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Recently moved to Sydney


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I have read these forums for a while now. I recently moved to Sydney to be with my Australian girlfriend but finding it a lot tougher than I expected. Feeling bored and missing home, my girlfriend works full time and I haven't found a job yet. Just wondering what other people's experiences have been like and how to get through this stage, especially when you don't know anyone bar your partner.

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Hi Paul


Welcome to PIO, sorry you are having a hard time of it at the moment. Maybe put a post in the NSW thread as you may find there are some people also already in Sydney. I know that the Victoria threads and sister site are great for helping out newbies to the area and hopefully you will have something similar in your area.



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Hi Paul,


I moved to Sydney by myself, knowing just a couple of people out here, but not people I particularly wanted to spend alot of time with. I was lucky in that I started work 3 days after landing (sorted a job before I moved) and found the routine helped me settle quickly. When you find work, it'll all start clicking into place for you!!

In the meantime, I found the 'meetup' site really useful. I've been to quite a few things through the site and met some really nice people, some of whom I now consider friends. Have a little look, I'm sure you'll find some events that suit you!


Hope this helps :)

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When you say 'meetup' site, do you mean the one on here or another site? It would be good to do something like that. I really need to meet some new people especially some from back home. I know it should start to get better when I found work and I hope that will be soon, I cant tell you how many jobs I have applied for. I never though it would be this difficult.

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Obviously I don't know your skills or visa status, but I started with TAFE course, got to know people and made contacts that way. I also signed up with many agencies for work. Best ones for me are Manpower and ELP (education). Also have a look around the area u live and see if the shops/pubs/restaurants have any notices up for staff. Altho restaurants and pubs want you to have your RSA (responsible alcohol) certificate which is not expensive and can be a day course.


I can't advise going for jobs on Seek etc unless they are directly with the employer, as usually there aren't 'real' jobs on those sites - in my experience.



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It is def harder when you don't have work, as its so expensive and has a blow on your self esteem if you have nothing to do and only your other half to talk too. I would say join some social clubs, but most importantly I would say, look for a job...I have met some great people through my job. It will get easier I assure you..I'm not saying it will def be 'living the dream' but it does get easier. Keep smiling!

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I have read these forums for a while now. I recently moved to Sydney to be with my Australian girlfriend but finding it a lot tougher than I expected. Feeling bored and missing home, my girlfriend works full time and I haven't found a job yet. Just wondering what other people's experiences have been like and how to get through this stage, especially when you don't know anyone bar your partner.


Sorry to hear you're having a bad time, I think it's probably the lack of work which means you haven't made many new friends or socialized much, but surely having an Australian gf must help? Does she not have any friends she can introduce you to so that you can feel more at home and network a bit?

I know when we were in Sydney a lot of the expats we met were saying similar things, i think the key is to just put yourself out there, go online and look up local groups or events you could go to where you will meet new people.

Have you applied for any jobs? Hope things improve for you soon :)

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Guest Ptp113


I have read these forums for a while now. I recently moved to Sydney to be with my Australian girlfriend but finding it a lot tougher than I expected. Feeling bored and missing home, my girlfriend works full time and I haven't found a job yet. Just wondering what other people's experiences have been like and how to get through this stage, especially when you don't know anyone bar your partner.


Bored in Sydney??

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Sorry to hear you're having a bad time, I think it's probably the lack of work which means you haven't made many new friends or socialized much, but surely having an Australian gf must help? Does she not have any friends she can introduce you to so that you can feel more at home and network a bit?

I know when we were in Sydney a lot of the expats we met were saying similar things, i think the key is to just put yourself out there, go online and look up local groups or events you could go to where you will meet new people.

Have you applied for any jobs? Hope things improve for you soon :)




You would think having an Aussie GF would help, but it doesn't. She didn't grown up in the City, do must people she knows are a few hours away. Anyway, tbh, any of her friends I have met, I have found I really don't fit in with them. Not having work is definitely the biggest problem at the moment, as like you said I haven't been able to get out much, meet new people and make new friends. I have applied for so many jobs, I have really started to wonder what I am doing wrong. Just in the last few days I have applied for around 15 jobs. I know the job situation at the moment, but I never thought it would be this bad.

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You would think having an Aussie GF would help, but it doesn't. She didn't grown up in the City, do must people she knows are a few hours away. Anyway, tbh, any of her friends I have met, I have found I really don't fit in with them. Not having work is definitely the biggest problem at the moment, as like you said I haven't been able to get out much, meet new people and make new friends. I have applied for so many jobs, I have really started to wonder what I am doing wrong. Just in the last few days I have applied for around 15 jobs. I know the job situation at the moment, but I never thought it would be this bad.


Well all you can keep doing is look for work and be persistent, something is bound to come along, at least you are actively looking for work and making the effort. Try keep yourself busy in the mean time, even if it's just going out & about and familiarizing yourself with the city, it's a massive city, lots of places to explore, i found it a bit daunting at first but once you're out & about you will come across new places and meet new people. Even just lurking round Bondi for the afternoon or something you are bound to bump into someone new and get talking. Give it some time, things will improve i'm sure, enjoy the city and don't get too hung up on making new friends...you'll make them in time. Just give yourself a break, and things will get better :)

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Just realised that sounded a bit harsh but it didn't mean to! What i mean is, it's so easy to give yourself a hard time about finding work and making new friends that you can get hung up on worrying about it and actually hold yourself back. Just keep doing what you're doing, get out & about and i'm sure things will work out for you. You have an advantage on some moving to Sydney in the fact you have your missus with you, maybe sign up for an evening class somewhere or make a point of going out when she finishes work to give you both a better chance at making a life for yourselves in Sydney - Goodluck :)

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Guest Ptp113
When you don't know many people, don't have work, so consequently I don't want to spend much money until I start earning, and spend most days around your apartment, then yes I am feeling bored.


Get out and about discovering Sydney, that costs nothing but shoe leather!

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Well all you can keep doing is look for work and be persistent, something is bound to come along, at least you are actively looking for work and making the effort. Try keep yourself busy in the mean time, even if it's just going out & about and familiarizing yourself with the city, it's a massive city, lots of places to explore, i found it a bit daunting at first but once you're out & about you will come across new places and meet new people. Even just lurking round Bondi for the afternoon or something you are bound to bump into someone new and get talking. Give it some time, things will improve i'm sure, enjoy the city and don't get too hung up on making new friends...you'll make them in time. Just give yourself a break, and things will get better :)


No, I do agree with that, its not harsh. I probably keep putting too much pressure on myself, mainly due to the fact that im just not use to not working and going from having a close group of friends to pretty much none. It has had me worried but I know I need to just chill out about it. I feel sorry my girlfriend though, as every weekend we have been doing something just so I can get out for the day, and after a week at work she probably just wants to chill out at home.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I though my job search was getting better, had 3 interviews last week, and then had one job offer. Sounded good until the job I went for pretty much changed from when I applied to when it was offered. Never mind, I have just moved down to Cronulla and I am absolutely loving it. I live less then 5 mins from the beach, and couldn't be happier with where we are now.

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