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Perth or Brisbane?!*


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We have our skilled independent 175visa and now need to decide on Perth or Brisbane! My brother and his wife's family live in Brisbane and we have friends with a family in Perth who have moved back there in the last 18 months. I am a secondary school music teacher and OH has an automotive degree and is currently a workshop/warranty controller for a Volvo dealership. He is open to wider job opportunities if they arise? I am 38, DH is 31 we have a 15 month old and trying for another child. (This is a issue in itself as we are unsure of whether to have a child here or in Oz).We would like to live off his salary initially until we have established the family and then I would work too although a career change for me is also an option. Any idea of salary for him???


The big question is where do we go? We have spent considerable time in both areas travelling along the coast, living in their respective houses and I also visited 2 schools a couple of years ago. It seems silly to be so far away from family but we do like the openness of Perth and access to the coast is something we would like to include in our new lifestyle (doesn't everyone!). Perth housing seems more expensive ( we would rent initially) and we would want a new build preferably. We would like to keep our house in UK until we have settled although not sure if we can financially afford this. QLD is obviously more humid although Perth seems to get hotter - we will need to adapt!


Basically if anyone can offer advice on any of the above we would appreciate it very much :)

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I'd keep your options open and see where the work is. Brisbane is a pleasant enough place, humidity makes the climate awful during summer - winters here are sublime. Perth I believe has a better climate, higher employment levels, lovely beaches, but is probably more expensive. Unless you can afford to live off savings for a long while, get the job sorted first

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Guest Guest26012

Difficult decision? I guess it's down to work really! Perth is hot, but you get used to it. And yes, rentals are expensive at the mo! Wouldn't like to have to make that decision tbh! Good luck!

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Yes, if you'd be happy with either then I would see where the work is better.


Personally I love Brisbane. I had my heart set on Perth (as I lived there for a few months years ago) but now I'm glad I'm in Brisbane as it's not TOO far to other places like Sydney and NZ. Also I just love the lushness about QLD and the weather (most of the time!).

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