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securing a sponsored employment visa for partner to follow over as a defacto..need advice!


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Hi Guys,

I have a query regarding my partner securing a sponsored employment visa. we plan to go to Oz. his flight is booked for May and has his working holiday visa already granted from June last year, so he has until this june to use it.. Our plan is for him to get a job that offers sponsorship and for myself and our daughter to follow out at a later date when this has been approved etc. is this possible as this is our only option? sorry this is all new to us and we are trying to find the best possible way as we are not able to do it the other way of paying thousands to get in...any advice would be greatly appreciated. anyone in this position or had any sucess this way?

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Well yes, if he can secure a job with sponsorship then of course he can put you on the application.


The question is just whether he can secure sponsorship, it is not possible to predict that and to be honest even if somebody else has tried the same has not bearing on whether your husband will be successful or not. What does he do as an occupation? Is his occupation on the skilled occupation list? (SOL or CSOL).

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He is a directional driller but also a qualified mechanic..he has been in touch with a few men regarding jobs in directional drilling that seem interested in him and he is to contact them as soon as he is in Perth..Im just wondering how long it would take the sponsorship to be finalised if he was to secure it and then how long for the defacto visa to be granted etc? just dont want him being out there for so long away from us..i know we wont know time scale until it actually happens but just need a little insight to it as im freaking out about it all now lol

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If he can find a sponsor, and is eligable for a visa then he applies for it with you and your child included. As soon as it is granted then you could come out. It could take him months to find someone willing and able to sponsor though. The government have been making lots of noise about making it harder, so just prepare yourself.

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He is a directional driller but also a qualified mechanic..he has been in touch with a few men regarding jobs in directional drilling that seem interested in him and he is to contact them as soon as he is in Perth..Im just wondering how long it would take the sponsorship to be finalised if he was to secure it and then how long for the defacto visa to be granted etc? just dont want him being out there for so long away from us..i know we wont know time scale until it actually happens but just need a little insight to it as im freaking out about it all now lol



You won't be doing a "defacto visa" application. If he finds a sponsor then he applies for an employer sponsored visa and you all go on that visa. How long it takes really depends upon how long it takes him to find a sponsor as much as anything. It just is not possible to predict this.

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Thanks for feedback :o)

Yes hopefully he gets a sponsorship fairly quickly when he gets a job. fingers crossed! thats our only option..trying to stay positive as we want it so bad.


If that was to happen is it as easy as just being put on his visa and then for our daughter and I to go out to him? do we need to provide evidence of being together etc? need to be prepared. should i do police checks and have them also? what other paperwork should i have prepared other than cv.


appreciate this guys...thanks!

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