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Kennel cough in quarantine


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Didn't want to hijack the quarantine thread that's going on at the mo but just read Tulips reply and have to say I totally agree.


i think the dept that deals with these issues are just making it up as they go along.


My two labs arrived in Sydney two weeks ago, they should have been going to Perth, but earlier this year it closed because of brushfires until end of May. What a load of codswallop we haven't had any brushfires for ages. I went to the kennels at the weekend, just for a nose, and their not closed, they have animals in there. So why couldn't our pets go?


My dogs have never been in kennels so I was worried as it was, and then on Sunday we got a call from Sydney to say one of them has developed kennel cough and was being moved to isolation, did we want the vet calling out. Of course we did.


theyve now been given antibiotics, but was just wondering has this happened to your dog. I'm a bit worried cos they are booked on flights to come to Perth in a couple of weeks time and I don't want them to have to stay a minute longer than they have too.

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I don't think it will be a problem, KC usually lasts for at most a week with antibiotics, and if it's a mild strain it won't be contagious after about ten days, though some strains can be contagious for up to three months. Unfortunately this is why I feel the KC vaccine is useless but it's required so we had it done. KC isn't a quarantine issues, just an issue with your dog, so I don't think it will stop your dog leaving quarantine. I would call them though and double check, hopefully all will be well and your dogs will be home with you soon!

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Thanks Tulip. sometimes phoning is easier said than done. Most of the staff who answer are great but there is one, who lets just say her English isn't great and doesn't seem to have a clue what you are asking her (put it this way, she even give me then wrong release date)



And guess who I keep getting on the phone? Have to say the female vet who phoned yesterday was really nice but because it was mobile to mobile it ended up being a bit crackly.


​just want my babies with me especially if there not well

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Guest The Pom Queen

Kennel Cough is very common just like our everyday cold in fact most vets will treat with Benadryl to ease the symptoms instead of using antibiotics, unless your dog is lethargic or is running a temp. Unless it's the latter, it should not stop your pets flying home so please do not worry.

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Having dealt with various Government departments with wildlife related issues I see no reason to think it would be any different when it comes to pets. My findings have been it is mostly the blind leading the blind. I think the fact that they are closing all quarantine stations bar one is indicative of their small minded uninformed thinking.


But why are they closing them, in somewhere the size of Oz? Why have they lied about Byford being closed and using brushfires as a reason. It's friggin autumn going into winter, not a brushfire to be had.


More chance of a brushfire happening in Skeggie Vegas

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Kennel Cough is very common just like our everyday cold in fact most vets will treat with Benadryl to ease the symptoms instead of using antibiotics, unless your dog is lethargic or is running a temp. Unless it's the latter, it should not stop your pets flying home so please do not worry.


Do they really just use household cough medicine? Jeez that set me back 200 bucks lol

lol would have been cheaper for me to fly to Sydney and get my little spoon out.


thanks for the reassurance Kate, I know you know what your talking about and so long as they make their flight to Perth without any delays I will be happy

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Fifi69 sorry to hear one of your labs has gone down with Kennel Cough. My 2 dogs were released from Sydney on Saturday, one was coughing away when I picked him up from the flight from Sydney, I put it down to barking alot in quarantine, my other dog has just started to cough too & your report that there is KC in Sydney has confirmed my suspicions!! I know KC is like the common cold & comes in various strains, but when your dog gets KC after being in quarantine where a KC vaccination was a prerequisite it makes a mockery of the whole practice!!! Mine are not on antibiotics, the first dog is much improved after only 3 days, only coughing occasionally now & the second dog does not have symptoms as severe as the other one did so hopefully it will run its course fairly quickly.

To reassure you, mine had not been in kennels before & seem to have coped, they are happily settled in their new home & its just fantastic to all be together again!!

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Sorry to hear the bad news about kennel cough.


As you know kc vaccines like human flu vaccines are not 100%. kc virus can and does mutate. Its made to help the most dogs it can, its not 100%. KC symptoms can be mild for some dogs, and kill other dogs (the old, young or immune compromised are most affected).


Its bad that your dog got KC in quarantine, but good that it potentially has not spread outside of quarantine. That is why we are wisely lowering the stays to ten days.

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It was in February the Bushfure wasn't It that's only 2 months ago. I've not visited the kennels but I would imagine the domestic kennels and the quarantine kennels would be long way apart for obvious reasons. So it could be entirely possible that only the quarantine side burnt down and hasn't been rebuilt.

Edited by Que Sera, Sera
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Hi Hon, really sorry to hear about your dog and I hope he is better soon :hug:. As if this ordeal is not stressful enough for you guys already.


No one seems to know what is going on with Byford, but someone, somewhere knows something and I just wish that an "official" statement could be released.


Re the kennels there, I would suspect that if there are "general" kennels and there was a bushfire, then it would be easier to move these dogs at short notice, but not so for the quarantine dogs, where would they be moved to if they are in quarantine?

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