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Partner Visa - will we be OK?


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Hi guys,


Looking for some advice and I'll try keep it brief if I can:




  • My wife was born in OZ to British parents and moved back to UK at age of four where she has lived permanently. Her sister lives in OZ and is Australian citizen and we plan to live with her initially.
  • Now at both 32 years old we are both planning to emigrate to OZ on a partner VISA with her as my sponsor. I'm a pom through and through ;)
  • We have been in a relationship for 13 years and married for four.



Do you think we will be OK if we go ahead and apply or would we better to seek advice from an immigration specialist?


We have done all the paperwork ad are ready to send next week but I am suddenly panicking that our situation may not be cut and dry.


​Any pointers very much appreciated.

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My wife was born in OZ to British parents and moved back to UK at age of four where she has lived permanently. Her sister lives in OZ and is Australian citizen


Hi! Is your wife an Australian citizen? If she is then you won't need a migration agent. You have been together long enough to fulfill the spouse requirements. It will get complicated if your wife does not have Australian citizenship. Save the services of migration agents for if your situation is complicated.


The form drove me bonkers! I started second guessing everything, right down to 'how many people are included in this application'!


Good luck!

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Thanks for your replies!


Yes she is an Austraian citizen. At the last minute I was having a bit of a wobble wondering if our situation was odd. It sounds from your replies like we should be good.


The form is unlike anything else I've ever done - we've definitely lost some sleep over it ;)


We have final push this weekend to pull it all together and put it in an envelope. Nervous and exciting.


​Thanks again for your help.

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Guest hels

Dont worry, my hubby is an aus citizen but moved to the uk when he was 8 years old. By the sounds of it you might get PR as youve been togetaher so long and married for over 4 years, we did all the forms oursleves and it was no drmamas. Yes you do end up reading way to much in to each question though.

the only thing id say is once youve applied, be paitient, these things take time , and mailing your CO asking and asking when itll be done isnt a great idea. I emailed mine the day on 6 months and was replied to that i had my temp visa, then to get my perm they called my husband directly asked him about his travels, he used one passport to go to aus and the uk one to leave ! and then it was all good

dont stress youll be fine, out of all the visas its the easist one to fill in ive seen !

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Just wanted to thank you all for your pointers. We have spent the whole bank holiday weekend finishing off our application and it's all ready to go in an envelope. We just need to get a few docs certified and then we can drop it in the post.


Thank you!

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Congratulations, it sounds all good to me too. We did not bother using an agent either and we sailed through. we had not been together as long as you guys and we are not married to each other either.


Exciting times for you, good luck

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