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What makes a Pom a Br8ter


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I've notice quite a few posts on PIO from poms that seem to have turned there backs on Britain and seem to hate all things to do with the place - including fellow poms.

I'm wondering what could be so bad as to evoke such disdain.

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Guest chris955

For some, like Wendee for instance, it is clearly just to provoke a response which is why most ignore everything he/she posts. For others it is a coping mechanism, I guess some believe the stuff they say but commonsense would have to tell you they would be the minority.There are definitely a few who are very sensitive and defensive about their situation. I like to stir them up a bit and to an extent I conform to their idea of what they imagine I am like, no doubt some on the 'other side' are the same. I love both countries but like to wind up the Godzoners ;)

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Maybe some created a hell hole for themselves in the UK.Up to their eyeballs in debt and so on,then when they move to Australia it "might"give them the chance to start afresh,and instead of disliking their own actions and facing their responsibilities,then go into hate mode of the UK!As they say "You are the creator of your own reality"!Its also how you percieve a place is'nt it?I'm guilty of that myself.When I was first married in Adelaide,all we could afford to buy was an ex council house in a not too nice suburb.I really despised living there.But....there might of been some people there that actually really liked the place!If you come from a rough area of the UK,then moving to the GC would I suppose be like landing in someone's idea of paradise.

Countries are abit like lovers are'nt they?:cute:Lets say you leave your partner.When you move onto to someone else,its probably easier to deal with if you look at your ex's bad points.It helps you move forward!I also think what people post says alot about themselves really.One poster who I can think of continually slags off the UK and "Poms"I actually feel compassion towards this poster because for someone to be THAT negative,wow something really awful must of happened to them I think!

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From my observations I have found that many are trying to escape failed relationships and see Australia as a 'new start'. Others come fom crap backgrounds and anywhere would be better. Some are just looking for the promised land


Most will bring their baggage with them.......attacking their homeland is a way of deflecting the blame and responsibility away from themselves and, of course, offers a brighter future in another place

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It's sad really, and very short sighted! Who knows where life is going to take us? If you slate the place you come from and your fellow countrymen you will look very foolish if you have to go back for whatever reason!

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From my observations I have found that many are trying to escape failed relationships and see Australia as a 'new start'. Others come fom crap backgrounds and anywhere would be better. Some are just looking for the promised land


Most will bring their baggage with them.......attacking their homeland is a way of deflecting the blame and responsibility away from themselves and, of course, offers a brighter future in another place



I think you have summed it up, well, in this post.

I do think it does depend on what someone has come from, and anywhere seems like paradise in comparrison

I disliked alot about the UK, and still do, but coming here to Aus has opened my eyes, and I know Aus is not the "promised land", it has an awful lots of problems, and for me, its not the place I want to be. I dont like it in Aus, and I would sooner be in the UK, warts an all.

But the way some slag off the Uk, is very childish and very sad.

They are in complete denial about Aus, and see no issues here whatsoever.They must live "under rocks", because the problems are very obvious to most of us, but they will deny it point blank.

The hatred they feel towards the UK, and fellow Brits is so agressive.I really wonder what sort of life they had , and why they are so bitter and twisted.

The "Sad pommy B.....d attitude adjuster", has serious issues,and really does need to get a life.That is really not the behaviour of a normal person,the remarks that are made are so agressive and viscious.He/she really does need to get help.

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I think you have summed it up, well, in this post.

I do think it does depend on what someone has come from, and anywhere seems like paradise in comparrison

I disliked alot about the UK, and still do, but coming here to Aus has opened my eyes, and I know Aus is not the "promised land", it has an awful lots of problems, and for me, its not the place I want to be. I dont like it in Aus, and I would sooner be in the UK, warts an all.

But the way some slag off the Uk, is very childish and very sad.

They are in complete denial about Aus, and see no issues here whatsoever.They must live "under rocks", because the problems are very obvious to most of us, but they will deny it point blank.

The hatred they feel towards the UK, and fellow Brits is so agressive.I really wonder what sort of life they had , and why they are so bitter and twisted.

The "Sad pommy B.....d attitude adjuster", has serious issues,and really does need to get a life.That is really not the behaviour of a normal person,the remarks that are made are so agressive and viscious.He/she really does need to get help.


Agreed, he really shouldn't be on this forum at all, he's a disgrace really.

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The more they protest the more unhappy they are I reckon! It's our old friend Cognitive Dissonance - you know you've made a huge mistake but you have to talk yourself into supporting the decision you have made and you do that by exaggerating the positives of what you have now and the negatives of what you have left behind. I can imagine that if I had escaped Bradford and landed in Bondi then it would seem like paradise on a stick but you can only live on sweeties for so long before you get sick! Give 'em 10 years I reckon and the gloss will have worn off - except for the few who have probably never set an adult foot in UK.

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