As you said you do not want to work in your home country so come and give Oz a go! Good luck - I am sure you will love Sydney.

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Guest TCPtraining

Thats the best bit about Australia! you can treat it like a vacation AND make it work. There are plenty of jobs, it might take a while to get one that utilizes your education but you will be able to live and work and save while you try and carve out a life for yourself!

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I can realize whats going on in your mind. My wife & me got 190 VISA invitation for NSW and further processing in going.

Both of us are Computer Engineers and have 5 years work experience in telecommunication field. And we decided to move OZ asap we get the VISA.

May be it will take hardly 7 months...


But the problem is we have no relatives or friends there..... :-)

Since last 2 years we are dreaming for OZ but now day by day its making us tensed..

Where to go at first after landing OZ airport.... :'-(


How to settle there... How to get a new house and then to get a new job... ha ha ha....


Don't know what is waiting for us....



@Day N Nite... Best of luck... for you :-)

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only advice I can give is dont bother applying for jobs via agencies if not in the country. I too was being ignored and im australian. once I started applying only to companies whp advertised directly I started getting responses interviews and two job offerers. im now packing up my flat with a job to go to in three weeks time. tho I have tickets for french open tennis tomorrow and im very very tempted to grab a flight to paris tonight :)

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Guest Ptp113
I came on vacation here 35 years ago - the longest and best holiday I have ever had!


Wow, I didn't know you'd been here that long. Just goes to show we don't know people here as well as we think we do

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I emmigrated last year and yes its a massive step. Tell yourself its just for a year...and I guarantee you're be telling that story to your Australian grandkids in 40 years time :)


Also, you have a degree and are an engineer, so you will be paid well here. I have a PhD and was struggling to make ends meet in UK, here, although its expensive in sydney, you get paid a lot more, so it all balances out.

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your responses. I am happy to report that I did not have a panic attack like i thought i would, lol. In fact, i do not even miss my family, although this may come a bit later as i am in the honeymoon period. I spent the first couple of days doing the basics, opened bank account, changed my pounds and put it onto the account. I applied for a medicare card and TFN, so i am expecting that in couple of weeks and i also converted my really old (expired 2009) American driving Licence into a NSWs P2 driving licence. So happy i hanged onto it, or else i would have ended up taking a written and practical driving test.

I am too busy walking around and exploring the city to even thing about jobs at this point, although i did apply to about 3 jobs as the closing date was may 31st and i wanted to get them in. I responed to one job posted on gumtree and i spoke with the employer and things are actually looking good for this job, even though it maybe a shorterm contract job. I really don't mind as i just want to get my foot in the door and get that "Local/Australian Experience" that everyone wants.

Sydney is very expensive, and even though i must have read it a thousand times on other posts on pomsinoz, it doesnt really doesn't sink in until you get here. I am paying 350 a week for a 1 bedroom apartment and have to share a bathroom. In my home country this amount would be worth the entire month in an apartment. Besides all of that, i am enjoying myself here

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$350 / week and share bathroom is a bit steep. A one bed appt usually has its own bathroom. Is there more than one of you in there? Which suburb are you living in?


I am staying in Darlinghurst, which is quite close to the CBD. Its like a small apartment complex, 3 stories. Its just temporary accommdations for another 3 wks, so may actually change.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a similar boat. Will be moving in September to Sydney and go from being very excited to very nervous. Plan to follow your parents advise and treat it as a vacation and one hell of an experience worst case scenario. Home will always be there!


How did you find the move in the end?

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