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changing cats diet prior to quarrantine


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Hi Guys hoping someone can give me some advice/thoughts on this,

his royal furriness will be leaving us in a couple of weeks firstly to uk cattery for 2 weeks and then on to do his 30 days in kitty jail but am really worried about him eating as he is mega fussy will only eat one particular brand of food here anything else will just leave in the bowl and gets crazy acting really weird until give in and put him back the regular brand. Common sense says if he has no other source of food would eventually eat whatever is down but mega stresssed he might not and get sick from malnourishment or end up having something extreem on both him and pocket like drip feed - thats probably totally neurotic!

but am wondering what type of food he will be fed in quarrantine and if its dried food whether should try and start to change him over to that now as currently only has canned meat.

also are you allowed to send treats with him or bring them in on visits - he has bit of a dreamies addiction

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Guest The Pom Queen

The quarantine stations usually get one of the large pet food manufactures to sponsor them, it is usually Advance and will be dried food. What is he currently being fed? Do you know you can order cat food in to be delivered to quarantine and they will feed him with that.

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Whenever changing a cats diet do it gradually and they should be ok.


Day 1 and 2 give mix of 75% old food and 25% new food.

Day 3 and 4 give 50/50 mix

Day 5 and 6 give mix of 25% old food 75% new food

​Day 7 100% new food.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Whenever changing a cats diet do it gradually and they should be ok.


Day 1 and 2 give mix of 75% old food and 25% new food.

Day 3 and 4 give 50/50 mix

Day 5 and 6 give mix of 25% old food 75% new food

​Day 7 100% new food.

Yes but quarantine won't mess around like this so its a case of her doing this prior or buying the same food

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My cats are the same, extremely fussy and if they dont like it, wont eat it! I was worried they wouldnt eat when in quarantine but they did just fine. They weigh them weekly and monitor them whilst they are there and although I didnt visit them (I would have just cried the whole time) I called weekly and they advised me of their weight. Both cats lost a little weight during their ordeal (!) and wolfed down their IAMS once they came to their new home but are both fine now.


I suppose they will eat when they are hungry but the stress also plays a part. Try not to worry and as the above posts say, order your furkids fave food to be delivered to the quarantine station or take some with you if you are brave enough to visit and he will be fine. :)

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I emailed the quarantine station in Melbourne a few months ago in regards to supplying different food and finding out what food is given to the cats, this was their reply!


"We feed cats Advance dry food (chicken/ fish flavours). Assuming your cats are on a special diet, then you may supply your own food and we will administer accordingly. You may either source this food from a local vet/ pet supplier and arrange delivery to the quarantine facility within the week prior to expected arrival date."

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I had the same concerns when Ozzy was going to be in quarantine and he was a fussy little blighter before!! In quarantine he didn't eat much the first few days and I think this was out of nervousness. However after a few days he started eating the dry advance food and I got him the same stuff for when he came home, now he eats it and enjoys it and I give him one pouch of whiskers a day split into two meals as a treat. In the UK he would of had 3 a day and not much dry food. So he's doing well so far. The only reason I gave in and gave him wet food again was that when we brought him home he was a it nervous and went back to not eating much!


I think they will eventually eat when they are hungry!

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Hi Guys hoping someone can give me some advice/thoughts on this,

his royal furriness will be leaving us in a couple of weeks firstly to uk cattery for 2 weeks and then on to do his 30 days in kitty jail but am really worried about him eating as he is mega fussy will only eat one particular brand of food here anything else will just leave in the bowl and gets crazy acting really weird until give in and put him back the regular brand. Common sense says if he has no other source of food would eventually eat whatever is down but mega stresssed he might not and get sick from malnourishment or end up having something extreem on both him and pocket like drip feed - thats probably totally neurotic!

but am wondering what type of food he will be fed in quarrantine and if its dried food whether should try and start to change him over to that now as currently only has canned meat.

also are you allowed to send treats with him or bring them in on visits - he has bit of a dreamies addiction


Just send your food in if you are worried. We provided our cats their favourite brands, cats can be fussy eaters can't they?

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Thanks for the replies guys I looked on the Advance website and after consulting the local pet mart brought some Royal Cairns for him as they said this appeared closest match, was shocked at his reaction he appears to love it 4 days and no refusing to eat like when have tried on dry food before. Fingers crossed will switch to quarrantine diet without too much trouble

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